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Line 664: FROM fnd_lookup_values

660: , camptab.source_code_id AS campaign_source_code -- Validating if the campaign id is valid and numeric
661: --Perf:removed inner select and made outer join
662: , DECODE ( DECODE(pat.attribute16,'I',sites1.enable_traffic_filter,sites2.enable_traffic_filter)
663: , 'Y', NVL ( ( SELECT tag
664: FROM fnd_lookup_values
665: WHERE lookup_type = 'IBW_IP_ADDRESS'
666: AND view_application_id = 666
667: AND security_group_id = 0
668: AND lookup_code = meaning

Line 1041: FROM fnd_lookup_values

1037: )
1038: ) AS evnt_id
1039: , DECODE ( DECODE(pat.attribute16,'I',sites1.enable_traffic_filter,sites2.enable_traffic_filter)
1040: , 'Y', NVL ( ( SELECT tag
1041: FROM fnd_lookup_values
1042: WHERE lookup_type = 'IBW_IP_ADDRESS'
1043: AND ROWNUM=1
1044: AND pat.clientip LIKE
1045: REPLACE ( tag

Line 2272: ,fnd_lookup_values lookup

2268: ,l_program_app_id program_application_id
2269: ,l_request_id request_id
2270: FROM ibw_context_interface_b cont
2271: ,fnd_languages lang
2272: ,fnd_lookup_values lookup
2273: WHERE cont.context_instance_value = -999
2274: and lookup.lookup_type = 'IBW_BUSINESS_CONTEXT'
2275: and lookup.lookup_code = 'NONE'
2276: and lookup.LANGUAGE = lang.LANGUAGE_CODE