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1 Package ghr_par_shd as
2 /* $Header: ghparrhi.pkh 120.5.12010000.1 2008/07/28 10:35:39 appldev ship $ */
3 --
4 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |                    Global Record Type Specification                      |
6 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 --
8 Type g_rec_type Is Record
9   (
10   pa_request_id                     number(15),
11   pa_notification_id                number(22),
12   noa_family_code                   varchar2(30),
13   routing_group_id                  number(15),
14   proposed_effective_asap_flag      varchar2(9),      -- Increased length
15   academic_discipline               varchar2(30),
16   additional_info_person_id         per_people_f.person_id%type,
17   additional_info_tel_number        varchar2(60),
18   agency_code                       varchar2(30),
19   altered_pa_request_id             number(15),
20   annuitant_indicator               varchar2(30),
21   annuitant_indicator_desc          varchar2(80),
22   appropriation_code1               varchar2(30),
23   appropriation_code2               varchar2(30),
24   approval_date                     date,
25   approving_official_full_name      varchar2(240),
26   approving_official_work_title     varchar2(60),
27   sf50_approval_date		    date,
28   sf50_approving_ofcl_full_name     varchar2(240),
29   sf50_approving_ofcl_work_title    varchar2(60),
30   authorized_by_person_id           per_people_f.person_id%type,
31   authorized_by_title               varchar2(240),
32   award_amount                      number(15,5),
33   award_uom                         varchar2(30),
34   bargaining_unit_status            varchar2(30),
35   citizenship                       varchar2(30),
36   concurrence_date                  date,
37   custom_pay_calc_flag              varchar2(9),
38   duty_station_code                 varchar2(9),
39   duty_station_desc                 varchar2(150),
40   duty_station_id                   number(15),
41   duty_station_location_id          number(15),
42   education_level                   varchar2(30),
43   effective_date                    date,
44   employee_assignment_id            number(15),
45   employee_date_of_birth            date,
46   employee_dept_or_agency           varchar2(80),
47   employee_first_name               varchar2(150),
48   employee_last_name                varchar2(150),
49   employee_middle_names             varchar2(60),
50   employee_national_identifier      varchar2(30),
51   fegli                             varchar2(30),
52   fegli_desc                        varchar2(80),
53   first_action_la_code1             varchar2(30),
54   first_action_la_code2             varchar2(30),
55   first_action_la_desc1             varchar2(240),
56   first_action_la_desc2             varchar2(240),
57   first_noa_cancel_or_correct       varchar2(10),
58   first_noa_code                    varchar2(9),      -- Increased length
59   first_noa_desc                    varchar2(240),
60   first_noa_id                      number(15),
61   first_noa_pa_request_id           number(15),
62   flsa_category                     varchar2(30),
63   forwarding_address_line1          varchar2(240),
64   forwarding_address_line2          varchar2(240),
65   forwarding_address_line3          varchar2(240),
66   forwarding_country                varchar2(60),
67   forwarding_country_short_name     varchar2(80),
68   forwarding_postal_code            varchar2(30),
69   forwarding_region_2               varchar2(120),
70   forwarding_town_or_city           varchar2(30),
71   from_adj_basic_pay                number(15,5),
72   from_agency_code                  varchar2(30),
73   from_agency_desc                  varchar2(80),
74   from_basic_pay                    number(15,5),
75   from_grade_or_level               varchar2(30),
76   from_locality_adj                 number(15,5),
77   from_occ_code                     varchar2(150),
78   from_office_symbol                varchar2(30),
79   from_other_pay_amount             number(15,5),
80   from_pay_basis                    varchar2(30),
81   from_pay_plan                     varchar2(9),  -- Increased length
82   -- FWFA Changes Bug#4444609
83   input_pay_rate_determinant        VARCHAR2(30),
84   from_pay_table_identifier         number(9),
85   -- FWFA Changes
86   from_position_id                  number(15),
87   from_position_org_line1           varchar2(40),
88   from_position_org_line2           varchar2(40),
89   from_position_org_line3           varchar2(40),
90   from_position_org_line4           varchar2(40),
91   from_position_org_line5           varchar2(40),
92   from_position_org_line6           varchar2(40),
