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Line 1426: wms_engine_pvt.g_business_object_id := l_object_id;

1422: 'The strategy search function found a valid strategy. ' ||
1423: 'Strategy : '|| l_strategy_id);
1424: End if;
1425: -- Calls to populate globals used by Simulation form
1426: wms_engine_pvt.g_business_object_id := l_object_id;
1427: IF p_type_code = 1 THEN
1428: wms_search_order_globals_pvt.g_putaway_business_object_id := l_object_id;
1429: wms_search_order_globals_pvt.g_putaway_strategy_id := l_strategy_id;
1430: wms_search_order_globals_pvt.g_putaway_pk1_value:= l_pk1_value;

Line 1618: l_mo_quantity := WMS_Engine_PVT.g_mo_quantity;

1614: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1615: log_statement(l_api_name, 'Entering get_max_tolerance', '-------------------');
1616: END IF;
1617: l_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1618: l_mo_quantity := WMS_Engine_PVT.g_mo_quantity;
1620: -- l_other_alloc is sum of allocation for all MO except current MO, with same p_trx_source_line_id
1621: SELECT NVL(SUM(transaction_quantity), 0)
1622: INTO l_other_alloc

Line 1747: -- WMS_Engine_PVT.Create_Suggestions only !

1743: -- Initial version 1.0
1744: -- Notes : calls API's of Wms_re_common_pvt, WMS_Rule_PVT
1745: -- and INV_Quantity_Tree_PVT
1746: -- This API must be called internally by
1747: -- WMS_Engine_PVT.Create_Suggestions only !
1748: -- End of comments
1750: procedure Apply (
1751: p_api_version in number

Line 2135: ELSIF p_type_code = 2 AND WMS_Engine_PVT.g_move_order_type = 3 and l_wms_enabled_flag = 'Y' THEN

2131: END IF;
2132: END IF;
2133: WMS_RULE_PVT.g_max_tolerance := l_max_tolerance;
2134: WMS_RULE_PVT.g_min_tolerance := l_min_tolerance;
2135: ELSIF p_type_code = 2 AND WMS_Engine_PVT.g_move_order_type = 3 and l_wms_enabled_flag = 'Y' THEN
2136: -- Though with constant tolerance over allocation will occur, but WMS_RULE_PVT.g_over_allocation = 'N'
2137: -- will show that get_max-tolerance was not called,which will decide EXIT condition in the loop in Rules API
2138: IF l_over_allocation_mode = 3 THEN
2139: WMS_RULE_PVT.g_max_tolerance := (l_tolerance_value * WMS_Engine_PVT.g_mo_quantity)/100;

Line 2139: WMS_RULE_PVT.g_max_tolerance := (l_tolerance_value * WMS_Engine_PVT.g_mo_quantity)/100;

2135: ELSIF p_type_code = 2 AND WMS_Engine_PVT.g_move_order_type = 3 and l_wms_enabled_flag = 'Y' THEN
2136: -- Though with constant tolerance over allocation will occur, but WMS_RULE_PVT.g_over_allocation = 'N'
2137: -- will show that get_max-tolerance was not called,which will decide EXIT condition in the loop in Rules API
2138: IF l_over_allocation_mode = 3 THEN
2139: WMS_RULE_PVT.g_max_tolerance := (l_tolerance_value * WMS_Engine_PVT.g_mo_quantity)/100;
2140: WMS_RULE_PVT.g_over_allocation := 'N';
2142: ELSIF l_over_allocation_mode = 2 THEN
2143: get_max_tolerance(

Line 2304: (WMS_ENGINE_PVT.g_Is_xdock AND p_type_code = 1 ) -- [ Skip Rules for Xdocking

2301: --Added for bug3237702
2302: IF (is_pickrelease AND p_type_code = 1 AND l_req_locator_id IS NOT NULL) OR
2303: ( p_type_code = 1 AND l_wms_enabled_flag = 'N' ) OR -- [ Skiping putaway rules for INV Org ]
2304: (WMS_ENGINE_PVT.g_Is_xdock AND p_type_code = 1 ) -- [ Skip Rules for Xdocking
2305: THEN
2306: IF l_debug = 1 THEN
2307: log_event(l_api_name, 'APPLY()', 'applydefloc ');
2308: If l_wms_installed THEN