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1 PACKAGE wms_txnrsn_actions_pub AS
2 /* $Header: WMSTRSAS.pls 120.1.12000000.2 2007/10/23 04:10:00 anagupta ship $ */
4 /* Procedure Inadequate_qty */
5 -- Purpose:
6 -- This procedure is meant to be called whenever there is a discrepancy and the
7 -- user chooses InadequateQty as the reason code. This procedure calls the
8 -- Suggest_new_location procedure which will update the existing MMTT line
9 -- with the new qty and redetail the MO line for the remaining qty. The new
10 -- task(s) are then inserted into WMS_DISPATCHED_TASKS for the userID being
11 -- passed in, if appropriate. It then calls the Log_exception API to insert
12 -- a row in WMS_EXCEPTIONS
13 --
14 --
15 -- Input Parameters:
16 --   p_api_version
17 --      API version number (current version is 1.0)
18 --   p_init_msg_list (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
19 --      Valid values: FND_API.G_FALSE or FND_API.G_TRUE.
20 --                           if set to FND_API.G_TRUE
21 --                                   initialize error message list
22 --                           if set to FND_API.G_FALSE - not initialize error  --                                   message list
23 --   p_commit (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
24 --           whether or not to commit the changes to database
25 --   p_organization_id       Organization Id - Required Value
26 --   p_mmtt_id        Transaction Temp ID from MMTT - Required Value
27 --   p_inventory_item_id       Inventory Item ID - Required Value since
28 --                            currently cycle COUNT can only be done FOR a
29 --                            specific item (AND optionally, locator)
30 --   p_subinventory_code  Subinventory Code - Required Value
31 --   p_locator_id  Location for Cycle Count - Required Value
32 --   p_qty_picked  Qty already picked - Defaults to 0
33 --   p_carton_id   LPN ID of the carton being picked - Optional, defaults
34 --                                                    to null
35 --   p_user_id Id for the user performing the task - Required Value
36 --   p_reason_id - Required Value Reason_ID from MTL_Transaction_reasons
37 --                                for Reason chosen  by user
39 --
40 -- Output Parameters
41 --   x_return_status
42 --       if the Generate_LPN API succeeds, the value is
43 --           fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
44 --       if there is an expected error, the value is
45 --           fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
46 --       if there is an unexpected error, the value is
47 --           fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
48 --   x_msg_count
49 --       if there is one or more errors, the number of error messages
50 --           in the buffer
51 --   x_msg_data
52 --       if there is one and only one error, the error message
53 --   (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
54 PROCEDURE Inadequate_Qty
55   (
56      p_api_version_number            IN  NUMBER
57    , p_init_msg_lst                  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
58    , p_commit                        IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
59    , x_return_status                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
60    , x_msg_count                     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
61    , x_msg_data                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
62    , p_organization_id               IN  NUMBER
63    , p_task_id                       IN  NUMBER
64    , p_qty_picked                    IN  NUMBER:=0
65    , p_qty_uom                       IN  VARCHAR2
66    , p_carton_id                     IN  VARCHAR2:= NULL
67    , p_user_id                       IN  VARCHAR2
68    , p_reason_id                     IN  NUMBER
69    );
70 --
72 /* Procedure  Suggest_alternate_location */
73 -- Purpose:
74 -- This procedure will update missing qty column in the existing MMTT line
75 -- with the originalqty-p_qty_picked. It will then re detail the Mo
76 -- line. This in turn will create a cycle count reservation for the missing
77 -- qty.It will update the neww mmtt line with a carton id, if one has
78 -- been passed
79 -- It will then insert the new task(s) created into wms_dispatched_tasks
80 -- for the user id passed in
81 -- Input Parameters:
82 --   p_api_version
83 --      API version number (current version is 1.0)
84 --   p_init_msg_list (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
85 --      Valid values: FND_API.G_FALSE or FND_API.G_TRUE.
86 --                           if set to FND_API.G_TRUE
87 --                                   initialize error message list
88 --                           if set to FND_API.G_FALSE - not initialize error  --                                   message list
89 --   p_commit (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
90 --           whether or not to commit the changes to database
91 --   p_organization_id       Organization Id - Required Value
92 --   p_mmtt_id        Transaction Temp ID from MMTT - Required Value
93 --   p_subinventory_code  Subinventory Code - Required Value
94 --   p_locator_id  Location for Cycle Count - Required Value
95 --   p_carton_id   LPN ID of the carton being picked - Optional, defaults
96 --                                                    to null
97 --   p_user_id Id for the user performing the task - Required Value
98 --   p_qty_picked  Qty already picked - Required value
99 -- Output Parameters
100 --   x_return_status
101 --       if the Generate_LPN API succeeds, the value is
102 --           fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
103 --       if there is an expected error, the value is
104 --           fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
105 --       if there is an unexpected error, the value is
106 --           fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
107 --   x_msg_count
108 --       if there is one or more errors, the number of error messages
109 --           in the buffer
110 --   x_msg_data
111 --       if there is one and only one error, the error message
112 --   (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
114 PROCEDURE Suggest_alternate_location
115   (
116      p_api_version_number            IN  NUMBER
117    , p_init_msg_lst                  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
118    , p_commit                        IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
119    , x_return_status                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
120    , x_msg_count                     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
121    , x_msg_data                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
122    , p_organization_id               IN  NUMBER
123    , p_mmtt_id                       IN  NUMBER
124    , p_task_id                       IN  NUMBER
125    , p_subinventory_code             IN  VARCHAR2
126    , p_locator_id                    IN  NUMBER
127    , p_carton_id                     IN  VARCHAR2:= NULL
128    , p_user_id                       IN  VARCHAR2
129    , p_qty_picked                    IN  NUMBER
130    , p_line_num                      IN  NUMBER
131    );
135 /* Procedure  Log_exception */
136 -- Purpose:
137 -- This procedure will insert a line into WMS_EXCEPTIONS with the values
138 -- being passed in
139 -- Input Parameters:
140 --   p_api_version
141 --      API version number (current version is 1.0)
142 --   p_init_msg_list (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
143 --      Valid values: FND_API.G_FALSE or FND_API.G_TRUE.
