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Line 378: it is being set to NULL and passed on to the jai_rcv_tax_pkg.default_taxes_onto_line procedure.

375: 13. 16/06/2004 SSUMAITH - bug# 3683666 File version 115.1
377: if the attribute_category is a null value and attribute2 is a not null value
378: it is being set to NULL and passed on to the jai_rcv_tax_pkg.default_taxes_onto_line procedure.
380: If the value is not one of the India Localization standard ones, then we entering the
381: values in a JAI_CMN_ERRORS_T and are returing the control.

Line 413: - Makes a call to jai_rcv_tax_pkg.default_taxes_onto_line incase of 'RECEIVE', 'UNORDERED', 'MATCH', 'RETURN TO VENDOR' transactions only

409: 18 03/01/2005 Vijay Shankar for Bug# 3940588, Version:115.6
410: Following are the changes done as part of RECEIPTS DEPLUG
411: - Submits a request for "India - Receiving Transaction Processor" for DELIVER, RTR, RTV, Any CORRECTs, RECEIVE
412: Transations that are not Created without Navigating from Localization Receipts Screen
413: - Makes a call to jai_rcv_tax_pkg.default_taxes_onto_line incase of 'RECEIVE', 'UNORDERED', 'MATCH', 'RETURN TO VENDOR' transactions only
414: - a new parameter v_chk_form is added in call to jai_rcv_tax_pkg.default_taxes_onto_line based on which request for JAINRVCTP is submitted
415: incase of RECEIVE transaction
416: - Commented the call to ja_in_set_rvc_process_flags as it is redundant with RECEIPTS DEPLUG from Old Code
417: - Updates flags of JAI_RCV_LINES with X value. updates transaction_id to MATCH transaction_id in case of

Line 414: - a new parameter v_chk_form is added in call to jai_rcv_tax_pkg.default_taxes_onto_line based on which request for JAINRVCTP is submitted

410: Following are the changes done as part of RECEIPTS DEPLUG
411: - Submits a request for "India - Receiving Transaction Processor" for DELIVER, RTR, RTV, Any CORRECTs, RECEIVE
412: Transations that are not Created without Navigating from Localization Receipts Screen
413: - Makes a call to jai_rcv_tax_pkg.default_taxes_onto_line incase of 'RECEIVE', 'UNORDERED', 'MATCH', 'RETURN TO VENDOR' transactions only
414: - a new parameter v_chk_form is added in call to jai_rcv_tax_pkg.default_taxes_onto_line based on which request for JAINRVCTP is submitted
415: incase of RECEIVE transaction
416: - Commented the call to ja_in_set_rvc_process_flags as it is redundant with RECEIPTS DEPLUG from Old Code
417: - Updates flags of JAI_RCV_LINES with X value. updates transaction_id to MATCH transaction_id in case of
418: UNORDERED transaction

Line 428: Revoked the call to jai_cmn_hook_pkg as it is replaced with Orgn. Addl. info setup usage in jai_rcv_tax_pkg.default_taxes_onto_line call

425: * This is a dependancy for Future Versions of the trigger *
427: 20 22/02/2005 Vijay Shankar for Bug# 4199929, Version:115.8
428: Revoked the call to jai_cmn_hook_pkg as it is replaced with Orgn. Addl. info setup usage in jai_rcv_tax_pkg.default_taxes_onto_line call
430: * This is a dependancy for Future Versions of the trigger *
432: 21 19/03/2005 Vijay Shankar for Bug#4250236(4245089). FileVersion: 115.9

Line 787: jai_rcv_tax_pkg.default_taxes_onto_line(

783: if pr_new.transaction_type IN ('RECEIVE', 'UNORDERED', 'MATCH',
784: 'RETURN TO VENDOR') -- RTV is added in the list just for validation checking in the calling procedure
785: then
787: jai_rcv_tax_pkg.default_taxes_onto_line(
788: pr_new.transaction_id,
789: pr_new.parent_transaction_id,
790: pr_new.shipment_header_id,
791: pr_new.shipment_line_id,

Line 886: -- following condition added by Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588. this piece of condition is copied from jai_rcv_tax_pkg.default_taxes_onto_line procedure

882: OR ( pr_new.transaction_type IN ('RETURN TO RECEIVING', 'RETURN TO VENDOR'
883: , 'DELIVER')
884: -- OR (pr_new.transaction_type = 'DELIVER' AND (lv_tax_modified_flag='N' OR pr_new.routing_header_id <> 3)) -- Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588
885: )
886: -- following condition added by Vijay Shankar for Bug#3940588. this piece of condition is copied from jai_rcv_tax_pkg.default_taxes_onto_line procedure
887: -- OR ( v_chk_form IS NULL AND pr_new.transaction_type IN ('RECEIVE', 'ASBN') )
888: -- following added by Vijay Shankar for Bug#4159557 by commenting the above chk
889: OR ( v_chk_form IS NULL AND pr_new.transaction_type IN ('ASBN') )
890: --OR ( pr_new.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE' AND nvl(lv_tax_modified_flag, 'N') <> 'Y' )