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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 28

           insert the number of records per thread in the table
           pay_us_rpt_totals which is used to get Rpt Seq Id. If the
           report is run for a specific action type this Id will not
           show correct value.

   Change List
   Date         Name        Vers         Description
   -----------  ----------  -----        ----------------------------
   05-APR-1999  meshah      40.0/110.0   created
   04-AUG-1999  rmonge      40.0/110.1   Made package body adchkdrv
   26-SEP-2000  sravuri     115.2        Added Assignment Set
                                         functionality to the package.
   13-APR-2001  ahanda      115.3        Changed HR_LOCATIONS to
   26-apr-2001  tclewis     115.4        modified the cursor(s) in the
                                         range_cursor and action creation
                                         to use secure views.  Modified
                                         the sql query in the sort_code
                                         routine to use base tables.
   21-oct-2002  tclewis     115.5        commented out the "for update..."
                                         in the action_creation cursor.
                                         changed the locking on the sort_cursor
                                         from paf.assignment_id to paa.
   16-SEP-2003  sdahiya     115.7	 modified the sort_action procedure
					 (Bug# 3037633).Added nocopy changes
   16-OCT-2003  sdahiya     115.8	 Modified sort_action procedure so that
					 it sorts data first on employee name
					 and later on date paid (Bug 3037633).
   09-FEB-2004  ssmukher    115.9        11.5.10 Performance Fix (Bug 3372732)
                                         in action_creation
   23-AUG-2005  jgoswami    115.10       R12 Performance Fix (Bug 4347329)
                                         in range_creation
   16-Jun-2008  pannapur    115.11       Modified the cursor definitions of all
                                         process types to generate proper sequence id


-------------------------------- range_cursor ----------------------------------
PROCEDURE range_cursor (pactid in number,
                        sqlstr out nocopy varchar2) is

  leg_param    pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
Line: 90

   select legislative_parameters
     into leg_param
     from pay_payroll_actions ppa
    where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 97

  select ppa.legislative_parameters,
          pay_payrg_pkg.get_parameter('P_P_TY', ppa.legislative_parameters),
          pay_payrg_pkg.get_parameter('C_ST_ID', ppa.legislative_parameters),
          pay_payrg_pkg.get_parameter('PY_ID', ppa.legislative_parameters),
          pay_payrg_pkg.get_parameter('O_ID', ppa.legislative_parameters),
          pay_payrg_pkg.get_parameter('L_ID', ppa.legislative_parameters),
          pay_payrg_pkg.get_parameter('P_ID', ppa.legislative_parameters),
     into leg_param,
     from pay_payroll_actions ppa
    where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 171

      'select distinct asg.person_id
         from pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
              pay_payroll_actions    pa1,
              pay_assignment_actions act,
              per_assignments_f      asg
         where ppa.payroll_action_id    = :payroll_action_id
                and pa1.effective_date between ppa.start_date
                                           and ppa.effective_date
                and pa1.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
                                           and asg.effective_end_date
                and pa1.action_type in (''B'',''D'',''I'',''R'',''Q'',''V'')
                and pa1.payroll_action_id = act.payroll_action_id
                and asg.assignment_id = act.assignment_id
                and act.action_status = ''C''
                and asg.organization_id = nvl('''||l_organization_id||''',
                and asg.location_id     = nvl('''||l_location_id||''',
                and asg.person_id       = nvl('''||l_person_id||''',
                and asg.business_group_id +0 = ppa.business_group_id
              order by asg.person_id';
Line: 209

       select pay_payrg_pkg.get_parameter('PY_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters) payroll_id,
	      pay_payrg_pkg.get_parameter('C_ST_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters) consolidation_set_id,
	      pay_payrg_pkg.get_parameter('T_U_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters) tax_unit_id,
	      pay_payrg_pkg.get_parameter('L_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters) location_id,
	      pay_payrg_pkg.get_parameter('O_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters) organization_id,
	      pay_payrg_pkg.get_parameter('P_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters) person_id,
	      pay_payrg_pkg.get_parameter('B_G_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters) business_group_id,
	      ppa.start_date start_date,
	      ppa.effective_date effective_date
       from   pay_payroll_actions  ppa
       where  ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 240