93   from_position_number              varchar2(15),
94   from_position_seq_no              number(15),
95   from_position_title               varchar2(240),
96   from_step_or_rate                 varchar2(30),
97   from_total_salary                 number(15,5),
98   functional_class                  varchar2(30),
99   notepad                           varchar2(2000),
100   part_time_hours                   number(11,2),      -- Increased length (generated by Row handler was 9,2 .Had to increase it to 11)
101   pay_rate_determinant              varchar2(30),
102   personnel_office_id               varchar2(30),
103   person_id                       per_people_f.person_id%type,
104   position_occupied                 varchar2(30),
105   proposed_effective_date           date,
106   requested_by_person_id           per_people_f.person_id%type,
107   requested_by_title                varchar2(240),
108   requested_date                    date,
109   requesting_office_remarks_desc    varchar2(2000),
110   requesting_office_remarks_flag    varchar2(9),      -- Increased length
111   request_number                    varchar2(25),
112   resign_and_retire_reason_desc     varchar2(2000),
113   retirement_plan                   varchar2(30),
114   retirement_plan_desc              varchar2(80),
115   second_action_la_code1            varchar2(30),
116   second_action_la_code2            varchar2(30),
117   second_action_la_desc1            varchar2(240),
118   second_action_la_desc2            varchar2(240),
119   second_noa_cancel_or_correct      varchar2(10),
120   second_noa_code                   varchar2(30),
121   second_noa_desc                   varchar2(240),
122   second_noa_id                     number(15),
123   second_noa_pa_request_id          number(15),
124   service_comp_date                 date,
125   status                            varchar2(30),
126   supervisory_status                varchar2(30),
127   tenure                            varchar2(30),
128   to_adj_basic_pay                  number(15,5),
129   to_basic_pay                      number(15,5),
130   to_grade_id                       number(15),
131   to_grade_or_level                 varchar2(30),
132   to_job_id                         number(15),
133   to_locality_adj                   number(15,5),
134   to_occ_code                       varchar2(30),
135   to_office_symbol                  varchar2(30),
136   to_organization_id                number(15),
137   to_other_pay_amount               number(15,5),
138   to_au_overtime                    number(15,2),
139   to_auo_premium_pay_indicator      varchar2(30),
140   to_availability_pay               number(15,2),
141   to_ap_premium_pay_indicator       varchar2(30),
142   to_retention_allowance            number(15,2),
143   to_supervisory_differential       number(15,2),
144   to_staffing_differential          number(15,2),
145   to_pay_basis                      varchar2(30),
146   to_pay_plan                       varchar2(9),  -- Increased pay_plan
147   -- FWFA Changes Bug#4444609
148   to_pay_table_identifier           NUMBER(9),
149   -- FWFA Changes
150   to_position_id                    number(15),
151   to_position_org_line1             varchar2(40),
152   to_position_org_line2             varchar2(40),
153   to_position_org_line3             varchar2(40),
154   to_position_org_line4             varchar2(40),
155   to_position_org_line5             varchar2(40),
156   to_position_org_line6             varchar2(40),
157   to_position_number                varchar2(15),
158   to_position_seq_no                number(15),
159   to_position_title                 varchar2(240),
160   to_step_or_rate                   varchar2(30),
161   to_total_salary                   number(15,5),
162   veterans_preference               varchar2(30),
163   veterans_pref_for_rif             varchar2(30),
164   veterans_status                   varchar2(30),
165   work_schedule                     varchar2(30),
166   work_schedule_desc                varchar2(80),
167   year_degree_attained              number(9),        -- Increased length
168   first_noa_information1            varchar2(240),
169   first_noa_information2            varchar2(150),
170   first_noa_information3            varchar2(150),
171   first_noa_information4            varchar2(150),
172   first_noa_information5            varchar2(150),
173   second_lac1_information1          varchar2(240),
174   second_lac1_information2          varchar2(150),
175   second_lac1_information3          varchar2(150),
176   second_lac1_information4          varchar2(150),
177   second_lac1_information5          varchar2(150),
178   second_lac2_information1          varchar2(240),
