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Line 1072: v_applId ieu_wp_param_defs_b.application_id%type;

1068: l_max_action_param_set_id IEU_WP_ACT_PARAM_SETS_B.action_param_set_id%type;
1069: l_param_property_key ieu_wp_param_props_b.param_property_id%type;
1070: param_props_rec IEU_WP_PARAM_PROPS_SEED_PKG.wp_param_props_rec_type;
1071: param_sets_rec IEU_WP_PARAM_PROPS_SEED_PKG.wp_param_props_rec_type;
1072: v_applId ieu_wp_param_defs_b.application_id%type;
1073: TYPE c_cursor5 IS REF CURSOR;
1074: c_ref c_cursor5;
1076: TYPE c_cursor6 IS REF CURSOR;

Line 1082: WHERE param_id IN (SELECT param_id FROM ieu_wp_param_defs_b

1079: cursor c_cur is
1080: select WP_ACTION_DEF_ID, param_id
1081: from ieu_wp_action_params
1082: WHERE param_id IN (SELECT param_id FROM ieu_wp_param_defs_b
1083: WHERE application_id =v_applId);
1084: c_rec c_cur%ROWTYPE;
1086: -- this cursor is for those properties which component id has been changed 'DATE'

Line 1088: v_data_type ieu_wp_param_defs_b.data_type%type;

1084: c_rec c_cur%ROWTYPE;
1086: -- this cursor is for those properties which component id has been changed 'DATE'
1087: -- In that case, the default value property should not be existed if there is.
1088: v_data_type ieu_wp_param_defs_b.data_type%type;
1089: cursor c_cur2 is
1090: select distinct action_param_set_id, param_id
1091: from ieu_wp_param_props_b
1092: where param_id in (select param_id from ieu_wp_param_defs_b

Line 1092: where param_id in (select param_id from ieu_wp_param_defs_b

1088: v_data_type ieu_wp_param_defs_b.data_type%type;
1089: cursor c_cur2 is
1090: select distinct action_param_set_id, param_id
1091: from ieu_wp_param_props_b
1092: where param_id in (select param_id from ieu_wp_param_defs_b
1093: where DATA_TYPE = v_data_type
1094: AND application_id(+) = v_applId)
1095: order by action_param_set_id;
1096: c_rec2 c_cur2%ROWTYPE;

Line 1111: where param_id not in (select param_id from ieu_wp_param_defs_b));

1107: --delete param props if param has been deleted by some actions
1108: delete from ieu_wp_param_props_b where param_property_id in
1109: ( select param_property_id
1110: from ieu_wp_param_props_b
1111: where param_id not in (select param_id from ieu_wp_param_defs_b));
1113: delete from ieu_wp_param_props_tl where param_property_id in
1114: ( select param_property_id
1115: from ieu_wp_param_props_b

Line 1116: where param_id not in (select param_id from ieu_wp_param_defs_b));

1113: delete from ieu_wp_param_props_tl where param_property_id in
1114: ( select param_property_id
1115: from ieu_wp_param_props_b
1116: where param_id not in (select param_id from ieu_wp_param_defs_b));
1118: --DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line('before for loop');
1120: -- this loop is for action_param_set_id which missing param_id