      select act.assignment_action_id,
      from   pay_assignment_actions act,
             per_assignments_f      paf,
             pay_payroll_actions    ppa,     /* pre-payments and reversals
                                                payroll action id */
             pay_payrolls_f         ppf -- Bug 3372732
      where  ppa.payroll_id               =  nvl(c_payroll_id,ppa.payroll_id)
      and    ppa.consolidation_set_id + 0 =  nvl(c_consolidation_set_id,
      and    ppa.effective_date between c_start_date
                                    and c_effective_date
      and    act.tax_unit_id              = nvl(c_tax_unit_id ,act.tax_unit_id)
      and    paf.organization_id = nvl(c_organization_id,paf.organization_id)
      and    paf.location_id     = nvl(c_location_id,paf.location_id)
      and    paf.person_id       = nvl(c_person_id,paf.person_id)
      and    paf.business_group_id + 0 = c_business_group_id
      and    ppa.action_type     = 'B'
      and    act.action_status   = 'C'
      and    act.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
      and    paf.assignment_id   = act.assignment_id
      and    ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
                                    and paf.effective_end_date
      and    paf.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and    ppa.payroll_id = ppf.payroll_id -- Bug 3372732
      and    ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                                    and ppf.effective_end_date
      and    ppf.payroll_id >= 0
      --added for bug 6854964
       AND ((nvl(act.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is null and
           act.source_action_id is null)
       or (nvl(act.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is not null and
           act.source_action_id is not null )
       or (ppa.action_type = 'V' and ppa.run_type_id is null and
           act.run_type_id is not null and
           act.source_action_id is null))
      --end of addition
      ORDER BY act.assignment_action_id;
Line: 296

      select act.assignment_action_id,
      from   pay_assignment_actions act,
             per_assignments_f      paf,
             pay_payroll_actions    ppa,   /* pre-payments and reversals payroll action id */
	     pay_payrolls_f	    ppf -- Bug 3372732
      where  ppa.payroll_id 	      =  nvl(c_payroll_id, ppa.payroll_id)
      and    ppa.consolidation_set_id +0    =
                nvl(c_consolidation_set_id, ppa.consolidation_set_id)
      and    ppa.effective_date between c_start_date and c_effective_date
      and    act.tax_unit_id          =  nvl(c_tax_unit_id,act.tax_unit_id)
      and    paf.organization_id      =  nvl(c_organization_id,
      and    paf.location_id  	      =  nvl(c_location_id, paf.location_id)
      and    paf.person_id            =  nvl(c_person_id, paf.person_id)
      and    paf.business_group_id +0 = c_business_group_id
      and    ppa.action_type 	      = 'I'
      and    act.action_status        = 'C'
      and    act.payroll_action_id    = ppa.payroll_action_id
      and    paf.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
					and paf.effective_end_date
      and    paf.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and    ppa.payroll_id = ppf.payroll_id -- Bug 3372732
      and    ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
					and ppf.effective_end_date
      and    ppf.payroll_id 	      >= 0
         --added for bug 6854964
       AND ((nvl(act.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is null and
           act.source_action_id is null)
       or (nvl(act.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is not null and
           act.source_action_id is not null )
       or (ppa.action_type = 'V' and ppa.run_type_id is null and
           act.run_type_id is not null and
           act.source_action_id is null))
      --end of addition
      ORDER BY act.assignment_action_id;
Line: 351

