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Line 655: smadathi 21-Feb-2002 Bug 2747329. Cursor select cur_pers was modified to replace table igs_pe_persid_group reference to

651: smadathi 25-AUG-2003 Enh. Bug 3045007. Added business logic to check if the Person for which the Refunds is being processed
652: is on an Active Payment Plan
653: pathipat 24-Apr-2003 Enh 2831569 - Commercial Receivables build
654: Added check for manage_accounts - call to chk_manage_account()
655: smadathi 21-Feb-2002 Bug 2747329. Cursor select cur_pers was modified to replace table igs_pe_persid_group reference to
656: igs_pe_all_persid_group_v. Added validation for refund_cr_gl_ccid.
657: agairola 23-Dec-02 Bug 2718029: Modified the code in Process_batch to remove the app_exception
658: .raise_exception for parameter validation and replaced it by setting retcode=2
659: and RETURN

Line 685: CURSOR cur_pers(cp_person_id_grp igs_pe_persid_group.group_id%TYPE) IS

681: FROM igs_fi_parties_v pe
682: WHERE pe.person_id = cp_party_id;
684: -- Cursor for validating the Person Id Group
685: CURSOR cur_pers(cp_person_id_grp igs_pe_persid_group.group_id%TYPE) IS
686: SELECT group_cd
687: FROM igs_pe_all_persid_group_v
688: WHERE group_id=cp_person_id_grp
689: AND closed_ind <> g_ind_yes;

Line 845: lv_group_type igs_pe_persid_group_v.group_type%TYPE;

841: v_tab_party_rec tab_party_rec ;
843: l_n_act_plan_id igs_fi_pp_std_attrs.student_plan_id%TYPE;
844: l_v_act_plan_name igs_fi_pp_templates.payment_plan_name%TYPE;
845: lv_group_type igs_pe_persid_group_v.group_type%TYPE;
847: BEGIN
848: igs_ge_gen_003.set_org_id(g_null);