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Line 201: RETURN per_people_f%ROWTYPE IS

197: -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
199: FUNCTION get_person_rec(p_effective_date in varchar2
200: ,p_person_id in number)
201: RETURN per_people_f%ROWTYPE IS
203: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
204: -- Fix Bug 1615428:
205: -- In testing WebDB stateful mode, we found that in WF Notification

Line 208: -- the cursor is using the per_people_f view instead of the base table. Changed

204: -- Fix Bug 1615428:
205: -- In testing WebDB stateful mode, we found that in WF Notification
206: -- responsibility, the Business Group Id profile option is never set for the WF
207: -- Notification responsibility. This will cause no record to return because
208: -- the cursor is using the per_people_f view instead of the base table. Changed
209: -- the cursor to use per_all_people_f base table because if a person id is
210: -- passed to this function, the caller should have validation done first to
211: -- make sure if the person is within access or not.
212: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 213: CURSOR csr_pp(p_person_id in per_people_f.person_id%type

209: -- the cursor to use per_all_people_f base table because if a person id is
210: -- passed to this function, the caller should have validation done first to
211: -- make sure if the person is within access or not.
212: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
213: CURSOR csr_pp(p_person_id in per_people_f.person_id%type
214: ,p_legislation_code in varchar2) IS
215: SELECT pp.business_group_id
216: ,decode(p_legislation_code,'JP',pp.per_information18,pp.last_name)
217: last_name

Line 224: FROM per_all_people_f pp -- 02/09/2001 changed from per_people_f

220: ,pp.person_type_id
221: ,pp.email_address
222: ,pp.title
223: ,pp.full_name
224: FROM per_all_people_f pp -- 02/09/2001 changed from per_people_f
225: WHERE pp.person_id = p_person_id;
228: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 232: -- uses per_people_f view instead of per_all_people_f base table. The view

228: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
229: -- Fix Bug 1615428:
230: -- Intead of calling per_per_bus.return_legislation_code to derive the
231: -- legislation_code, we query legislation code here because per_per_bus api
232: -- uses per_people_f view instead of per_all_people_f base table. The view
233: -- will cause no rec found error when accessed from WF Notification
234: -- responsibility. In addition, per_per_bus.return_legislation_code function
235: -- uses two global variables in the package body: g_person_id and
236: -- g_legislation_code which may cause obscure error when running in WebDB

Line 239: -- with a change to the table per_all_people_f instead of per_people_f.

235: -- uses two global variables in the package body: g_person_id and
236: -- g_legislation_code which may cause obscure error when running in WebDB
237: -- stateful mode.
238: -- The following cursor is copied from per_per_bus.return_legislation_code
239: -- with a change to the table per_all_people_f instead of per_people_f.
240: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
241: cursor csr_leg_code is
242: select pbg.legislation_code
243: from per_business_groups pbg

Line 253: l_person_rec per_people_f%ROWTYPE;

249: order by per.effective_start_date;
252: -- l_proc_name varchar2(200) default 'get_person_rec';
253: l_person_rec per_people_f%ROWTYPE;
254: l_legislation_code per_business_groups.legislation_code%type default null;
255: l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || ' get_person_rec';
257: BEGIN

Line 1010: l_person_id per_people_f.person_id%type;

1008: PROCEDURE remove_session_row IS
1010: l_person_id per_people_f.person_id%type;
1011: l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || ' remove_session_row';
1012: BEGIN
1013: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '|| l_proc,5);
1014: delete from fnd_sessions

Line 1040: l_person_id per_people_f.person_id%type;

1036: ,p_icx_update in boolean default true
1037: ,p_icx_commit in boolean default false) IS
1038: --
1039: l_web_username varchar2(80) default null;
1040: l_person_id per_people_f.person_id%type;
1041: l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || ' validate_session';
1042: --
1043: BEGIN
1044: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '|| l_proc,5);

Line 1078: l_person_id per_people_f.person_id%TYPE;

1074: l_web_user_id number;
1075: l_web_username varchar2(80) default null;
1077: l_cookie owa_cookie.cookie;
1078: l_person_id per_people_f.person_id%TYPE;
1079: l_hr_installation_status fnd_product_installations.status%TYPE default null;
1080: l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || ' validate_session';
1082: BEGIN

Line 1285: l_person_id per_people_f.person_id%type;

1281: ,p_resume out nocopy varchar2
1282: ,p_rowid out nocopy varchar2
1283: ,p_creation_date out nocopy varchar2) is
1284: --
1285: l_person_id per_people_f.person_id%type;
1286: l_resume_from_database varchar2(32000);
1287: l_attached_document_id fnd_attached_documents.attached_document_id%TYPE
1288: default null;
1289: l_document_id fnd_documents.document_id%TYPE default null;

Line 1322: -- Changed the p_entity_name to use 'PER_PEOPLE_F' so that the Resume

1318: --
1319: --get resume from database
1320: --
1321: -- Bug #1180110 Fix
1322: -- Changed the p_entity_name to use 'PER_PEOPLE_F' so that the Resume
1323: -- category attachment can be viewed via Forms.
1325: get_attachment
1326: (p_attachment_text => l_resume_from_database

Line 1327: ,p_entity_name => 'PER_PEOPLE_F'

1323: -- category attachment can be viewed via Forms.
1325: get_attachment
1326: (p_attachment_text => l_resume_from_database
1327: ,p_entity_name => 'PER_PEOPLE_F'
1328: ,p_pk1_value => to_char(l_person_id)
1329: ,p_effective_date => sysdate
1330: ,p_attached_document_id => l_attached_document_id
1331: ,p_document_id => l_document_id

Line 2340: ln_person_rec per_people_f%ROWTYPE;

2336: RETURN per_business_groups.business_group_id%TYPE IS
2338: -- Local Variables.
2339: ln_business_group_id per_business_groups.business_group_id%TYPE;
2340: ln_person_rec per_people_f%ROWTYPE;
2341: l_person_id per_people_f.person_id%type;
2342: l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || ' get_business_group_id';
2344: BEGIN

Line 2341: l_person_id per_people_f.person_id%type;

2338: -- Local Variables.
2339: ln_business_group_id per_business_groups.business_group_id%TYPE;
2340: ln_person_rec per_people_f%ROWTYPE;
2341: l_person_id per_people_f.person_id%type;
2342: l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || ' get_business_group_id';
2344: BEGIN
2345: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '|| l_proc,5);

Line 2377: || not visible through the per_people_f view

2373: ||===========================================================================
2374: || PROCEDURE check_business_group
2375: ||===========================================================================
2376: || Description: This procedure display error page if the passed person is
2377: || not visible through the per_people_f view
2378: ||===========================================================================
2379: */
2380: PROCEDURE check_business_group
2381: (p_person_id IN NUMBER) IS

Line 2384: select person_id from per_people_f

2380: PROCEDURE check_business_group
2381: (p_person_id IN NUMBER) IS
2383: cursor check_person is
2384: select person_id from per_people_f
2385: where person_id = p_person_id;
2387: l_person_id NUMBER;
2388: l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || ' check_business_group';