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Line 532: from ar_lookups

528: where hou.organization_id = arp_recon_rep.var_tname.g_reporting_entity_id;
529: ELSE
530: select meaning
531: into l_organization
532: from ar_lookups
533: where lookup_code ='ALL' and lookup_type ='ALL';
534: END IF;
536: /* Build the WHERE clauses */

Line 640: from ar_lookups

637: IF p_posting_status IS NOT NULL THEN
638: select meaning
639: into l_status_meaning
640: from ar_lookups
641: where lookup_type = 'POSTED_STATUS'
642: and lookup_code = arp_recon_rep.var_tname.g_posting_status;
644: l_posting_status_where := 'and nvl(adj.gl_posted_date,TO_DATE(''01/01/0001'',''MM/DD/YYYY'')) =

Line 687: ar_lookups look,

683: ar_receivables_trx_all rec,
684: '||arp_recon_rep.var_tname.l_ra_customer_trx_all||' trx,
685: '||arp_recon_rep.var_tname.l_ar_adjustments_all||' adj,
686: '||arp_recon_rep.var_tname.l_ar_distributions_all||' ard,
687: ar_lookups look,
688: ar_lookups l_cat
689: where trx.complete_flag = ''Y''
690: and cust.cust_account_id = trx.bill_to_customer_id
691: and cust.party_id = party.party_id

Line 688: ar_lookups l_cat

684: '||arp_recon_rep.var_tname.l_ra_customer_trx_all||' trx,
685: '||arp_recon_rep.var_tname.l_ar_adjustments_all||' adj,
686: '||arp_recon_rep.var_tname.l_ar_distributions_all||' ard,
687: ar_lookups look,
688: ar_lookups l_cat
689: where trx.complete_flag = ''Y''
690: and cust.cust_account_id = trx.bill_to_customer_id
691: and cust.party_id = party.party_id
692: and trx.set_of_books_id = arp_recon_rep.get_set_of_books_id()

Line 1041: from ar_lookups

1037: where hou.organization_id = arp_recon_rep.var_tname.g_reporting_entity_id;
1038: ELSE
1039: select meaning
1040: into l_organization
1041: from ar_lookups
1042: where lookup_code ='ALL' and lookup_type ='ALL';
1043: END IF;
1045: /* Build the WHERE clauses */

Line 1164: from ar_lookups

1161: IF p_posting_status IS NOT NULL THEN
1162: select meaning
1163: into l_status_meaning
1164: from ar_lookups
1165: where lookup_type = 'POSTED_STATUS'
1166: and lookup_code = arp_recon_rep.var_tname.g_posting_status;
1168: l_posting_status_where := 'and nvl(ra.gl_posted_date,TO_DATE(''01/01/0001'',''MM/DD/YYYY'')) =

Line 1219: ar_lookups l_cat

1215: ar_batch_sources_all bs,
1216: '||arp_recon_rep.var_tname.l_ar_receivable_apps_all||' ra,
1217: '||arp_recon_rep.var_tname.l_ar_payment_schedules_all||' ps,
1218: '||arp_recon_rep.var_tname.l_ar_distributions_all||' ard,
1219: ar_lookups l_cat
1220: where nvl(ra.confirmed_flag,''Y'') = ''Y''
1221: and ra.status in (''UNAPP'',''ACC'',''UNID'',''OTHER ACC'')
1222: and ps.cash_receipt_id = ra.cash_receipt_id
1223: and ps.class = ''PMT''

Line 1286: ar_lookups l_cat

1282: '||arp_recon_rep.var_tname.l_ar_batches_all||' bat,
1283: ar_batch_sources_all bs,
1284: '||arp_recon_rep.var_tname.l_ar_payment_schedules_all||' ps,
1285: '||arp_recon_rep.var_tname.l_ar_distributions_all||' ard,
1286: ar_lookups l_cat
1287: where ard.source_type = ''UNAPP''
1288: and ps.cash_receipt_id = ard.cash_receipt_id
1289: and ps.class = ''PMT''
1290: '||l_gl_date_closed_where||'

Line 1634: from ar_lookups

1630: where hou.organization_id = arp_recon_rep.var_tname.g_reporting_entity_id;
1631: ELSE
1632: select meaning
1633: into l_organization
1634: from ar_lookups
1635: where lookup_code ='ALL' and lookup_type ='ALL';
1636: END IF;

Line 1754: from ar_lookups

1750: IF p_posting_status IS NOT NULL THEN
1752: select meaning
1753: into l_status_meaning
1754: from ar_lookups
1755: where lookup_type = 'POSTED_STATUS'
1756: and lookup_code = arp_recon_rep.var_tname.g_posting_status;
1758: l_posting_status_where := 'and nvl(ra.gl_posted_date,TO_DATE(''01/01/0001'',''MM/DD/YYYY'')) =

Line 1801: ar_lookups l_cat

1797: ar_batch_sources_all bs,
1798: '||arp_recon_rep.var_tname.l_ar_receivable_apps_all||' ra,
1799: '||arp_recon_rep.var_tname.l_ar_payment_schedules_all||' ps,
1800: '||arp_recon_rep.var_tname.l_ar_distributions_all||' ard,
1801: ar_lookups l_cat
1802: where nvl(ra.confirmed_flag,''Y'') = ''Y''
1803: and ra.status = ''APP''
1804: and cr.cash_receipt_id = ra.cash_receipt_id
1805: and nvl(cr.confirmed_flag,''Y'') = ''Y''

Line 2132: from ar_lookups

2128: where hou.organization_id = arp_recon_rep.var_tname.g_reporting_entity_id;
2129: ELSE
2130: select meaning
2131: into l_organization
2132: from ar_lookups
2133: where lookup_code ='ALL' and lookup_type ='ALL';
2134: END IF;
2136: /* Build the WHERE clauses */

Line 2240: from ar_lookups

2237: IF p_posting_status IS NOT NULL THEN
2238: select meaning
2239: into l_status_meaning
2240: from ar_lookups
2241: where lookup_type = 'POSTED_STATUS'
2242: and lookup_code = arp_recon_rep.var_tname.g_posting_status;
2244: l_posting_status_where := 'and nvl(ra.gl_posted_date,TO_DATE(''01/01/0001'',''MM/DD/YYYY'')) =

Line 2285: ar_lookups l_cat

2281: '||arp_recon_rep.var_tname.l_ar_payment_schedules_all||' ps1 ,
2282: gl_code_combinations gc,
2283: hz_cust_accounts cust,
2284: hz_parties party,
2285: ar_lookups l_cat
2286: where nvl(ra.confirmed_flag,''Y'') = ''Y''
2287: and ra.application_type = ''CM''
2288: and ra.status = ''APP''
2289: and ard.source_table = ''RA''

Line 2554: from ar_lookups

2551: /* Get the org name */
2552: select meaning
2553: into l_organization
2554: from ar_lookups
2555: where lookup_code ='ALL' and lookup_type ='ALL';
2557: /* Build the other WHERE clauses */
2558: IF p_co_seg_low IS NULL AND p_co_seg_high IS NULL THEN