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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 118

procedure insert_row(name  in varchar2,
                     value in varchar2) as
    P_COUNT := P_COUNT+1;
Line: 143

   select count(*)
     into cnt
     from fnd_concurrent_requests
    where phase_code  = 'C';
Line: 148

   insert_row('Concurrent Requests', to_char(cnt));
Line: 153

   select count(*)
     into cnt
     from fnd_concurrent_processes
    where process_status_code not in ('A', 'C', 'T', 'M');
Line: 158

    insert_row('Concurrent Processes', to_char(cnt));
Line: 163

   select count(*)
     into cnt
     from fnd_crm_history
    where work_start < sysdate -1 ;
Line: 168

    insert_row('Conflict Resolution History', to_char(cnt));
Line: 173

   select count(*)
     into cnt
     from fnd_tm_events
    where event_type in (1,2,3,4) and timestamp < sysdate -1 ;
Line: 178

    insert_row('Transaction Management Events', to_char(cnt));
Line: 183

   select count(*)
     into cnt
     from fnd_temp_files
    WHERE TYPE <> 'R'
      AND session_id NOT in (SELECT SID FROM v$session);
Line: 189

    insert_row('Temporary Files', to_char(cnt));