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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 12

   PROCEDURE update_batch_ref (l_batch_id NUMBER, a_reference_num VARCHAR2); --SIR71
Line: 50

      SELECT   ppl.person_id, ppl.last_name, ppl.first_name,
               asm.assignment_id, asm.business_group_id,
               asm.assignment_number, asm.time_normal_start normal_start,
               asm.time_normal_finish normal_finish, asm.normal_hours -- delete C243 by BC
                                                                      --, asmv.hxt_work_plan tws_id
               NULL osp_id, NULL sdf_id, aeiv.hxt_rotation_plan rtp_id,
               aeiv.hxt_earning_policy egp_id,
               aeiv.hxt_hour_deduction_policy hdp_id,
               aeiv.hxt_shift_differential_policy sdp_id
--       -- use the latest of ppd_start and asm_start
       -- use the latest of ptp_start, asm_start, and aeiv_start
               GREATEST (
                     start_date -- use the earliest of ppd_end, asm_end, aeiv_end
               LEAST (
               ) end_date,
               tim.id tim_id, tim.batch_id, tim.auto_gen_flag,
               egp.fcl_earn_type egp_type, egp.egt_id, egp.hcl_id, egp.pep_id,
               egp.pip_id, ptp.ROWID ptp_rowid, egp.effective_start_date,
          FROM per_time_periods ptp,
               hxt_timecards tim,
               per_people_f ppl,
               hxt_earning_policies egp,
               hxt_per_aei_ddf_v aeiv,
               per_assignment_status_types ast,
               per_assignments_f asm
         WHERE ptp.payroll_id = asm.payroll_id
           AND ast.assignment_status_type_id = asm.assignment_status_type_id
           AND ast.pay_system_status = 'P' -- Check payroll status
           AND ast.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
           AND aeiv.assignment_id = asm.assignment_id
           AND aeiv.effective_start_date <= ptp.end_date
           AND aeiv.effective_end_date >= ptp.start_date
           AND aeiv.hxt_autogen_hours_yn = 'Y'
           AND egp.id(+) = aeiv.hxt_earning_policy
           -- get policy valid for this time frame
           AND (   (    egp.effective_start_date <=
                              LEAST (
                    AND egp.effective_end_date >=
                              GREATEST (
                    AND egp.id IS NOT NULL
                OR egp.id IS NULL
           AND ppl.person_id = asm.person_id
           -- use ptp.end_date - may be hired after start_date --
           AND ptp.end_date BETWEEN ppl.effective_start_date
                                AND ppl.effective_end_date
           AND tim.for_person_id(+) = asm.person_id
           AND tim.time_period_id(+) = a_time_period_id
           -- ignore timecards that have been manually entered, we will report to the user on these later
           -- get all assignments valid sometime during pay period --
           AND asm.effective_start_date <= ptp.end_date
           AND asm.effective_end_date >= ptp.start_date
           AND ptp.time_period_id = a_time_period_id
           AND ptp.payroll_id = a_payroll_id
	   AND not exists											-- added 2772781
		   (											-- added 2772781
		   select '1' from  HXT_BATCH_STATES							-- added 2772781
		   where (hxt_batch_states.STATUS  ='VT' and hxt_batch_states.batch_id=tim.batch_id)	-- added 2772781
		   )											-- added 2772781
      ORDER BY tim.batch_id,
               GREATEST (
Line: 270

                        g_sub_loc := 'Update_Batch_Ref';
Line: 272

                        update_batch_ref (l_batch_id, l_reference_number);
Line: 396

      DELETE FROM fnd_sessions
            WHERE session_id = USERENV ('SESSIONID');
Line: 403

         DELETE FROM fnd_sessions
               WHERE session_id = USERENV ('SESSIONID');
Line: 413

         DELETE FROM fnd_sessions
               WHERE session_id = USERENV ('SESSIONID');
Line: 455

         SELECT wsh.off_shift_prem_id, wsh.shift_diff_ovrrd_id,
                sht.standard_start, sht.standard_stop, sht.early_start,
                sht.late_stop, sht.hours
           FROM hxt_shifts sht,
                hxt_weekly_work_schedules wws,
                hxt_work_shifts wsh
          WHERE wsh.week_day = hxt_util.get_week_day(a_date)
            AND wws.id = wsh.tws_id
            AND a_date BETWEEN wws.date_from AND NVL (wws.date_to, a_date)
            AND wws.id = a_work_id
            AND sht.id = wsh.sht_id;
Line: 580

