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Line 37: 70.1 01-JUN-93 Tmathers Changed updates to Per_people_f.

34: Version Date Author ER/CR No. Description of Change
35: -------+---------+----------+---------+--------------------------
36: 70.0 23-MAY-93 Tmathers Date Created
37: 70.1 01-JUN-93 Tmathers Changed updates to Per_people_f.
38: 70.4 18-OCT-93 TMathers Changed updates to per_people_f to
39: 80.1 update all rows for a person rather than
40: those affected by start and end dates.
41: 70.5 21-DEC-93 PShergill Improved speed of check_for_entries

Line 38: 70.4 18-OCT-93 TMathers Changed updates to per_people_f to

34: Version Date Author ER/CR No. Description of Change
35: -------+---------+----------+---------+--------------------------
36: 70.0 23-MAY-93 Tmathers Date Created
37: 70.1 01-JUN-93 Tmathers Changed updates to Per_people_f.
38: 70.4 18-OCT-93 TMathers Changed updates to per_people_f to
39: 80.1 update all rows for a person rather than
40: those affected by start and end dates.
41: 70.5 21-DEC-93 PShergill Improved speed of check_for_entries
42: 70.6 18-FEB-94 TMathers Fixed BUG B385.

Line 160: from per_people_f pa

156: where pa.person_id = p_person_id
157: for update of person_id;
158: cursor per is
159: select 'person'
160: from per_people_f pa
161: where pa.person_id = p_person_id
162: for update of person_id;
163: begin
164: hr_utility.set_location('hr_date_chk.lock_row',1);

Line 355: from per_people_f

351: select '1'
352: into l_temp
353: from sys.dual
354: where exists ( select person_id
355: from per_people_f
356: where person_id = l_supervisor_id
357: and current_employee_flag = 'Y'
358: and p_start_date between
359: effective_start_date and effective_end_date

Line 474: from per_people_f p

470: select 1
471: into v_dummy
472: from sys.dual
473: where exists (select 1
474: from per_people_f p
475: where p.effective_start_date between p_earlier_date
476: and p_later_date
477: and p.effective_start_date <> p_start_date
478: and p.person_id = p_person_id

Line 719: from per_people_f peo

715: from per_applications a2
716: where a2.person_id = a.person_id
717: and a2.date_received < p_start_date)
718: and not exists(select 1 --bug#2947287
719: from per_people_f peo
720: where peo.person_id = p_person_id
721: and peo.person_id = a.person_id
722: and peo.effective_start_date = p_s_start_date
723: and peo.current_applicant_flag = 'Y');

Line 754: from per_people_f

751: --
752: cursor csr_get_bg is
753: select business_group_id
754: from per_people_f
755: where person_id = p_person_id
756: and rownum < 2;
757: --
758: cursor abv is

Line 958: from per_people_f peo

954: set a1.date_end = p_start_date - 1
955: where a1.application_id = l_application_id
956: /* Fix for Bug 673066 */
957: and not exists (select 1
958: from per_people_f peo
959: where peo.person_id = p_person_id
960: and a1.person_id = peo.person_id
961: and peo.effective_start_date = p_s_start_date
962: and peo.current_applicant_flag = 'Y');

Line 978: update per_people_f p

974: end;
975: end if;
976: --
977: hr_utility.set_location('hr_date_chk.update_hire_records',30);
978: update per_people_f p
979: set p.start_date =decode(p.start_date,p_s_start_date, p_start_date,
980: p.start_date),
981: p.effective_start_date =decode(p.effective_start_date,
982: p_s_start_date, p_start_date, p.effective_start_date),

Line 1102: update per_people_f p

1098: hr_utility.raise_error;
1099: end if;
1100: hr_utility.set_location('hr_date_chk.update_appl_records',3);
1101: --
1102: update per_people_f p
1103: set p.start_date =decode(p.start_date,p_s_start_date, p_start_date,
1104: p.start_date),
1105: p.effective_start_date =decode(p.effective_start_date,
1106: p_s_start_date, p_start_date, p.effective_start_date),