      select act.assignment_action_id,
      from   pay_assignment_actions  act,
             per_assignments_f       paf,
             pay_payroll_actions     ppa,   /* pre-payments and reversals payroll action id */
             pay_payrolls_f	     ppf -- Bug 3372732
      where  ppa.payroll_id =
        	nvl(c_payroll_id, ppa.payroll_id)
      and    ppa.consolidation_set_id +0    =
                nvl(c_consolidation_set_id, ppa.consolidation_set_id)
      and    ppa.effective_date between c_start_date and c_effective_date
      and    act.tax_unit_id      = nvl(c_tax_unit_id,act.tax_unit_id)
      and    paf.organization_id  = nvl(c_organization_id, paf.organization_id)
      and    paf.location_id      = nvl(c_location_id, paf.location_id)
      and    paf.person_id        = nvl(c_person_id, paf.person_id)
      and    paf.business_group_id +0 = c_business_group_id
      and    ppa.action_type in ('B','I')
      and    act.action_status 	  = 'C'
      and    act.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
      and    paf.assignment_id    = act.assignment_id
      and    ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
					and paf.effective_end_date
      and    paf.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and    ppa.payroll_id 	  = ppf.payroll_id -- Bug 3372732
      and    ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
					and ppf.effective_end_date
      and    ppf.payroll_id >= 0
         --added for bug 6854964
       AND ((nvl(act.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is null and
           act.source_action_id is null)
       or (nvl(act.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is not null and
           act.source_action_id is not null )
       or (ppa.action_type = 'V' and ppa.run_type_id is null and
           act.run_type_id is not null and
           act.source_action_id is null))
      --end of addition
      ORDER BY act.assignment_action_id;
Line: 406

      select act.assignment_action_id,
      from   pay_assignment_actions act,
             per_assignments_f      paf,
             pay_payroll_actions    ppa,   /* pre-payments and reversals  */
					   /* payroll action id */
             pay_payrolls_f 	    ppf	-- Bug 3372732
      where  ppa.payroll_id 	=   nvl(c_payroll_id, ppa.payroll_id)
      and    ppa.consolidation_set_id +0    =   nvl(c_consolidation_set_id,
      and    ppa.effective_date between c_start_date and c_effective_date
      and    act.tax_unit_id    =  nvl(c_tax_unit_id,act.tax_unit_id)
      and    paf.organization_id=  nvl(c_organization_id, paf.organization_id)
      and    paf.location_id    =  nvl(c_location_id, paf.location_id)
      and    paf.person_id      =  nvl(c_person_id, paf.person_id)
      and    paf.business_group_id +0 = c_business_group_id
      and    ppa.action_type 	= 'R'
      and    act.action_status  = 'C'
      and    act.payroll_action_id  = ppa.payroll_action_id
      and    paf.assignment_id  = act.assignment_id
      and    ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
					and paf.effective_end_date
      and    paf.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and    ppa.payroll_id = ppf.payroll_id --  Bug3372732
      and    ppa.effective_date  between ppf.effective_start_date
					and ppf.effective_end_date
      and    ppf.payroll_id 	>= 0
         --added for bug 6854964
       AND ((nvl(act.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is null and
           act.source_action_id is null)
       or (nvl(act.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is not null and
           act.source_action_id is not null )
       or (ppa.action_type = 'V' and ppa.run_type_id is null and
           act.run_type_id is not null and
           act.source_action_id is null))
      --end of addition
      ORDER BY act.assignment_action_id;
Line: 461

      select act.assignment_action_id,
      from   pay_assignment_actions  act,
             per_assignments_f       paf,
             pay_payroll_actions     ppa,   /* pre-payments and  */
					   /* reversals payroll action id */
             pay_payrolls_f          ppf	-- Bug 3372732
      where  ppa.payroll_id                 = nvl(c_payroll_id, ppa.payroll_id)
      and    ppa.consolidation_set_id +0    = nvl(c_consolidation_set_id,
      and    ppa.effective_date between c_start_date and c_effective_date
      and    act.tax_unit_id                = nvl(c_tax_unit_id,act.tax_unit_id)
      and    paf.organization_id            = nvl(c_organization_id,
      and    paf.location_id                = nvl(c_location_id, paf.location_id)
      and    paf.person_id 		    = nvl(c_person_id, paf.person_id)
      and    paf.business_group_id +0 	    = c_business_group_id
      and    ppa.action_type 		    = 'Q'
      and    act.action_status 		    = 'C'
      and    act.payroll_action_id          = ppa.payroll_action_id
      and    paf.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
					and paf.effective_end_date
      and    paf.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and    ppf.payroll_id = ppa.payroll_id -- Bug 3372732
      and    ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
					and ppf.effective_end_date
      and    ppf.payroll_id  		    >= 0
         --added for bug 6854964
       AND ((nvl(act.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is null and
           act.source_action_id is null)
       or (nvl(act.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is not null and
           act.source_action_id is not null )
       or (ppa.action_type = 'V' and ppa.run_type_id is null and
           act.run_type_id is not null and
           act.source_action_id is null))
      --end of addition
      ORDER BY act.assignment_action_id;
Line: 516

