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APPS.PO_COPYDOC_S4 dependencies on IC_ITEM_MST

Line 54: l_ic_item_mst_rec IC_ITEM_MST%ROWTYPE;

50: -- start of 1548597
51: l_secondary_qty po_lines.secondary_quantity%type := NULL;
52: l_item_number VARCHAR2(240);
53: l_process_org VARCHAR2(1);
54: l_ic_item_mst_rec IC_ITEM_MST%ROWTYPE;
55: l_ic_item_cpg_rec IC_ITEM_CPG%ROWTYPE;
56: l_order_opm_um ic_item_mst.item_um%type := NULL;
57: -- end of 1548597

Line 56: l_order_opm_um ic_item_mst.item_um%type := NULL;

52: l_item_number VARCHAR2(240);
53: l_process_org VARCHAR2(1);
54: l_ic_item_mst_rec IC_ITEM_MST%ROWTYPE;
55: l_ic_item_cpg_rec IC_ITEM_CPG%ROWTYPE;
56: l_order_opm_um ic_item_mst.item_um%type := NULL;
57: -- end of 1548597
59: -- Bug: 2473335
60: l_line_type_id number:= null;