179   second_lac2_information2          varchar2(150),
180   second_lac2_information3          varchar2(150),
181   second_lac2_information4          varchar2(150),
182   second_lac2_information5          varchar2(150),
183   second_noa_information1           varchar2(240),
184   second_noa_information2           varchar2(150),
185   second_noa_information3           varchar2(150),
186   second_noa_information4           varchar2(150),
187   second_noa_information5           varchar2(150),
188   first_lac1_information1           varchar2(240),
189   first_lac1_information2           varchar2(150),
190   first_lac1_information3           varchar2(150),
191   first_lac1_information4           varchar2(150),
192   first_lac1_information5           varchar2(150),
193   first_lac2_information1           varchar2(240),
194   first_lac2_information2           varchar2(150),
195   first_lac2_information3           varchar2(150),
196   first_lac2_information4           varchar2(150),
197   first_lac2_information5           varchar2(150),
198   attribute_category                varchar2(30),
199   attribute1                        varchar2(150),
200   attribute2                        varchar2(150),
201   attribute3                        varchar2(150),
202   attribute4                        varchar2(150),
203   attribute5                        varchar2(150),
204   attribute6                        varchar2(150),
205   attribute7                        varchar2(150),
206   attribute8                        varchar2(150),
207   attribute9                        varchar2(150),
208   attribute10                       varchar2(150),
209   attribute11                       varchar2(150),
210   attribute12                       varchar2(150),
211   attribute13                       varchar2(150),
212   attribute14                       varchar2(150),
213   attribute15                       varchar2(150),
214   attribute16                       varchar2(150),
215   attribute17                       varchar2(150),
216   attribute18                       varchar2(150),
217   attribute19                       varchar2(150),
218   attribute20                       varchar2(150),
219   first_noa_canc_pa_request_id      number(15),
220   second_noa_canc_pa_request_id     number(15),
221   to_retention_allow_percentage     number(11,2),
222   to_supervisory_diff_percentage    number(11,2),
223   to_staffing_diff_percentage       number(11,2),
224   award_percentage                  number(11,2),
225   rpa_type                          varchar2(30),
226   mass_action_id                    number(15),
227   mass_action_eligible_flag         varchar2(9),
228   mass_action_select_flag           varchar2(9),
229   mass_action_comments              varchar2(255),
230   -- Bug#   RRR Changes
231   payment_option                    varchar2(30),
232   award_salary                      number(15,5),
233   -- Bug#   RRR Changes
234   object_version_number             number(9)
235   );
236 --
237 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
238 -- |           Global Definitions - Internal Development Use Only             |
239 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
240 --
241 g_old_rec  g_rec_type;                            -- Global record definition
242 --
244 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
245 -- |---------------------------< constraint_error >---------------------------|
246 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
247 -- {Start Of Comments}
248 --
249 -- Description:
250 --   This procedure is called when a constraint has been violated (i.e.
251 --   The exception hr_api.check_integrity_violated,
252 --   hr_api.parent_integrity_violated, hr_api.child_integrity_violated or
253 --   hr_api.unique_integrity_violated has been raised).
254 --   The exceptions can only be raised as follows:
255 --   1) A check constraint can only be violated during an INSERT or UPDATE
256 --      dml operation.
257 --   2) A parent integrity constraint can only be violated during an
258 --      INSERT or UPDATE dml operation.
259 --   3) A child integrity constraint can only be violated during an
260 --      DELETE dml operation.
261 --   4) A unique integrity constraint can only be violated during INSERT or
262 --      UPDATE dml operation.
263 --
264 -- Prerequisites:
265 --   1) Either hr_api.check_integrity_violated,
266 --      hr_api.parent_integrity_violated, hr_api.child_integrity_violated or
267 --      hr_api.unique_integrity_violated has been raised with the subsequent
268 --      stripping of the constraint name from the generated error message
269 --      text.
270 --   2) Standalone validation test which corresponds with a constraint error.