      select act.assignment_action_id,
      from   pay_assignment_actions act,
             per_assignments_f      paf,
             pay_payroll_actions    ppa,   /* pre-payments and  */
					/* reversals payroll action id */
	     pay_payrolls_f 	    ppf
      where  ppa.payroll_id  	         = nvl(c_payroll_id, ppa.payroll_id)
      and    ppa.consolidation_set_id +0 = nvl(c_consolidation_set_id,
      and    ppa.effective_date between c_start_date and c_effective_date
      and    act.tax_unit_id 		 = nvl(c_tax_unit_id,act.tax_unit_id)
      and    paf.organization_id         = nvl(c_organization_id ,paf.organization_id)
      and    paf.location_id 		 = nvl(c_location_id, paf.location_id)
      and    paf.person_id 		 = nvl(c_person_id, paf.person_id)
      and    paf.business_group_id +0 	 = c_business_group_id
      and    ppa.action_type in ('R','Q')
      and    act.action_status 		 = 'C'
      and    act.payroll_action_id       =  ppa.payroll_action_id
      and    paf.assignment_id           = act.assignment_id
      and    ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
					and paf.effective_end_date
      and    paf.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and    ppa.payroll_id = ppf.payroll_id -- Bug 3372732
      and    ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
					and ppf.effective_end_date
      and    ppf.payroll_id >= 0
         --added for bug 6854964
       AND ((nvl(act.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is null and
           act.source_action_id is null)
       or (nvl(act.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is not null and
           act.source_action_id is not null )
       or (ppa.action_type = 'V' and ppa.run_type_id is null and
           act.run_type_id is not null and
           act.source_action_id is null))
      --end of addition
      ORDER BY act.assignment_action_id;
Line: 570

      select act.assignment_action_id,
      from   pay_assignment_actions  act,
             per_assignments_f       paf,
             pay_payroll_actions     ppa,   /* pre-payments and */
					     /* reversals payroll action id */
             pay_payrolls_f	     ppf  -- Bug 3372732
      where  ppa.payroll_id =
                nvl(c_payroll_id, ppa.payroll_id)
      and    ppa.consolidation_set_id +0 = nvl(c_consolidation_set_id,
      and    ppa.effective_date between c_start_date and c_effective_date
      and    act.tax_unit_id 		 = nvl(c_tax_unit_id,act.tax_unit_id)
      and    paf.organization_id 	 = nvl(c_organization_id, paf.organization_id)
      and    paf.location_id 		 = nvl(c_location_id, paf.location_id)
      and    paf.person_id 		 = nvl(c_person_id, paf.person_id)
      and    paf.business_group_id +0    = c_business_group_id
      and    ppa.action_type 		 = 'V'
      and    act.action_status 		 = 'C'
      and    act.payroll_action_id       =  ppa.payroll_action_id
      and    paf.assignment_id           = act.assignment_id
      and    ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
					and paf.effective_end_date
      and    paf.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and    ppa.payroll_id  		 = ppf.payroll_id -- Bug 3372732
      and    ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
					and ppf.effective_end_date
      and    ppf.payroll_id 		 >= 0
         --added for bug 6854964
       AND ((nvl(act.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is null and
           act.source_action_id is null)
       or (nvl(act.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is not null and
           act.source_action_id is not null )
       or (ppa.action_type = 'V' and ppa.run_type_id is null and
           act.run_type_id is not null and
           act.source_action_id is null))
      --end of addition
      ORDER BY act.assignment_action_id;
Line: 625

