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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 39

     select bl.po_header_id,b.vendor_id,bl.po_line_id,bl.price_break_lookup_code
        ,bl.unit_price,bl.min_release_amount bl_min,bl.expiration_date
        ,b.min_release_amount b_min,b.amount_limit , b.global_agreement_flag
        ,0 line_qty,0 line_all_qty, gl.currency_code bl_func_cur_code, b.rate bl_rate
   from po_lines_all bl
       ,po_headers_all b
       ,financials_system_params_all fsp
       ,gl_sets_of_books gl
  where bl.item_id = p_item_id
    and bl.price_break_lookup_code is not null
    and bl.unit_meas_lookup_code = p_unit_meas_lookup_code
    and b.org_id = fsp.org_id
    and fsp.set_of_books_id = gl.set_of_books_id
    and ((b.org_id = p_ship_to_ou_id and nvl(b.global_agreement_flag, 'N') = 'N')
          or (b.global_agreement_flag = 'Y' and exists
                (select 'enabled'
                  from po_ga_org_assignments pgoa
                  where pgoa.po_header_id = b.po_header_id
                  and  pgoa.enabled_flag = 'Y'
                  and  ((pgoa.purchasing_org_id in
                           (select tfh.start_org_id
                            from mtl_procuring_txn_flow_hdrs_v tfh,
                                 financials_system_params_all fsp1,
                                 financials_system_params_all fsp2
                            where p_creation_date between nvl(tfh.start_date, p_creation_date) and nvl(tfh.end_date, p_creation_date)
                                  and fsp1.org_id = tfh.start_org_id
                                  and fsp1.purch_encumbrance_flag = 'N'
                                  and fsp2.org_id = tfh.end_org_id
                                  and fsp2.purch_encumbrance_flag = 'N'
                                  and tfh.end_org_id = p_ship_to_ou_id
                                  and ((tfh.qualifier_code is null) or (tfh.qualifier_code = 1 and tfh.qualifier_value_id = p_category_id))
                                  and ((tfh.organization_id is null) or (tfh.organization_id = p_ship_to_organization_id))
                        or (nvl(pgoa.purchasing_org_id, p_ship_to_ou_id) = p_ship_to_ou_id))
    and nvl(bl.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
    and Trunc(p_creation_date) <= nvl(bl.expiration_date, p_creation_date)
    and p_creation_date >= bl.creation_date
    and bl.po_header_id = b.po_header_id
    and b.type_lookup_code = 'BLANKET'
    and b.approved_flag in ('Y','R')
    and nvl(b.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
    and Trunc(p_creation_date)
         between nvl(b.start_date, Trunc(p_creation_date)) and nvl(b.end_date, p_creation_date);
Line: 101

   select min(shipto_price) keep (dense_rank first order by nvl2(shipto_price, nvl(quantity, 0), null) desc nulls last, trunc(creation_date) desc) over () shipto_price,
          min(generic_price) keep (dense_rank first order by nvl2(generic_price, nvl(quantity, 0), null) desc nulls last, trunc(creation_date) desc) over () generic_price
          (case when pb.ship_to_location_id = p_ship_to_location_id  and (pb.quantity is null or
             (p_price_break_lookup_code = 'NON CUMULATIVE' and p_quantity >= pb.quantity)
           or (p_price_break_lookup_code = 'CUMULATIVE' and p_quantity + p_line_qty >= pb.quantity ))
       then pb.price_override else null end) shipto_price,
          (case when pb.line_location_id is not null and pb.ship_to_location_id is null and (pb.quantity is null or
             (p_price_break_lookup_code = 'NON CUMULATIVE' and p_quantity >= pb.quantity)
           or (p_price_break_lookup_code = 'CUMULATIVE' and p_quantity + p_line_all_qty >= pb.quantity))
           then pb.price_override else null end) generic_price,
      from po_line_locations_all pb
  where pb.po_line_id = p_po_line_id
  and pb.shipment_type = 'PRICE BREAK'
  and p_quantity * nvl(pb.price_override,p_unit_price) >= nvl(p_bl_min,0)
  and p_quantity * nvl(pb.price_override,p_unit_price) >= nvl(p_b_min,0)
  and trunc(nvl(p_need_by_date, p_creation_date)) between
            trunc(nvl(pb.start_date, pb.creation_date)) and
            nvl(pb.end_date, nvl(p_need_by_date, p_creation_date))
  and (p_amount_limit is null or p_quantity * nvl(pb.price_override,p_unit_price) + p_blanket_amt <= p_amount_limit) );
Line: 193

             sum(case when sll.approved_flag='Y' and sll.ship_to_location_id=p_ship_to_location_id then nvl(sd.quantity_ordered,0)-nvl(sd.quantity_cancelled,0) else 0 end) line_qty
             ,sum(case when sll.approved_flag='Y' then nvl(sd.quantity_ordered,0)-nvl(sd.quantity_cancelled,0) else 0 end) line_all_qty
             ,sum(sum(nvl(sll.price_override,0)*(nvl(sd.quantity_ordered,0)-nvl(sd.quantity_cancelled,0)))) over () blanket_amt
           into rline_q, rline_qa, rline_a
         from po_line_locations_all sll
             ,po_distributions_all sd
             ,po_lines_all pol
        where pol.po_line_id = sll.po_line_id (+)
          and pol.from_header_id = l_pbline.po_header_id
          and pol.from_line_id = l_pbline.po_line_id
          and sll.shipment_type (+) = 'STANDARD'
          and nvl(sd.distribution_type,'-99') <> 'AGREEMENT'
          and sll.line_location_id = sd.line_location_id(+)
          and sd.creation_date(+) < p_creation_date;
Line: 210

             sum(case when rll.approved_flag='Y' and rll.ship_to_location_id=p_ship_to_location_id then
                  nvl(rd.quantity_ordered,0)-nvl(rd.quantity_cancelled,0) else 0 end) line_qty
             ,sum(case when rll.approved_flag='Y' then
                  nvl(rd.quantity_ordered,0)-nvl(rd.quantity_cancelled,0) else 0 end) line_all_qty
             ,sum(sum(nvl(rll.price_override,0)*(nvl(rd.quantity_ordered,0)-nvl(rd.quantity_cancelled,0)))) over () blanket_amt
         into rline_q, rline_qa, rline_a
         from po_line_locations_all rll
             ,po_distributions_all rd
        where rll.po_header_id = l_pbline.po_header_id
          and rll.po_line_id = l_pbline.po_line_id
          and rll.shipment_type = 'BLANKET'
          and nvl(rd.distribution_type,'-99') <> 'AGREEMENT'
          and rll.line_location_id = rd.line_location_id(+)
          and rd.creation_date(+) < p_creation_date;