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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 58

  PROCEDURE insert_cn_not_trx (
     x_table_map_id         cn_table_maps.table_map_id%TYPE,
	x_event_id             cn_events.event_id%TYPE,
			code			IN OUT NOCOPY cn_utils.code_type,
			x_org_id 		IN NUMBER)

    l_return_status        VARCHAR2(4000);
Line: 79

      SELECT tmov.object_id, LOWER(OBJ.name) object_name
      FROM cn_table_map_objects tmov, cn_objects obj
      WHERE tmov.table_map_id = x_table_map_id
            AND tmov.tm_object_type = 'PARAM'
            and obj.object_id =  tmov.object_id
            and tmov.org_id = obj.org_id
			AND tmov.org_id = x_org_id;
Line: 98

    SELECT *
    INTO   l_table_map_rec
    FROM   cn_table_maps_v
    WHERE  table_map_id = x_table_map_id
	AND	   org_id = l_org_id; -- Added For R12 MOAC Change
Line: 126

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'cn_message_pkg.debug(''Inserting new transactions into CN_NOT_TRX.'');');
Line: 127

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.Log,''Inserting new transactions into CN_NOT_TRX.'');');
Line: 137

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'DECLARE -- Notification Insert Block');
Line: 156

      cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'SELECT object_value');
Line: 207

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, '-- Insert new lines into cn_not_trx');
Line: 211

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'INSERT /'||'*+ PARALLEL(cn_not_trx) */ INTO  cn_not_trx (');
Line: 213

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'INSERT INTO  cn_not_trx (');
Line: 231

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'SELECT '||l_parallel_hint);
Line: 233

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'SELECT ');
Line: 277

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, '    SELECT /'||'*'||'+ PARALLEL(cn_not_trx) '||'*/ 1');
Line: 279

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, '    SELECT 1');
Line: 287

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'END; -- Notification Insert Block');
Line: 290

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, '-- Commit the notification inserts - they are permanent even if collection fails');
Line: 312

  END insert_cn_not_trx;
Line: 326

PROCEDURE insert_comm_lines_api_select(
           x_table_map_id   IN     cn_table_maps_v.table_map_id%TYPE,
	       code             IN OUT NOCOPY cn_utils.code_type,
		  x_org_id IN NUMBER,
		  x_parallel_hint  IN VARCHAR2)
IS          -- Added For R12 MOAC Changes

    CURSOR api_direct_maps IS
        SELECT column_map_id, expression, cno.NAME dest_column FROM cn_column_maps ccmv, cn_objects cno
      WHERE ccmv.table_map_id = x_table_map_id
	       AND ccmv.expression IS NOT NULL
	       AND ccmv.calc_ext_table_id IS NULL
		  AND ccmv.update_clause IS NULL
        AND     ccmv.org_id = x_org_id
        AND     ccmv.destination_column_id = cno.object_id
        AND     ccmv.org_id = cno.org_id
        -- Added For R12 MOAC Changes
        ORDER BY dest_column;
Line: 352

      cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'INSERT /'||'*+ PARALLEL(cn_comm_lines_api) */ INTO  cn_comm_lines_api (');
Line: 354

      cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'INSERT INTO  cn_comm_lines_api (');
Line: 357

  cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'INSERT INTO  cn_comm_lines_api (');
Line: 380

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'SELECT '||x_parallel_hint);
Line: 382

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'SELECT ');
Line: 414

END insert_comm_lines_api_select;
Line: 426

  PROCEDURE insert_comm_lines_api (
	x_table_map_id		cn_table_maps.table_map_id%TYPE,
	x_event_id             cn_events.event_id%TYPE,
	code	IN OUT NOCOPY 	cn_utils.code_type,
	x_org_id IN NUMBER)

    l_return_status        VARCHAR2(4000);
Line: 453

    SELECT *
    INTO   l_table_map_rec
    FROM   cn_table_maps_v
    WHERE  table_map_id = x_table_map_id
	AND    org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 488

    cn_utils.appendcr(code, '--******** INSERT CN_COMM_LINES_API *********-- ');
Line: 489

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'cn_message_pkg.debug(''Inserting into CN_COMM_LINES_API.'');');
Line: 490

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.Log, ''Inserting into CN_COMM_LINES_API.'');');
Line: 497

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, '-- Insert new lines into CN_COMM_LINES_API');
Line: 502

    insert_comm_lines_api_select(x_table_map_id, code, X_org_id, l_parallel_hint);
Line: 544

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'cn_message_pkg.debug(''Inserted '' || comm_lines_api_count || '' line records into CN_COMM_LINES_API.'');');
Line: 545

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.Log,''Inserted '' || comm_lines_api_count || '' line records into CN_COMM_LINES_API.'');');
Line: 557

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'UPDATE /'||'*+ PARALLEL(cnt) */ cn_not_trx cnt');
Line: 559

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'UPDATE cn_not_trx cnt');
Line: 568

    cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'cn_message_pkg.debug(''Updated collected_flag in cn_not_trx.'');');
Line: 579

      cn_debug.print_msg('insert_lines: in exception handler for NO_DATA_FOUND',1);
Line: 580

      fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.Log, 'insert_lines: in exception handler for NO_DATA_FOUND');
Line: 583