         SELECT   rt1.tws_id,
                  -- Use the latest of rotation plan start dates or assignment start date
                  TRUNC (
                     DECODE (
                        SIGN (  rt1.start_date
                              - c_start),
                        -1, c_start,
                  ) start_date,
                  -- Use the earliest of rotation plan end dates or assignment end date
                  NVL (
                     TRUNC (
                        DECODE (
                           SIGN (  MIN (  rt2.start_date
                                        - 1)
                                 - c_end),
                           -1, MIN (  rt2.start_date
                                    - 1),
                  ) end_date
             FROM hxt_rotation_schedules rt1, hxt_rotation_schedules rt2
            WHERE rt1.rtp_id = rt2.rtp_id(+)
              AND rt2.start_date(+) > rt1.start_date
              AND rt1.rtp_id = c_rtp_id
              AND c_end >= rt1.start_date
         GROUP BY rt1.tws_id, rt1.start_date
           HAVING c_start <=
                      NVL (  MIN (rt2.start_date)
                           - 1, hr_general.end_of_time)
         ORDER BY rt1.start_date;
Line: 693

         g_sub_loc := 'INSERT INTO pay_batch_headers';
Line: 694

	       --update the batch name
      pay_batch_element_entry_api.update_batch_header (
         p_session_date=> g_sysdatetime,
         p_batch_id=> l_batch_id,
         p_object_version_number=> l_object_version_number,
         p_action_if_exists=> 'I',
         p_batch_name=> l_batch_name,
         p_batch_reference=> a_reference_num,
         p_batch_source=> 'OTM',
         p_batch_status=> 'U',
         p_purge_after_transfer=> 'N',
         p_reject_if_future_changes=> 'N'
Line: 708

      /*   INSERT INTO pay_batch_headers
                     (batch_id, business_group_id, batch_name, batch_status,
                      action_if_exists, batch_reference, batch_source,
                      purge_after_transfer, reject_if_future_changes,
                      created_by, creation_date, last_updated_by,
                      last_update_date, last_update_login)
              VALUES (l_batch_id, g_bus_group_id, l_batch_name, 'U',
                      'I', a_reference_num, 'OTM',
                      'N', 'N',
                      g_user_id, g_sysdatetime, g_user_id,
                      g_sysdatetime, g_login_id);*/
Line: 735

  PROCEDURE update_batch_ref (l_batch_id NUMBER, a_reference_num VARCHAR2)

	CURSOR c_ovn is
	Select object_version_number
	From pay_batch_headers

	Where batch_id = l_batch_id;
Line: 754

    pay_batch_element_entry_api.update_batch_header (
         p_session_date => g_sysdatetime,
         p_batch_id=> l_batch_id,
         p_batch_reference=> a_reference_num,
         p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
Line: 770

   END update_batch_ref;
Line: 784

      g_sub_loc := 'INSERT into hxt_timecards';
Line: 786

      INSERT INTO hxt_timecards_f
                  (id, for_person_id, payroll_id,
                   time_period_id, batch_id, auto_gen_flag, created_by,
                   creation_date, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
                   last_update_login, effective_start_date,
           VALUES (l_tim_id, g_asm_rec.person_id, g_payroll_id,
                   g_time_period_id, a_batch_id, 'A', g_user_id,
                   g_sysdatetime, g_user_id, g_sysdatetime,
                   g_login_id, g_sysdate,
Line: 929

      g_sub_loc := 'INSERT into hxt_hours_worked';
Line: 934

      INSERT INTO hxt_sum_hours_worked_f
                  (id, tim_id, date_worked, seqno,
                   hours, assignment_id, element_type_id, time_in, time_out
--  , created_by
--  , creation_date
--  , last_updated_by
--  , last_update_date
--  , last_update_login
                   effective_start_date, effective_end_date, earn_pol_id)
           -- , group_id)
           VALUES (l_hrw_id, g_asm_rec.tim_id, a_date_worked, l_seqno,
                   l_hours, a_assignment_id, l_elt_id, l_time_in, l_time_out
--  , g_user_id
--  , g_sysdatetime
--  , g_user_id
--  , g_sysdatetime
--  , g_login_id
                   g_sysdate, hr_general.end_of_time, g_asm_rec.egp_id);
Line: 959

        INTO l_rowid
        FROM hxt_sum_hours_worked_f
       WHERE id = l_hrw_id;
Line: 1034

               g_user_id -- LAST_UPDATED_BY
               g_sysdatetime -- LAST_UPDATE_DATE
               g_login_id -- LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
               a_start -- START DATE SPR C389
               NULL -- PROJACCT Project_id
               NULL -- TA35     Job_id
               'P' -- RETROPAY Pay_Status
               'P' -- PROJACCT PA_Status
               NULL -- RETROPAY Retro_Batch_Id
            -- , l_group_id             -- HXT11i1
Line: 1090

         SELECT hxt_seqno.NEXTVAL
           FROM DUAL;
Line: 1121

      SELECT pay_batch_headers_s.NEXTVAL
        INTO l_nextval
        FROM DUAL; --SPR C166 BY BC
Line: 1236