271 --
272 -- In Parameter:
273 --   p_constraint_name is in upper format and is just the constraint name
274 --   (e.g. not prefixed by brackets, schema owner etc).
275 --
276 -- Post Success:
277 --   Development dependant.
278 --
279 -- Post Failure:
280 --   Developement dependant.
281 --
282 -- Developer Implementation Notes:
283 --   For each constraint being checked the hr system package failure message
284 --   has been generated as a template only. These system error messages should
285 --   be modified as required (i.e. change the system failure message to a user
286 --   friendly defined error message).
287 --
288 -- Access Status:
289 --   Internal Development Use Only.
290 --
291 -- {End Of Comments}
292 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
293 Procedure constraint_error
294             (p_constraint_name in all_constraints.constraint_name%TYPE);
295 --
296 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
297 -- |-----------------------------< api_updating >-----------------------------|
298 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
299 -- {Start Of Comments}
300 --
301 -- Description:
302 --   This function is used to populate the g_old_rec record with the
303 --   current row from the database for the specified primary key
304 --   provided that the primary key exists and is valid and does not
305 --   already match the current g_old_rec. The function will always return
306 --   a TRUE value if the g_old_rec is populated with the current row.
307 --   A FALSE value will be returned if all of the primary key arguments
308 --   are null.
309 --
310 -- Prerequisites:
311 --   None.
312 --
313 -- In Parameters:
314 --
315 -- Post Success:
316 --   A value of TRUE will be returned indiciating that the g_old_rec
317 --   is current.
318 --   A value of FALSE will be returned if all of the primary key arguments
319 --   have a null value (this indicates that the row has not be inserted into
320 --   the Schema), and therefore could never have a corresponding row.
321 --
322 -- Post Failure:
323 --   A failure can only occur under two circumstances:
324 --   1) The primary key is invalid (i.e. a row does not exist for the
325 --      specified primary key values).
329 -- Developer Implementation Notes:
326 --   2) If an object_version_number exists but is NOT the same as the current
327 --      g_old_rec value.
328 --
330 --   None.
331 --
332 -- Access Status:
333 --   Internal Development Use Only.
334 --
335 -- {End Of Comments}
336 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
337 Function api_updating
338   (
339   p_pa_request_id                      in number,
340   p_object_version_number              in number
341   )      Return Boolean;
342 --
343 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
344 -- |---------------------------------< lck >----------------------------------|
345 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
346 -- {Start Of Comments}
347 --
348 -- Description:
349 --   The Lck process has two main functions to perform. Firstly, the row to be
350 --   updated or deleted must be locked. The locking of the row will only be
351 --   successful if the row is not currently locked by another user.
352 --   Secondly, during the locking of the row, the row is selected into
353 --   the g_old_rec data structure which enables the current row values from the
354 --   server to be available to the api.
355 --
356 -- Prerequisites:
357 --   When attempting to call the lock the object version number (if defined)
358 --   is mandatory.
359 --
360 -- In Parameters:
361 --   The arguments to the Lck process are the primary key(s) which uniquely
362 --   identify the row and the object version number of row.
363 --
364 -- Post Success:
365 --   On successful completion of the Lck process the row to be updated or
366 --   deleted will be locked and selected into the global data structure
367 --   g_old_rec.
368 --
369 -- Post Failure:
370 --   The Lck process can fail for three reasons:
371 --   1) When attempting to lock the row the row could already be locked by
372 --      another user. This will raise the HR_Api.Object_Locked exception.
373 --   2) The row which is required to be locked doesn't exist in the HR Schema.
374 --      This error is trapped and reported using the message name
375 --      'HR_7220_INVALID_PRIMARY_KEY'.
376 --   3) The row although existing in the HR Schema has a different object
377 --      version number than the object version number specified.
378 --      This error is trapped and reported using the message name
379 --      'HR_7155_OBJECT_INVALID'.
380 --
381 -- Developer Implementation Notes:
382 --   For each primary key and the object version number arguments add a
383 --   call to hr_api.mandatory_arg_error procedure to ensure that these
384 --   argument values are not null.
385 --
386 -- Access Status:
387 --   Internal Development Use Only.
