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Line 453: -- adjustment in fa_transaction_headers or fa_adjustments.

450: if (FA_POLISH_PVT.calling_mode = 'ADJUSTMENT') then
451: -- If we are currently doing an adjustment, no rows for the adjustment
452: -- will be been added yet, so there will not exist rows for the
453: -- adjustment in fa_transaction_headers or fa_adjustments.
454: l_transaction_type_code := 'ADJUSTMENT';
456: else

Line 463: -- we may have multiple transactions to select from fa_adjustments

459: -- specifically, adjustments and partial retirements, which would affect
460: -- the rate and deprn basis. We want to get the most recent transaction.
462: -- Fix for Bug #3629991. Added transaction_header_id to select b/c
463: -- we may have multiple transactions to select from fa_adjustments
464: -- later.
465: begin
466: select transaction_type_code,
467: transaction_header_id

Line 1262: from fa_adjustments_mrc_v

1258: select adjustment_amount,
1259: debit_credit_flag
1260: into x_adjustment_amount,
1261: l_debit_credit_flag
1262: from fa_adjustments_mrc_v
1263: where book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1264: and asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1265: and transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
1266: and source_type_code = 'ADJUSTMENT'

Line 1274: from fa_adjustments

1270: select adjustment_amount,
1271: debit_credit_flag
1272: into x_adjustment_amount,
1273: l_debit_credit_flag
1274: from fa_adjustments
1275: where book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1276: and asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1277: and transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
1278: and source_type_code = 'ADJUSTMENT'

Line 1574: from fa_adjustments_mrc_v

1570: select adjustment_amount,
1571: debit_credit_flag
1572: into x_retirement_amount,
1573: l_debit_credit_flag
1574: from fa_adjustments_mrc_v
1575: where book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1576: and asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1577: and transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
1578: and source_type_code = 'RETIREMENT'

Line 1596: from fa_adjustments

1592: select adjustment_amount,
1593: debit_credit_flag
1594: into x_retirement_amount,
1595: l_debit_credit_flag
1596: from fa_adjustments
1597: where book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1598: and asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1599: and transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
1600: and source_type_code = 'RETIREMENT'