      SELECT id  FROM hxt_timecards_f tim
            WHERE tim.auto_gen_flag = 'A'
              AND tim.time_period_id = g_time_period_id
       	      AND exists										-- added 2772781
		   select '1' from  HXT_BATCH_STATES							-- added 2772781
		   where (hxt_batch_states.STATUS  <>'VT' and hxt_batch_states.batch_id=tim.batch_id)	-- added 2772781
		   OR     tim.batch_id is null								-- added 2772781
              AND NOT EXISTS (
                        SELECT 'x'
                          FROM per_time_periods ptp,
                               hxt_per_aei_ddf_v aeiv,
                               per_assignments_f asm
                         WHERE asm.person_id = tim.for_person_id
                           AND ptp.start_date
                                  BETWEEN asm.effective_start_date
                                      AND asm.effective_end_date
                           AND aeiv.assignment_id = asm.assignment_id --ORACLE
                           AND ptp.start_date
                                  BETWEEN aeiv.effective_start_date
                                      AND aeiv.effective_end_date
                           AND aeiv.hxt_autogen_hours_yn = 'Y' --ORACLE
                           AND ptp.time_period_id = tim.time_period_id);
Line: 1263

      g_sub_loc := 'DELETE from hxt_timecards';
Line: 1266

      DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f
            WHERE tim_id = l_record.id;
Line: 1269

      DELETE FROM hxt_sum_hours_worked_f
            WHERE tim_id = l_record.id;
Line: 1272

      DELETE FROM hxt_timecards_f
            WHERE id = l_record.id;
Line: 1319

         SELECT auto_gen_flag, for_person_id
           FROM hxt_timecards_f tim
          WHERE tim.auto_gen_flag <> 'A'
            AND tim.for_person_id = a_person_id
            AND tim.time_period_id = a_time_period_id
            AND tim.payroll_id = a_payroll_id
            -- MV: 03-DEC-2002
            -- I did some investigation with regards to this query and I do not see why
            -- we need the exists statement in this query.  It checks if the autogen flag
            -- is set for the assignment, but it will always be set because the driving query
            -- g_cur_asm already has this check.
            -- For now we leave it in because from experience we know that drastic changes
            -- in OTM like this have a knock on effect on other code in OTM which is dificult
            -- to spot.  We only change the statement to be in line with the driving cursor
            -- so it can handle mid period hiring and firing
            -- Again I do not think that this is the correct solution because it will
            -- return all assignment records within a payroll period, this could be
            -- multiple records, one for every datetrack update on the assignment or aei
            -- so there might still be an issue when an assignment switches from autogen
            -- to no-autogen mid-period.  We will need to look at this later.
            AND EXISTS ( SELECT 'x'
                           FROM per_time_periods ptp,
                                hxt_per_aei_ddf_v asmv,
                                per_assignments_f asm
                          WHERE asm.person_id = tim.for_person_id
                            -- next 2 lines copied from g_cur_asm
                            AND asm.effective_start_date <= ptp.end_date
                            AND asm.effective_end_date >= ptp.start_date
                            /* AND ptp.start_date BETWEEN asm.effective_start_date
                                                   AND asm.effective_end_date */
                            AND asmv.assignment_id = asm.assignment_id
                            -- next 2 lines copied from g_cur_asm
                            AND asmv.effective_start_date <= ptp.end_date
                            AND asmv.effective_end_date >= ptp.start_date
                            /* AND ptp.start_date BETWEEN asmv.effective_start_date
                                                   AND asmv.effective_end_date */
                            AND asmv.hxt_autogen_hours_yn = 'Y'
                            AND ptp.time_period_id = tim.time_period_id);
Line: 1381

      g_sub_loc := 'DELETE from hxt_det_hours_worked';
Line: 1383

      DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f --C421
            WHERE tim_id = a_tim_id;
Line: 1387

      DELETE FROM hxt_sum_hours_worked
            WHERE tim_id = a_tim_id; --C421
Line: 1395

      DELETE FROM hxt_errors
            WHERE tim_id = a_tim_id
              AND (   location LIKE 'Autogen%'
                   OR location LIKE 'AUTO%'
                  ); --C336
Line: 1435

         SELECT DECODE (hdy.hours, NULL, NULL, hcl.element_type_id), hdy.hours -- SPR C332 by BC
           FROM hxt_holiday_calendars hcl, hxt_holiday_days hdy
          WHERE hdy.holiday_date = c_date
            AND hcl.id = hdy.hcl_id
            AND c_date BETWEEN hcl.effective_start_date
                           AND hcl.effective_end_date
            AND hcl.id = c_hcl_id;
Line: 1467

      FROM    SYS.DUAL;
Line: 1490

         SELECT '1'
           FROM fnd_sessions
          WHERE session_id = USERENV ('SESSIONID')
            AND effective_date < TRUNC (  SYSDATE
                                        - 1);
Line: 1498

         SELECT '1'
           FROM fnd_sessions
          WHERE session_id = USERENV ('SESSIONID')
            AND TRUNC (effective_date) BETWEEN TRUNC (  SYSDATE
                                                      - 1)
                                           AND SYSDATE;
Line: 1512

         DELETE FROM fnd_sessions
               WHERE session_id = USERENV ('SESSIONID')
                 AND effective_date < TRUNC (  SYSDATE
                                             - 1);
Line: 1525

         INSERT INTO fnd_sessions
                     (session_id, effective_date)