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Line 285: FROM ar_payment_schedules PS,

281: 1, NULL,
282: printing_count - 1)
283: WHERE customer_trx_id IN
284: (SELECT PS.customer_trx_id
285: FROM ar_payment_schedules PS,
286: ar_cons_inv_trx IT,
287: ar_cons_inv CI
288: WHERE IT.transaction_type IN ('INVOICE','CREDIT_MEMO')
289: AND CI.cons_inv_id = IT.cons_inv_id

Line 294: UPDATE ar_payment_schedules

290: AND CI.cons_inv_id in (select cons_inv_id from ar_cons_inv i
291: where i.status = 'PRE_REJECTED')
292: AND PS.payment_schedule_id = IT.adj_ps_id);
294: UPDATE ar_payment_schedules
295: SET cons_inv_id = NULL
296: WHERE payment_schedule_id IN
297: (SELECT IT.adj_ps_id
298: FROM ar_cons_inv CI,

Line 306: UPDATE ar_payment_schedules

302: AND CI.cons_inv_id = IT.cons_inv_id
303: AND CI.cons_inv_id in (select cons_inv_id from ar_cons_inv i
304: where i.status = 'PRE_REJECTED'));
306: UPDATE ar_payment_schedules
307: SET cons_inv_id_rev = NULL
308: WHERE payment_schedule_id IN
309: (SELECT IT.adj_ps_id
310: FROM ar_cons_inv CI,

Line 504: -- update AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES table with the new values

500: billing_date = new_bill_date,
501: term_due_date = new_due_date
502: WHERE customer_trx_id = P_trx_id;
504: -- update AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES table with the new values
505: arp_process_header.post_commit( 'ARPBFBIB',
506: 120.0,
507: P_trx_id, -- customer_trx_id
508: NULL, -- cm trx_id

Line 518: -- update AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES with the due date.

514: NULL, -- natural_app_only_flag,
515: NULL -- cash_receipt_id
516: );
518: -- update AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES with the due date.
520: SET due_date = new_due_date
521: WHERE customer_trx_id = P_trx_id;


515: NULL -- cash_receipt_id
516: );
518: -- update AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES with the due date.
520: SET due_date = new_due_date
521: WHERE customer_trx_id = P_trx_id;
523: ELSE

Line 671: ar_payment_schedules PS

667: CT.interface_header_attribute1 trx_desc,
668: CT.ship_to_site_use_id ship_id,
669: CT.term_due_date due_date
670: FROM ra_customer_trx CT,
671: ar_payment_schedules PS
672: WHERE PS.customer_site_use_id = C_site_use_id
673: AND PS.cons_inv_id IS NULL
674: AND PS.invoice_currency_code = nvl(C_use_currency, PS.invoice_currency_code)
675: AND CT.customer_trx_id = PS.customer_trx_id

Line 689: FROM ar_payment_schedules

685: * bug 6488683
686: */
687: CURSOR ps_cur( C_trx_id number) IS
688: SELECT payment_schedule_id
689: FROM ar_payment_schedules
690: WHERE customer_trx_id = C_trx_id
691: ORDER BY creation_date DESC;
693: TYPE c_sites_type IS REF CURSOR ;

Line 1645: SELECT /*+ index (PS AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_N5) */

1641: tax_original,
1642: adj_ps_id,
1643: cons_inv_line_number,
1644: org_id)
1645: SELECT /*+ index (PS AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_N5) */
1646: l_consinv_id,
1648: PS.trx_number,
1649: ADJ.gl_date,

Line 1657: ar_payment_schedules PS

1653: NULL,
1654: ps.org_id
1655: FROM
1656: ar_adjustments ADJ,
1657: ar_payment_schedules PS
1658: WHERE
1659: ADJ.cons_inv_id is NULL
1660: AND ADJ.gl_date <= l_billing_date

Line 1685: SELECT /*+ index (PS AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_N5) */

1681: tax_original,
1682: adj_ps_id,
1683: cons_inv_line_number,
1684: org_id)
1685: SELECT /*+ index (PS AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_N5) */
1686: l_consinv_id,
1688: PS.trx_number,
1689: ADJ.gl_date,