388 --
389 -- {End Of Comments}
390 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
391 Procedure lck
392   (
393   p_pa_request_id                      in number,
394   p_routing_group_id                   in number,
395   p_object_version_number              in number
396   );
397 --
398 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
399 -- |-----------------------------< convert_args >-----------------------------|
400 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
401 -- {Start Of Comments}
402 --
403 -- Description:
404 --   This function is used to turn attribute parameters into the record
405 --   structure parameter g_rec_type.
406 --
407 -- Prerequisites:
408 --   This is a private function and can only be called from the ins or upd
409 --   attribute processes.
410 --
411 -- In Parameters:
412 --
413 -- Post Success:
414 --   A returning record structure will be returned.
415 --
416 -- Post Failure:
417 --   No direct error handling is required within this function. Any possible
418 --   errors within this function will be a PL/SQL value error due to conversion
419 --   of datatypes or data lengths.
420 --
421 -- Developer Implementation Notes:
422 --   None.
423 --
424 -- Access Status:
425 --   Internal Row Handler Use Only.
426 --
427 -- {End Of Comments}
428 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
429 Function convert_args
430 	(
431 	p_pa_request_id                 in number,
432 	p_pa_notification_id            in number,
433 	p_noa_family_code               in varchar2,
434 	p_routing_group_id              in number,
435 	p_proposed_effective_asap_flag  in varchar2,
436 	p_academic_discipline           in varchar2,
437 	p_additional_info_person_id     in number,
438 	p_additional_info_tel_number    in varchar2,
439 	p_agency_code                   in varchar2,
440 	p_altered_pa_request_id         in number,
441 	p_annuitant_indicator           in varchar2,
442 	p_annuitant_indicator_desc      in varchar2,
443 	p_appropriation_code1           in varchar2,
444 	p_appropriation_code2           in varchar2,
445 	p_approval_date                 in date,
446     p_approving_official_full_name  in varchar2,
447 	p_approving_official_work_titl  in varchar2,
448 	p_sf50_approval_date            in date,
449     p_sf50_approving_ofcl_full_nam  in varchar2,
450 	p_sf50_approving_ofcl_work_tit  in varchar2,
451 	p_authorized_by_person_id       in number,
452 	p_authorized_by_title           in varchar2,
453 	p_award_amount                  in number,
457 	p_concurrence_date              in date,
454 	p_award_uom                     in varchar2,
455 	p_bargaining_unit_status        in varchar2,
456 	p_citizenship                   in varchar2,
458     p_custom_pay_calc_flag          in varchar2,
459 	p_duty_station_code             in varchar2,
460 	p_duty_station_desc             in varchar2,
461 	p_duty_station_id               in number,
462 	p_duty_station_location_id      in number,
463 	p_education_level               in varchar2,
464 	p_effective_date                in date,
465 	p_employee_assignment_id        in number,
466 	p_employee_date_of_birth        in date,
467 	p_employee_dept_or_agency       in varchar2,
468 	p_employee_first_name           in varchar2,
469 	p_employee_last_name            in varchar2,
470 	p_employee_middle_names         in varchar2,
471 	p_employee_national_identifier  in varchar2,
472 	p_fegli                         in varchar2,
473 	p_fegli_desc                    in varchar2,
474 	p_first_action_la_code1         in varchar2,
475 	p_first_action_la_code2         in varchar2,
476 	p_first_action_la_desc1         in varchar2,
477 	p_first_action_la_desc2         in varchar2,
478 	p_first_noa_cancel_or_correct   in varchar2,
479 	p_first_noa_code                in varchar2,
480 	p_first_noa_desc                in varchar2,
481 	p_first_noa_id                  in number,
482 	p_first_noa_pa_request_id       in number,
483 	p_flsa_category                 in varchar2,
484 	p_forwarding_address_line1      in varchar2,
485 	p_forwarding_address_line2      in varchar2,
486 	p_forwarding_address_line3      in varchar2,
487 	p_forwarding_country            in varchar2,