      select act.assignment_action_id,
      from   pay_assignment_actions  act,
             per_assignments_f       paf,
             pay_payroll_actions     ppa,   /* pre-payments and  */
					    /* reversals payroll action id */
             pay_payrolls_f          ppf
      where  ppa.payroll_id 		 = nvl(c_payroll_id, ppa.payroll_id)
      and    ppa.consolidation_set_id +0 = nvl(c_consolidation_set_id ,ppa.consolidation_set_id)
      and    ppa.effective_date between c_start_date and c_effective_date
      and    act.tax_unit_id             = nvl(c_tax_unit_id,act.tax_unit_id)
      and    paf.organization_id 	 = nvl(c_organization_id,
      and    paf.location_id 		 = nvl(c_location_id, paf.location_id)
      and    paf.person_id 		 = nvl(c_person_id, paf.person_id)
      and    paf.business_group_id +0    = c_business_group_id
      and    ppa.action_type in ('B','D','I','R','Q','V')
      and    act.action_status 		 = 'C'
      and    act.payroll_action_id       = ppa.payroll_action_id
      and    paf.assignment_id           = act.assignment_id
      and    ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
					and paf.effective_end_date
      and    paf.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and    ppa.payroll_id  		 = ppf.payroll_id -- Bug 3372732
      and    ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
					and ppf.effective_end_date
      and    ppf.payroll_id		 >= 0
         --added for bug 6854964
       AND ((nvl(act.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is null and
           act.source_action_id is null)
       or (nvl(act.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is not null and
           act.source_action_id is not null )
       or (ppa.action_type = 'V' and ppa.run_type_id is null and
           act.run_type_id is not null and
           act.source_action_id is null))
      --end of addition
      ORDER BY act.assignment_action_id;
Line: 696

	select legislative_parameters into leg_param
	from pay_payroll_actions
	where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 755

                select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                into   lockingactid
                from   dual;
Line: 769

             select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
             into   lockingactid
             from   dual;
Line: 826

                select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                into   lockingactid
                from   dual;
Line: 839

             select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
             into   lockingactid
             from   dual;
Line: 895

                 select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                 into   lockingactid
                 from   dual;
Line: 908

              select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
              into   lockingactid
              from   dual;
Line: 964

                  select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                  into   lockingactid
                  from   dual;
Line: 977

               select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
               into   lockingactid
               from   dual;
Line: 1035

                  select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                  into   lockingactid
                  from   dual;
Line: 1049

               select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
               into   lockingactid
               from   dual;
Line: 1107

                  select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                  into   lockingactid
                  from   dual;
Line: 1121

               select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
               into   lockingactid
               from   dual;
Line: 1178

                 select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                 into   lockingactid
                 from   dual;
Line: 1190

              select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
              into   lockingactid
              from   dual;
Line: 1249

                 select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                 into   lockingactid
                 from   dual;
Line: 1266

              select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
              into   lockingactid
              from   dual;
Line: 1292

           select legislative_parameters
           from pay_payroll_actions
           where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 1298

      sqlstr :=  'select paa.rowid
             /* we need the row id of the assignment actions
                that are created by PYUGEN */
               from hr_all_organization_units  hou, /* Assignment Org */
                    hr_all_organization_units  hou1,/* Tax Unit       */
                    hr_locations_all       loc,
                    per_all_people_f       ppf,
                    per_all_assignments_f  paf,
                    pay_assignment_actions paa, /* PYUGEN assignment action */
                    pay_payroll_actions    ppa,  /* PYUGEN payroll action id */
                    pay_assignment_actions	paa1, /*For Sorting */
		    pay_action_interlocks 	pai,
                    pay_payroll_actions		ppa1 /*For Sorting */
              where ppa.payroll_action_id = :payactid
                and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
                and paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
                and paf.effective_start_date =
                      (select max(paf1.effective_start_date)
                         from per_all_assignments_f paf1
                        where paf1.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                          and paf1.effective_start_date <= ppa.effective_date
                          and paf1.effective_end_date >= ppa.start_date
                and hou1.organization_id = paa.tax_unit_id
                and hou.organization_id = paf.organization_id
                and loc.location_id  = paf.location_id
                and ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
                and ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                                           and ppf.effective_end_date
      		AND	ppa1.effective_date BETWEEN ppa.start_date and ppa.effective_Date
		AND	ppa1.action_status		= ''C''
		AND	ppa1.payroll_action_id 	  = paa1.payroll_action_id
		and paa1.action_status = ''C''
		AND paa1.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
		and pai.locking_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
		and pai.locked_action_id = paa1.assignment_action_id
		and ppa.business_group_id = ppa1.business_group_id';
Line: 1382

              for update of paa.assignment_id';