144 --                           if set to FND_API.G_TRUE
145 --                                   initialize error message list
146 --                           if set to FND_API.G_FALSE - not initialize error  --                                   message list
147 --   p_commit (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
148 --           whether or not to commit the changes to database
149 --   p_organization_id       Organization Id - Required Value
150 --   p_mmtt_id        Transaction Temp ID from MMTT - Required Value
151 --   p_reason_id - Required Value Reason_ID from MTL_Transaction_reasons
152 --                                for Reason chosen  by user
153 --   p_subinventory_code  Subinventory Code - Required Value
154 --   p_locator_id  Location for Cycle Count - Required Value
155 --   p_carton_id   LPN ID of the carton being picked - Optional, defaults
156 --                                                    to null
157 --   p_user_id Id f the user performing the task - Required Value
158 --   p_discrepancy_type - Required Value. Discrepancy TYpe from
159 --                        lookup WMS_Discrepancy_types
160 -- Output Parameters
161 --   x_return_status
162 --       if the Generate_LPN API succeeds, the value is
163 --           fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
164 --       if there is an expected error, the value is
165 --           fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
166 --       if there is an unexpected error, the value is
167 --           fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
168 --   x_msg_count
169 --       if there is one or more errors, the number of error messages
170 --           in the buffer
171 --   x_msg_data
172 --       if there is one and only one error, the error message
173 --   (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
176 PROCEDURE Log_exception
177   (
178      p_api_version_number            IN  NUMBER
179    , p_init_msg_lst                  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
180    , p_commit                        IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
181    , x_return_status                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
182    , x_msg_count                     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
183    , x_msg_data                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
184    , p_organization_id               IN  NUMBER
185    , p_mmtt_id                       IN  NUMBER
186    , p_task_id                       IN  NUMBER
187    , p_reason_id                     IN  NUMBER
188    , p_subinventory_code             IN  VARCHAR2
189    , p_locator_id                    IN  NUMBER
190    , p_discrepancy_type              IN  NUMBER
191    , p_user_id                       IN  VARCHAR2
192    , p_item_id                       IN  NUMBER:=NULL
193    , p_revision                      IN  VARCHAR2:=NULL
194    , p_lot_number                    IN  VARCHAR2:=NULL
195    , p_lpn_id                        IN  NUMBER:=NULL
196    , p_is_loc_desc                   IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE  --Added bug 3989684
197    );
200 /* Will be called for
201    1. PICK NONE exception - from PickLoad page directly
202    2. CURTAIL PICK - confirm qty < requested_qty
203      -- cleanup task will be called for each temp_id with this case..usually only one
204         EXCEPT in case of BULK, there will be multiple MMTTs selected for the given temp_id
205      -- it should be called only for qty  exceptions where picked quantity < suggested quantity
206      -- and not for overpicked qty
207    3. CURTAIL PICK for all children of BULK-  */
209 PROCEDURE cleanup_task(
210                p_temp_id       IN            NUMBER
211              , p_qty_rsn_id    IN            NUMBER
212              , p_user_id       IN            NUMBER
213              , p_employee_id   IN            NUMBER
214              , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
215              , x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
216              , x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2);
219 -- Parses the exception string and logs the exceptions to wms_exceptions
220 PROCEDURE process_exceptions
221   (p_organization_id          IN NUMBER,
222    p_employee_id              IN NUMBER,
223    p_effective_start_date     IN DATE,
224    p_effective_end_date       IN DATE,
225    p_inventory_item_id        IN NUMBER,
226    p_revision                 IN VARCHAR2,
227    p_discrepancies            IN VARCHAR2,
228    x_return_status            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
229    x_msg_count                OUT nocopy NUMBER,
230    x_msg_data                 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2);
232 --Bug 6278066 Wrapper for log_exception
233 PROCEDURE Log_exception
234    (x_return_status                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
235    , x_msg_count                     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
236    , x_msg_data                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
237    , p_organization_id               IN  NUMBER
238    , p_mmtt_id                       IN  NUMBER
239    , p_task_id                       IN  NUMBER
240    , p_reason_id                     IN  NUMBER
241    , p_subinventory_code             IN  VARCHAR2
242    , p_locator_id                    IN  NUMBER
243    , p_discrepancy_type              IN  NUMBER
244    , p_user_id                       IN  VARCHAR2
245    , p_item_id                       IN  NUMBER:=NULL
246    , p_revision                      IN  VARCHAR2:=NULL
247    , p_lot_number                    IN  VARCHAR2:=NULL
248    , p_lpn_id                        IN  NUMBER:=NULL
249    , p_is_loc_desc                   IN  VARCHAR2
250    );
252 END wms_txnrsn_actions_pub;