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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 27

     select peev.screen_entry_value     processing_type
     from   pay_element_entries_f       pee
           ,pay_element_entry_values_f  peev
           ,pay_input_values_f          piv
      where pee.element_entry_id     =  p_element_entry_id
        and peev.element_entry_id    =  pee.element_entry_id
        and piv.name                 = 'Processing Type'
        and piv.input_value_id       =  peev.input_value_id
        and g_effective_date between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
        and pee.effective_start_date = peev.effective_start_date
        and pee.effective_end_date   = peev.effective_end_date
        order by pee.effective_start_date desc;
Line: 55

     select peev.screen_entry_value    obligation_release
     from   pay_element_entries_f      pee
           ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
           ,pay_input_values_f         piv
      where pee.element_entry_id     = p_element_entry_id
        and peev.element_entry_id    = pee.element_entry_id
        and piv.name                 ='Obligation Release'
        and piv.input_value_id       = peev.input_value_id
        and g_effective_date between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
        and pee.effective_start_date = peev.effective_start_date
        and pee.effective_end_date   = peev.effective_end_date
        order by peev.effective_start_date desc;
Line: 101

      Select pee.element_entry_id
        from pay_element_types_f        pet
            ,pay_input_values_f         piv
            ,pay_element_entries_f      pee
            ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
	    ,pay_element_links_f        pel
       where piv.input_value_id       = peev.input_value_id
        and pet.element_type_id       = piv.element_type_id
        and piv.name                  = 'Attachment Seq No'
        and pet.element_name          = 'Wage Garnishments'
        and pet.legislation_code      = 'KR'
        and pee.entry_type            = 'E'
	and pel.element_type_id       = pet.element_type_id
        and pee.assignment_id         = p_assignment_id
	and pel.element_link_id       = pee.element_link_id
        and peev.screen_entry_value   = p_attachment_seq_no
        and pee.element_entry_id      = peev.element_entry_id
        and peev.effective_start_date = pee.effective_start_date
        and peev.effective_end_date   = pee.effective_end_date
        order by pee.element_entry_id, pee.effective_start_date ;
Line: 145

      select peev.screen_entry_value
        from pay_element_entries_f      pee
            ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
            ,pay_input_values_f         piv
            ,pay_element_types_f        pet
            ,pay_element_links_f        pel
       where pee.element_entry_id     = p_element_entry_id
         and peev.element_entry_id    = pee.element_entry_id
         and peev.input_value_id      = piv.input_value_id
         and piv.name                 ='Attachment Seq No'
         and pet.element_type_id      = piv.element_type_id
         and pet.element_name         ='Wage Garnishments'
         and pet.legislation_code     ='KR'
         and pel.element_link_id      = pee.element_link_id
         and pel.element_type_id      = pet.element_type_id
         and g_effective_date between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date
         and g_effective_date between pel.effective_start_date and pel.effective_end_date
	 and pee.effective_start_date = peev.effective_start_date
	 and pee.effective_end_date   = peev.effective_end_date
	 order by peev.effective_start_date desc;
Line: 186

     Select peev1.screen_entry_value     attachment_seq_no
     from   pay_element_entries_f        pee
           ,pay_element_entry_values_f   peev
           ,pay_element_entries_f        pee1
           ,pay_input_values_f           piv
           ,pay_element_types_f          pet
           ,pay_element_entry_values_f   peev1
           ,pay_input_values_f           piv1
      where pee.element_entry_id      =  p_element_entry_id
        and peev.screen_entry_value   =  pee.entry_information21
        and piv.input_value_id        =  peev.input_value_id
        and piv.name                  =  'Case Number'
        and piv.legislation_code      =  'KR'
        and pet.element_type_id       =  piv.element_type_id
        and pet.element_name          =  'Wage Garnishments'
        and pet.legislation_code      =  'KR'
        and pee1.element_entry_id     =  peev.element_entry_id
        and pee1.entry_type           =  'E'
        and peev1.element_entry_id    =  pee1.element_entry_id
        and piv1.input_value_id       =  peev1.input_value_id
        and piv1.name                 =  'Attachment Seq No'
        and piv1.legislation_code     =  'KR'
        and pee.assignment_id         =  pee1.assignment_id
        and piv.element_type_id       =  piv1.element_type_id
        and pee1.effective_start_date = peev.effective_start_date
        and pee1.effective_end_date   = peev.effective_end_date
        and pee1.effective_start_date = peev1.effective_start_date
        and pee1.effective_end_date   = peev1.effective_end_date
        and g_effective_date between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date
        and g_effective_date between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
        and g_effective_date between piv1.effective_start_date and piv1.effective_end_date
        order by peev1.effective_start_date desc ;
Line: 234

      select distinct pee.element_entry_id
       from  pay_element_entries_f      pee
            ,pay_element_types_f        pet
	    ,pay_element_links_f        pel
     where pee.assignment_id       = p_assignment_id
       and pet.element_name        = 'Wage Garnishments'
       and pet.legislation_code    = 'KR'
       and pee.entry_type          = 'E'
       and pel.element_link_id     = pee.element_link_id
       and pel.element_type_id     = pet.element_type_id
       and p_date between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date
       and p_date between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date
       and p_date between pel.effective_start_date and pel.effective_end_date;
Line: 282