Line 1697: ar_payment_schedules PS

1693: NULL,
1694: ps.org_id
1695: FROM
1696: ar_adjustments ADJ,
1697: ar_payment_schedules PS
1698: WHERE
1699: ADJ.cons_inv_id is NULL
1700: AND ADJ.gl_date <= l_billing_date
1701: AND ADJ.type = 'CHARGES'

Line 1736: ar_payment_schedules PS,

1732: PS.payment_schedule_id,
1733: NULL,
1734: PS.org_id
1735: FROM
1736: ar_payment_schedules PS,
1737: ar_cash_receipts CR
1738: WHERE
1739: PS.customer_site_use_id = L_sites.site_id
1740: AND PS.cons_inv_id IS NULL

Line 1773: ar_payment_schedules PS,

1769: PS.payment_schedule_id,
1770: NULL,
1771: CR.org_id
1772: FROM
1773: ar_payment_schedules PS,
1774: ar_cash_receipts CR
1775: WHERE
1776: PS.customer_site_use_id = L_sites.site_id
1777: AND PS.cons_inv_id_rev IS NULL

Line 1816: ar_payment_schedules ps_cash,

1812: NULL,
1813: ps_cash.org_id
1814: FROM
1815: ar_receivable_applications RA,
1816: ar_payment_schedules ps_cash,
1817: ar_payment_schedules ps_inv
1818: WHERE
1819: RA.cons_inv_id IS NULL
1820: AND RA.status = 'APP'

Line 1817: ar_payment_schedules ps_inv

1813: ps_cash.org_id
1814: FROM
1815: ar_receivable_applications RA,
1816: ar_payment_schedules ps_cash,
1817: ar_payment_schedules ps_inv
1818: WHERE
1819: RA.cons_inv_id IS NULL
1820: AND RA.status = 'APP'
1821: AND RA.application_type = 'CASH'

Line 1863: ar_payment_schedules ps_cash,

1859: NULL,
1860: ps_cash.org_id
1861: FROM
1862: ar_receivable_applications RA,
1863: ar_payment_schedules ps_cash,
1864: ar_payment_schedules ps_inv
1865: WHERE
1866: RA.cons_inv_id_to IS NULL
1867: AND RA.status = 'APP'

Line 1864: ar_payment_schedules ps_inv

1860: ps_cash.org_id
1861: FROM
1862: ar_receivable_applications RA,
1863: ar_payment_schedules ps_cash,
1864: ar_payment_schedules ps_inv
1865: WHERE
1866: RA.cons_inv_id_to IS NULL
1867: AND RA.status = 'APP'
1868: AND RA.application_type = 'CASH'

Line 1913: ar_payment_schedules ps_cash,

1909: ps_cash.org_id
1910: FROM
1911: ar_cons_inv_trx inv_trx,
1912: ar_receivable_applications ra,
1913: ar_payment_schedules ps_cash,
1914: ar_payment_schedules ps_inv
1915: WHERE ra.cons_inv_id_to is not null
1916: AND ra.cons_inv_id is null
1917: AND ra.status = 'APP'

Line 1914: ar_payment_schedules ps_inv

1910: FROM
1911: ar_cons_inv_trx inv_trx,
1912: ar_receivable_applications ra,
1913: ar_payment_schedules ps_cash,
1914: ar_payment_schedules ps_inv
1915: WHERE ra.cons_inv_id_to is not null
1916: AND ra.cons_inv_id is null
1917: AND ra.status = 'APP'
1918: AND ra.application_type = 'CASH'

Line 1959: ar_payment_schedules ps_cash,

1955: ps_cash.org_id
1956: FROM
1957: ar_cons_inv_trx inv_trx,
1958: ar_receivable_applications ra,
1959: ar_payment_schedules ps_cash,
1960: ar_payment_schedules ps_inv
1961: WHERE ra.cons_inv_id_to is null
1962: AND ra.cons_inv_id is not null
1963: AND ra.status = 'APP'

Line 1960: ar_payment_schedules ps_inv

1956: FROM
1957: ar_cons_inv_trx inv_trx,
1958: ar_receivable_applications ra,
1959: ar_payment_schedules ps_cash,
1960: ar_payment_schedules ps_inv
1961: WHERE ra.cons_inv_id_to is null
1962: AND ra.cons_inv_id is not null
1963: AND ra.status = 'APP'
1964: AND ra.application_type = 'CASH'

