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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_uc_export_ucas_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: IGSUC27B.pls 120.5 2006/02/08 19:53:02 anwest ship $ */
3 l_abbrev_use        VARCHAR2(1)  DEFAULT  NULL;
4 l_rowid             VARCHAR2(26) DEFAULT  NULL;
8   PROCEDURE export_data(Errbuf                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
9                         Retcode                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
10                         p_contact               IN  VARCHAR2,
11                         p_program_details       IN  VARCHAR2,
12                         p_keywords              IN  VARCHAR2,
13                         p_abbreviations         IN  VARCHAR2,
14                 	p_ucas_transactions 	IN  VARCHAR2,
15                 	p_gttr_transactions 	IN  VARCHAR2,
16                 	p_nmas_transactions 	IN  VARCHAR2) IS
17   /********************************************************************************
18    Created By      : vbandaru
19    Date Created By : 23-JAN-2002
20    Purpose :
22    Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
23    Change History
24    Who      When            What
25    anwest   18-JAN-2006  Bug# 4950285 R12 Disable OSS Mandate
26    jbaber   16-Aug-05    Modified for UC307 - HERCULES Small Systems Support
27    jbaber   12-Jul-05    Modified for UC315 - UCAS Support 2006
28                          Replaced reference to igs_uc_cvcontrol_2003_v with igs_uc_ucas_control
29                          Removed references to export_inst_conts, export_inst_cnt_grp, export_crse_dets,
30                          export_crse_vac_ops, export_crse_keywrds and export_offer_abbrev as these are no
31                          longer supported by UCAS as updateable views.
32    pmarada  03-Jul-03    Modified as per the UCFD203 build. bug 2669208
34    (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
35    ********************************************************************************/
36     CURSOR cur_cycle IS
37     SELECT MAX(current_cycle) current_cycle , MAX(configured_cycle) configured_cycle
38     FROM igs_uc_defaults ;
40     cur_cycle_rec cur_cycle%ROWTYPE;
42     CURSOR cur_control (cp_system_code  igs_uc_ucas_control.system_code%TYPE) IS
43     SELECT TO_NUMBER(LPAD(entry_year,4,200))
44     FROM igs_uc_ucas_control
45     WHERE system_code = cp_system_code
46     AND ucas_cycle = cur_cycle_rec.configured_cycle;
49     l_entry_year igs_uc_defaults.configured_cycle%TYPE;
51     CURSOR cur_interface(cp_system_code  igs_uc_ucas_control.system_code%TYPE) IS
52     SELECT ucas_interface FROM  igs_uc_cyc_defaults
53     WHERE ucas_cycle = cur_cycle_rec.configured_cycle
54     AND system_code = cp_system_code;
55     l_interface igs_uc_cyc_defaults.ucas_interface%TYPE;
57     validate_cycle   BOOLEAN := TRUE;
59    BEGIN
61       --anwest 18-JAN-2006 Bug# 4950285 R12 Disable OSS Mandate
62       IGS_GE_GEN_003.SET_ORG_ID;
64       -- Get current and configured cycle
65       OPEN cur_cycle;
66       FETCH cur_cycle INTO cur_cycle_rec;
67       CLOSE cur_cycle;
69       IF cur_cycle_rec.configured_cycle IS NULL OR cur_cycle_rec.current_cycle IS NULL THEN
70            fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_CYCLE_NOT_FOUND');
71            errbuf  := fnd_message.get;
72            fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, errbuf);
73            retcode := 2 ;
74            RETURN ;
75       END IF ;
77       -- Validate FTUG current and configured cycle
78       IF (p_ucas_transactions = 'Y') THEN
79           OPEN cur_control('U');
80           FETCH cur_control INTO l_entry_year;
81           CLOSE cur_control;
82           -- If current cycle and configured cycle are same then write the transaction else log the message
83           IF NVL(l_entry_year,0) <> cur_cycle_rec.configured_cycle THEN
84              fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_CYCLES_NOT_SYNC');
85              fnd_message.set_token('UCAS_CYCLE',cur_cycle_rec.configured_cycle);
86              fnd_message.set_token('HERC_CYCLE',l_entry_year);
87              fnd_message.set_token('SYSTEM_CODE','UCAS');
88              fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
89              errbuf  := fnd_message.get ;
90              validate_cycle := FALSE;
91           END IF;
92       END IF;
94       -- Validate GTTR current and configured cycle
95       IF (p_gttr_transactions = 'Y') THEN
96           OPEN cur_control('G');
97           FETCH cur_control INTO l_entry_year;
98           CLOSE cur_control;
99           -- If current cycle and configured cycle are same then write the transaction else log the message
100           IF NVL(l_entry_year,0) <> cur_cycle_rec.configured_cycle THEN
101              fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_CYCLES_NOT_SYNC');
102              fnd_message.set_token('UCAS_CYCLE',cur_cycle_rec.configured_cycle);
103              fnd_message.set_token('HERC_CYCLE',l_entry_year);
