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Line 1106: l_n_fnd_user_id fnd_user.user_id%TYPE;

1102: l_v_message_name fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE :=NULL;
1103: l_n_offset_days igs_fi_hold_plan.offset_days%TYPE :=0;
1104: l_n_student_plan_id igs_fi_pp_std_attrs.student_plan_id%TYPE;
1105: l_d_last_inst_due_date igs_fi_pp_instlmnts.due_date%TYPE;
1106: l_n_fnd_user_id fnd_user.user_id%TYPE;
1107: l_v_person_number hz_parties.party_number%TYPE;
1108: l_v_person_name hz_person_profiles.person_name%TYPE;

Line 1210: l_n_fnd_user_id := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;

1206: retcode := 2;
1207: RETURN;
1208: --1
1209: ELSE
1210: l_n_fnd_user_id := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
1211: g_n_resp_id := FND_GLOBAL.RESP_ID;
1212: --derive the attributes - Authorising_Person_Id
1213: igs_pe_gen_001.get_hold_auth(l_n_fnd_user_id,
1214: g_n_person_id,

Line 1213: igs_pe_gen_001.get_hold_auth(l_n_fnd_user_id,

1209: ELSE
1210: l_n_fnd_user_id := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
1211: g_n_resp_id := FND_GLOBAL.RESP_ID;
1212: --derive the attributes - Authorising_Person_Id
1213: igs_pe_gen_001.get_hold_auth(l_n_fnd_user_id,
1214: g_n_person_id,
1215: l_v_person_number,
1216: l_v_person_name,
1217: l_v_msg_name);

Line 2096: -- Part of Auto Release of Holds build - Passed null to resp_id and fnd_user_id, 'X' to override_resp

2092: END IF;
2093: --11
2095: -- Call procedure to validate if person logged in as user has authority to release the hold
2096: -- Part of Auto Release of Holds build - Passed null to resp_id and fnd_user_id, 'X' to override_resp
2097: -- Validation for Staff should not happen for releasing holds
2098: BEGIN
2099: igs_pe_gen_001.release_hold( p_resp_id => NULL,
2100: p_fnd_user_id => NULL,

Line 2100: p_fnd_user_id => NULL,

2096: -- Part of Auto Release of Holds build - Passed null to resp_id and fnd_user_id, 'X' to override_resp
2097: -- Validation for Staff should not happen for releasing holds
2098: BEGIN
2099: igs_pe_gen_001.release_hold( p_resp_id => NULL,
2100: p_fnd_user_id => NULL,
2101: p_person_id => l_hold_type_rec.person_id,
2102: p_encumbrance_type => l_hold_type_rec.encumbrance_type,
2103: p_start_dt => l_hold_type_rec.start_dt,
2104: p_expiry_dt => TRUNC(SYSDATE),