	SELECT pdb.defined_balance_id
        from pay_balance_types          pbt
            ,pay_balance_dimensions     pbd
            ,pay_defined_balances       pdb
         where pbt.balance_name         ='WG Deductions'
         and pbt.legislation_code     ='KR'
         and pbd.database_item_suffix = p_dim_name
         and pbd.legislation_code     ='KR'
         and pdb.balance_type_id      = pbt.balance_type_id
         and pdb.balance_dimension_id = pbd.balance_dimension_id
         and pdb.legislation_code     ='KR';
Line: 352

	SELECT pdb.defined_balance_id
        from pay_balance_types          pbt
            ,pay_balance_dimensions     pbd
            ,pay_defined_balances       pdb
        where pbt.balance_name         ='WG Paid Interest'
         and pbt.legislation_code     ='KR'
         and pbd.database_item_suffix = p_dim_name
         and pbd.legislation_code     ='KR'
         and pdb.balance_type_id      = pbt.balance_type_id
         and pdb.balance_dimension_id = pbd.balance_dimension_id
         and pdb.legislation_code     ='KR';
Line: 422

     select max(pac.action_sequence)
      from pay_payroll_actions     ppa
          ,pay_assignment_actions  pac
     where ppa.payroll_action_id = pac.payroll_action_id
       and pac.assignment_id     = p_assignment_id
       and ppa.effective_date   <= p_date
       and ppa.action_type      in ('B','R','Q')
       and pac.action_status     = 'C'
       and ppa.action_status     = 'C'
       and decode(ppa.action_type,'B',0, decode(pac.source_action_id,null,-1,0)) = 0;
Line: 436

	    pay_assignment_actions pac
	    pac.assignment_id         =  p_assignment_id
	    and pac.action_sequence   =  p_action_sequence
            and pac.action_status     = 'C';
Line: 490

      Select  sum(prrv.result_value)
        from  pay_run_result_values prrv
             ,pay_input_values_f    piv
             ,pay_run_results       prr
       where  prr.source_id            = p_element_entry_id
         and  prr.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
         and  prr.run_result_id        = prrv.run_result_id
         and  prrv.input_value_id      = piv.input_value_id
         and  piv.name                 = 'Pay Value'
         and  piv.legislation_code     = 'KR'
         and  g_effective_date between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
	 and  prr.element_type_id in   (Select element_type_id
	                                  from pay_element_types_f pet
	                                 where element_name in ('Wage Garnishments', 'WG Redistributed Amount')
					   and legislation_code = 'KR'
					   and g_effective_date between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date
Line: 554

       select sum(nvl(peev.screen_entry_value, 0)) attachment_base
         from pay_element_entries_f       pee
             ,pay_element_entry_values_f  peev
             ,pay_input_values_f          piv
             ,pay_element_types_f         pet
             ,pay_element_links_f         pel
        where pee.element_entry_id    = p_element_entry_id
          and pee.entry_type          = 'E'
          and peev.element_entry_id   = pee.element_entry_id
          and piv.input_value_id      = peev.input_value_id
          and pet.element_type_id     = piv.element_type_id
          and piv.name               in ('Principal Base', 'Court Fee Base', 'Interest Base')
          and pet.element_name        ='Wage Garnishments'
          and pet.legislation_code    = 'KR'
          and pel.element_link_id     = pee.element_link_id
          and pel.element_type_id     = pet.element_type_id
          and p_date between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date
          and p_date between peev.effective_start_date and peev.effective_end_date
          and p_date between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
          and p_date between pel.effective_start_date and pel.effective_end_date;
Line: 707

      Select  prrv.result_value
        from  pay_run_result_values prrv
             ,pay_input_values_f    piv
             ,pay_run_results       prr
	     ,pay_element_types_f pet
       where  prr.source_id            = p_element_entry_id
         and  prr.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
         and  prr.run_result_id        = prrv.run_result_id
         and  prrv.input_value_id      = piv.input_value_id
         and  piv.name                 = 'Interest This Period'
         and  piv.legislation_code     = 'KR'
	 and  prr.element_type_id      =  pet.element_type_id
	 and  pet.element_name         = 'WG Results'
	 and  pet.legislation_code     = 'KR'
         and  g_effective_date between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
	 and  g_effective_date between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date;
Line: 794

      Select ses.effective_date
      from   fnd_sessions ses
      Where  ses.session_id = userenv('sessionid');
Line: 799

      Select sysdate
      from   dual;