104              fnd_message.set_token('SYSTEM_CODE','GTTR');
105              fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
106              errbuf  := fnd_message.get ;
107              validate_cycle := FALSE;
108           END IF;
109       END IF;
111       -- Validate NMAS current and configured cycle
112       IF (p_nmas_transactions = 'Y') THEN
113           OPEN cur_control('N');
114           FETCH cur_control INTO l_entry_year;
115           CLOSE cur_control;
116           -- If current cycle and configured cycle are same then write the transaction else log the message
117           IF NVL(l_entry_year,0) <> cur_cycle_rec.configured_cycle THEN
118              fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_CYCLES_NOT_SYNC');
119              fnd_message.set_token('UCAS_CYCLE',cur_cycle_rec.configured_cycle);
120              fnd_message.set_token('HERC_CYCLE',l_entry_year);
121              fnd_message.set_token('SYSTEM_CODE','NMAS');
122              fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
123              errbuf  := fnd_message.get ;
124              validate_cycle := FALSE;
125           END IF;
126       END IF;
128       -- If any of the validations failed then exit process
129       IF NOT validate_cycle THEN
130           retcode := 2;
131           RETURN;
132       END IF;
134       -- Export FTUG transactions if required
135       IF (p_ucas_transactions = 'Y') THEN
136           -- Make sure interface is set to H
137           OPEN cur_interface ('U');
138           FETCH cur_interface INTO l_interface;
139           CLOSE cur_interface;
140           IF l_interface = 'H' THEN
141               --Exporting Transactions
142               fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, ' ');
143               fnd_message.set_name( 'IGS','IGS_UC_EXP_TRANSACTIONS');
144               fnd_message.set_token('SYSTEM_CODE','UCAS');
145               fnd_file.put_line (FND_FILE.LOG,fnd_message.get);
146               igs_uc_tran_processor_pkg.trans_write('U',Errbuf,Retcode);
147           ELSE
148               -- FTUG interface is MARVIN so log warning.
149 	      fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_MARVIN_INTERFACE');
150 	      fnd_message.set_token('SYSTEM_CODE','UCAS');
151 	      fnd_message.set_token('PROCESS','export');
152 	      fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get );
153               retcode := 1;
154           END IF;
155       END IF;
157       -- Export GTTR transactions if required
158       IF (p_gttr_transactions = 'Y') THEN
159           -- Make sure interface is set to H
160           OPEN cur_interface ('G');
161           FETCH cur_interface INTO l_interface;
162           CLOSE cur_interface;
163           IF l_interface = 'H' THEN
164               --Exporting Transactions
165               fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, ' ');
166               fnd_message.set_name( 'IGS','IGS_UC_EXP_TRANSACTIONS');
167               fnd_message.set_token('SYSTEM_CODE','GTTR');
168               fnd_file.put_line (FND_FILE.LOG,fnd_message.get);
169               igs_uc_tran_processor_pkg.trans_write('G',Errbuf,Retcode);
170           ELSE
171               -- GTTR interface is MARVIN so log warning.
172 	      fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_MARVIN_INTERFACE');
173 	      fnd_message.set_token('SYSTEM_CODE','GTTR');
174 	      fnd_message.set_token('PROCESS','export');
175 	      fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
176               retcode := 1;
177           END IF;
178       END IF;
180       -- Export NMAS transactions if required
181       IF (p_nmas_transactions = 'Y') THEN
182           -- Make sure interface is set to H
183           OPEN cur_interface ('N');
184           FETCH cur_interface INTO l_interface;
185           CLOSE cur_interface;
186           IF l_interface = 'H' THEN
187               --Exporting Transactions
188               fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, ' ');
189               fnd_message.set_name( 'IGS','IGS_UC_EXP_TRANSACTIONS');
190               fnd_message.set_token('SYSTEM_CODE','NMAS');
191               fnd_file.put_line (FND_FILE.LOG,fnd_message.get);
192               igs_uc_tran_processor_pkg.trans_write('N',Errbuf,Retcode);
193           ELSE
194               -- NMAS interface is MARVIN so log warning.
195 	      fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_UC_MARVIN_INTERFACE');
196 	      fnd_message.set_token('SYSTEM_CODE','NMAS');
197 	      fnd_message.set_token('PROCESS','export');
198 	      fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get );
199               retcode := 1;
200           END IF;
201       END IF;
203       COMMIT;
208       ROLLBACK;
209       retcode := 2;
210       fnd_message.set_name( 'IGS','IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXP');
211       fnd_message.set_token('NAME','IGS_UC_EXPORT_UCAS_PKG.EXPORT_DATA'||' - '||SQLERRM);
212       errbuf := fnd_message.get;
213       igs_ge_msg_stack.conc_exception_hndl;
215   END export_data;
217 END igs_uc_export_ucas_pkg;