488     p_forwarding_country_short_nam  in varchar2,
489 	p_forwarding_postal_code        in varchar2,
490 	p_forwarding_region_2           in varchar2,
491 	p_forwarding_town_or_city       in varchar2,
492 	p_from_adj_basic_pay            in number,
493 	p_from_agency_code              in varchar2,
494 	p_from_agency_desc              in varchar2,
495 	p_from_basic_pay                in number,
496 	p_from_grade_or_level           in varchar2,
497 	p_from_locality_adj             in number,
498 	p_from_occ_code                 in varchar2,
499 	p_from_office_symbol            in varchar2,
500     p_from_other_pay_amount         in number,
501 	p_from_pay_basis                in varchar2,
502 	p_from_pay_plan                 in varchar2,
503     -- FWFA Changes Bug#4444609
504     p_input_pay_rate_determinant      in varchar2,
505     p_from_pay_table_identifier     in number,
506     -- FWFA Changes
507     p_from_position_id              in number,
508       p_from_position_org_line1       in varchar2,
509       p_from_position_org_line2       in varchar2,
510       p_from_position_org_line3       in varchar2,
511       p_from_position_org_line4       in varchar2,
512       p_from_position_org_line5       in varchar2,
513       p_from_position_org_line6       in varchar2,
514 	p_from_position_number          in varchar2,
515 	p_from_position_seq_no          in number,
516 	p_from_position_title           in varchar2,
517 	p_from_step_or_rate             in varchar2,
518 	p_from_total_salary             in number,
519 	p_functional_class              in varchar2,
520 	p_notepad                       in varchar2,
521 	p_part_time_hours               in number,
522 	p_pay_rate_determinant          in varchar2,
523 	p_personnel_office_id           in varchar2,
524 	p_person_id                     in number,
525 	p_position_occupied             in varchar2,
526 	p_proposed_effective_date       in date,
527 	p_requested_by_person_id        in number,
528 	p_requested_by_title            in varchar2,
529 	p_requested_date                in date,
530 	p_requesting_office_remarks_de  in varchar2,
531 	p_requesting_office_remarks_fl  in varchar2,
532 	p_request_number                in varchar2,
533 	p_resign_and_retire_reason_des  in varchar2,
534 	p_retirement_plan               in varchar2,
535 	p_retirement_plan_desc          in varchar2,
536 	p_second_action_la_code1        in varchar2,
537 	p_second_action_la_code2        in varchar2,
538 	p_second_action_la_desc1        in varchar2,
539 	p_second_action_la_desc2        in varchar2,
540 	p_second_noa_cancel_or_correct  in varchar2,
541 	p_second_noa_code               in varchar2,
542 	p_second_noa_desc               in varchar2,
543 	p_second_noa_id                 in number,
544 	p_second_noa_pa_request_id      in number,
545 	p_service_comp_date             in date,
546       p_status                        in varchar2,
547 	p_supervisory_status            in varchar2,
548 	p_tenure                        in varchar2,
549 	p_to_adj_basic_pay              in number,
550 	p_to_basic_pay                  in number,
551 	p_to_grade_id                   in number,
552 	p_to_grade_or_level             in varchar2,
553 	p_to_job_id                     in number,
554 	p_to_locality_adj               in number,
555 	p_to_occ_code                   in varchar2,
556 	p_to_office_symbol              in varchar2,
557 	p_to_organization_id            in number,
558 	p_to_other_pay_amount           in number,
559       p_to_au_overtime                in number,
560       p_to_auo_premium_pay_indicator  in varchar2,
561       p_to_availability_pay           in number,
562       p_to_ap_premium_pay_indicator   in varchar2,
563       p_to_retention_allowance        in number,
564       p_to_supervisory_differential   in number,
565       p_to_staffing_differential      in number,
566 	p_to_pay_basis                  in varchar2,
570     -- FWFA Changes
567 	p_to_pay_plan                   in varchar2,
568     -- FWFA Changes Bug#4444609
569     p_to_pay_table_identifier       in number,
571 	p_to_position_id                in number,
572       p_to_position_org_line1         in varchar2,
573       p_to_position_org_line2         in varchar2,