  END insert_comm_lines_api;
Line: 595

  PROCEDURE update_comm_lines_api (
	x_table_map_id		cn_table_maps.table_map_id%TYPE,
	code	IN OUT NOCOPY 	cn_utils.code_type,
	x_org_id IN NUMBER)

    x_dest_table_name	cn_obj_tables_v.name%TYPE;
Line: 606

		  ext.name relationship_name,
            LOWER(obj.NAME) external_table_name,
            LOWER(NVL(ext.alias,obj.NAME)) external_table_alias,
            LOWER(destcol.name) dest_column
            cn_column_maps cm,
            cn_obj_columns_v destcol,
            cn_calc_ext_tables ext,
            cn_objects obj
            cm.table_map_id = x_table_map_id
            AND cm.expression IS NOT NULL
            AND (cm.calc_ext_table_id IS NOT NULL
                 OR cm.update_clause IS NOT NULL)
            AND ext.calc_ext_table_id(+) = cm.calc_ext_table_id
        AND obj.object_id(+) = ext.external_table_id
            AND destcol.column_id = cm.destination_column_id
		  -- make sure no old pre 11iv2 mappings to CN_TRX etc. can slip in
		  AND destcol.table_id = -1008  --CN_COMM_LINES_API
        AND cm.org_id = x_org_id
        AND destcol.org_id = cm.org_id
        AND ext.org_id(+) = cm.org_id
        AND obj.org_id(+) = ext.org_id
        ORDER BY destcol.name;
Line: 639

    cn_utils.appendcr(code, '--******** UPDATE CN_COMM_LINES_API ********-- ');
Line: 640

      cn_utils.appindcr(code, '--*** Update columns populated by all INDIRECT mappings');
Line: 658

       LOWER(NVL(cB.alias , cB.name))

FROM cn_table_maps ctm, CN_OBJECTS CB
  ctm.table_map_id = x_table_map_id
and CB.object_id = CTM.destination_table_id
and cb.org_id = ctm.org_id
AND cb.org_id =x_org_id;
Line: 688

      cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'UPDATE ' || x_dest_table_name || ' ' || x_dest_alias);
Line: 694

	    cn_utils.appindcr(code, '  SELECT ');
Line: 708

             (SELECT LOWER(pkcol.name) pkcolumn_name,
                     LOWER(fkcol.name) fkcolumn_name
              FROM cn_calc_ext_tbl_dtls dtls,
                   cn_obj_columns_v pkcol,
                   cn_obj_columns_v fkcol
              WHERE dtls.calc_ext_table_id = indmap_rec.calc_ext_table_id
                    AND pkcol.column_id = dtls.external_column_id
                    AND fkcol.column_id = dtls.internal_column_id
                    AND dtls.org_id = x_org_id
                    AND pkcol.org_id = dtls.org_id
                    AND fkcol.org_id = pkcol.org_id)
             IF x_count = 0 THEN
               x_count := 1;
Line: 734

           cn_utils.appindcr(code, '  --*** FROM/WHERE taken from Update Clause');
Line: 735

           cn_utils.appindcr(code, '    '||indmap_rec.update_clause||'),');
Line: 750

     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'cn_message_pkg.debug(''For all INDIRECT mappings updated '' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || '' rows in cn_comm_lines_api.'');');
Line: 751

     cn_utils.appindcr(code, 'fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.Log, ''For all INDIRECT mappings updated '' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || '' rows in cn_comm_lines_api.'');');
Line: 757

      cn_debug.print_msg('update_lines: in exception handler for NO_DATA_FOUND', 1);
Line: 758

      fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.Log, 'update_lines: in exception handler for NO_DATA_FOUND');
Line: 760

  END update_comm_lines_api;
Line: 778

    l_delete_flag VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 781

      SELECT OBJ.object_value
      FROM cn_table_map_objects tmov, cn_objects obj
      WHERE tmov.table_map_id = x_table_map_id
            AND tmov.tm_object_type = 'FILTER'
            and tmov.object_id = obj.object_id
            and tmov.org_id = obj.org_id
            AND tmov.org_id = x_org_id;
Line: 792

    SELECT delete_flag
    INTO   l_delete_flag
    FROM   cn_table_maps
    WHERE  table_map_id = x_table_map_id
    AND    org_id = x_org_id;
Line: 798

    IF l_delete_flag = 'Y' THEN
        l_statement := 'DELETE FROM cn_comm_lines_api api';
Line: 801

      l_statement := 'UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api api SET load_status = ''FILTERED''';
Line: 854

	 (SELECT OBJ.object_value
	  FROM   cn_table_map_objects tmov, cn_objects obj
	  WHERE  tmov.table_map_id = p_table_map_id
	       and obj.object_id = tmov.object_id
	       and tmov.org_id = obj.org_id
		    AND tmov.tm_object_type = 'USERCODE'
		    AND UPPER(OBJ.name) = UPPER(p_location_name)
		    AND tmov.org_id = x_org_id
       ORDER BY table_map_object_id)
      -- Add a terminal ';' if none was registered