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1 PACKAGE inv_cost_group_update AS
2 /* $Header: INVCGUPS.pls 120.1.12010000.1 2008/07/24 01:27:28 appldev ship $ */
3 PROCEDURE proc_get_costgroup(p_organization_id       IN  NUMBER,
4 			     p_inventory_item_id     IN  NUMBER,
5 			     p_subinventory_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
6 			     p_locator_id            IN  NUMBER,
7 			     p_revision              IN  VARCHAR2,
8 			     p_lot_number            IN  VARCHAR2,
9 			     p_serial_number         IN  VARCHAR2,
10 			     p_containerized_flag    IN  NUMBER,
11 			     p_lpn_id                IN  NUMBER,
12 			     p_transaction_action_id IN  NUMBER,
13 			     x_cost_group_id         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
14 			     x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
16 PROCEDURE  cost_group_update
17            (p_transaction_rec            IN   mtl_material_transactions_temp%ROWTYPE,
18             p_fob_point                  IN   mtl_interorg_parameters.fob_point%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
19 	    p_transfer_wms_org           IN   BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
20 	    p_tfr_primary_cost_method    IN   NUMBER,
21 	    p_tfr_org_cost_group_id      IN   NUMBER,
22 	    p_from_project_id            IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
23 	    p_to_project_id              IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
24 	    x_return_status              OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
25             x_msg_count                  OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER,
26             x_msg_data                   OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
28 -- Gets the current cost group for the material given parameters
29 -- First checks the mtl_onhand_quantities for onhand inventory and then the
30 -- mtl_material_transactions_temp for any pending transactions. If no
31 -- entries are found there then it checks if negative onhand balances are
32 -- allowed. If negative balances are allowed then it assigns the default
33 -- cost group of the subinventory or the organization.
35 --Bug 4632519
36 --This procedure is opened up only for Pick Load Page to verify commingling
37 --Do not use for other purpose
38 PROCEDURE proc_determine_costgroup(p_organization_id       IN  NUMBER,
39 				   p_inventory_item_id     IN  NUMBER,
40 				   p_subinventory_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
41 				   p_locator_id            IN  NUMBER,
42 				   p_revision              IN  VARCHAR2,
43 				   p_lot_number            IN  VARCHAR2,
44 				   p_serial_number         IN  VARCHAR2,
45 				   p_containerized_flag    IN  NUMBER,
46 				   p_lpn_id                IN  NUMBER,
47 				   p_transaction_action_id IN  NUMBER,
48 				   p_is_backflush_txn      IN  BOOLEAN,
49 				   x_cost_group_id         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
50 				   x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
51 END inv_cost_group_update;