574       p_to_position_org_line3         in varchar2,
575       p_to_position_org_line4         in varchar2,
576       p_to_position_org_line5         in varchar2,
577       p_to_position_org_line6         in varchar2,
578 	p_to_position_number            in varchar2,
579 	p_to_position_seq_no            in number,
580 	p_to_position_title             in varchar2,
581 	p_to_step_or_rate               in varchar2,
582 	p_to_total_salary               in number,
583 	p_veterans_preference           in varchar2,
584 	p_veterans_pref_for_rif         in varchar2,
585 	p_veterans_status               in varchar2,
586 	p_work_schedule                 in varchar2,
587 	p_work_schedule_desc            in varchar2,
588 	p_year_degree_attained          in number,
589 	p_first_noa_information1        in varchar2,
590 	p_first_noa_information2        in varchar2,
591 	p_first_noa_information3        in varchar2,
592 	p_first_noa_information4        in varchar2,
593 	p_first_noa_information5        in varchar2,
594 	p_second_lac1_information1      in varchar2,
595 	p_second_lac1_information2      in varchar2,
596 	p_second_lac1_information3      in varchar2,
597 	p_second_lac1_information4      in varchar2,
598 	p_second_lac1_information5      in varchar2,
599 	p_second_lac2_information1      in varchar2,
600 	p_second_lac2_information2      in varchar2,
601 	p_second_lac2_information3      in varchar2,
602 	p_second_lac2_information4      in varchar2,
603 	p_second_lac2_information5      in varchar2,
604 	p_second_noa_information1       in varchar2,
605 	p_second_noa_information2       in varchar2,
606 	p_second_noa_information3       in varchar2,
607 	p_second_noa_information4       in varchar2,
608 	p_second_noa_information5       in varchar2,
609 	p_first_lac1_information1       in varchar2,
610 	p_first_lac1_information2       in varchar2,
611 	p_first_lac1_information3       in varchar2,
612 	p_first_lac1_information4       in varchar2,
613 	p_first_lac1_information5       in varchar2,
614 	p_first_lac2_information1       in varchar2,
615 	p_first_lac2_information2       in varchar2,
616 	p_first_lac2_information3       in varchar2,
617 	p_first_lac2_information4       in varchar2,
618 	p_first_lac2_information5       in varchar2,
619 	p_attribute_category            in varchar2,
620 	p_attribute1                    in varchar2,
621 	p_attribute2                    in varchar2,
622 	p_attribute3                    in varchar2,
623 	p_attribute4                    in varchar2,
624 	p_attribute5                    in varchar2,
625 	p_attribute6                    in varchar2,
626 	p_attribute7                    in varchar2,
627 	p_attribute8                    in varchar2,
628 	p_attribute9                    in varchar2,
629 	p_attribute10                   in varchar2,
630 	p_attribute11                   in varchar2,
631 	p_attribute12                   in varchar2,
632 	p_attribute13                   in varchar2,
633 	p_attribute14                   in varchar2,
634 	p_attribute15                   in varchar2,
635 	p_attribute16                   in varchar2,
636 	p_attribute17                   in varchar2,
637 	p_attribute18                   in varchar2,
638 	p_attribute19                   in varchar2,
639 	p_attribute20                   in varchar2,
640         p_first_noa_canc_pa_request_id  in number  ,
641         p_second_noa_canc_pa_request_i  in number  ,
642         p_to_retention_allow_percentag  in number  ,
643         p_to_supervisory_diff_percenta  in number  ,
644         p_to_staffing_diff_percentage   in number  ,
645         p_award_percentage              in number  ,
646         p_rpa_type                      in varchar2,
647         p_mass_action_id                in number  ,
648         p_mass_action_eligible_flag     in varchar2,
649         p_mass_action_select_flag       in varchar2,
650         p_mass_action_comments          in varchar2,
651 	-- Bug#    RRR Changes
652 	p_payment_option                in varchar2,
653 	p_award_salary                  in number,
654 	-- Bug#    RRR Changes
655 	p_object_version_number         in number
656       )
657 	Return g_rec_type;
658 --
659 end ghr_par_shd;