Line 2000: ar_payment_schedules PS_CM,

1996: NULL,
1997: PS_CM.org_id
1998: FROM
1999: ar_receivable_applications RA,
2000: ar_payment_schedules PS_CM,
2001: ar_payment_schedules PS_INV
2002: WHERE
2003: RA.cons_inv_id IS NULL
2004: AND RA.status = 'APP'

Line 2001: ar_payment_schedules PS_INV

1997: PS_CM.org_id
1998: FROM
1999: ar_receivable_applications RA,
2000: ar_payment_schedules PS_CM,
2001: ar_payment_schedules PS_INV
2002: WHERE
2003: RA.cons_inv_id IS NULL
2004: AND RA.status = 'APP'
2005: AND RA.application_type = 'CM'

Line 2041: ar_payment_schedules PS_CM,

2037: NULL,
2038: PS_CM.org_id
2039: FROM
2040: ar_receivable_applications RA,
2041: ar_payment_schedules PS_CM,
2042: ar_payment_schedules PS_INV
2043: WHERE
2044: RA.cons_inv_id IS NULL
2045: AND RA.status = 'APP'

Line 2042: ar_payment_schedules PS_INV

2038: PS_CM.org_id
2039: FROM
2040: ar_receivable_applications RA,
2041: ar_payment_schedules PS_CM,
2042: ar_payment_schedules PS_INV
2043: WHERE
2044: RA.cons_inv_id IS NULL
2045: AND RA.status = 'APP'
2046: AND RA.application_type = 'CM'

Line 2090: ar_payment_schedules PS_INV, -- INV

2086: NULL,
2087: PS_INV.org_id
2088: FROM
2089: ar_receivable_applications RA,
2090: ar_payment_schedules PS_INV, -- INV
2091: ar_payment_schedules PS_CM -- CM
2092: WHERE
2093: RA.cons_inv_id_to IS NULL
2094: AND RA.status = 'APP'

Line 2091: ar_payment_schedules PS_CM -- CM

2087: PS_INV.org_id
2088: FROM
2089: ar_receivable_applications RA,
2090: ar_payment_schedules PS_INV, -- INV
2091: ar_payment_schedules PS_CM -- CM
2092: WHERE
2093: RA.cons_inv_id_to IS NULL
2094: AND RA.status = 'APP'
2095: AND RA.application_type = 'CM'

Line 2140: ar_payment_schedules PS,

2136: PS.payment_schedule_id,
2137: NULL,
2138: PS.org_id
2139: FROM
2140: ar_payment_schedules PS,
2141: ar_cash_receipts CR
2142: WHERE
2143: PS.customer_id = L_sites.customer_id
2144: AND PS.customer_site_use_id IS NULL

Line 2178: ar_payment_schedules PS,

2174: PS.payment_schedule_id,
2175: NULL,
2176: CR.org_id
2177: FROM
2178: ar_payment_schedules PS,
2179: ar_cash_receipts CR
2180: WHERE
2181: PS.customer_id =L_sites.customer_id
2182: AND PS.customer_site_use_id IS NULL

Line 2250: /** For Site: update ar_payment_schedules, ar_receivable_applications

2246: ending_balance = beginning_balance + l_period_trx + l_period_receipts +
2247: l_period_adj + l_period_credits + l_period_finchrg
2248: WHERE cons_inv_id = l_consinv_id;
2250: /** For Site: update ar_payment_schedules, ar_receivable_applications
2251: and ar_adjustments **/
2253: write_debug_and_log('Updating AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES');

Line 2253: write_debug_and_log('Updating AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES');

2250: /** For Site: update ar_payment_schedules, ar_receivable_applications
2251: and ar_adjustments **/
2253: write_debug_and_log('Updating AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES');
2255: UPDATE ar_payment_schedules PS
2256: SET PS.cons_inv_id = l_consinv_id
2257: WHERE PS.payment_schedule_id IN

Line 2255: UPDATE ar_payment_schedules PS

2251: and ar_adjustments **/
2253: write_debug_and_log('Updating AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES');
2255: UPDATE ar_payment_schedules PS
2256: SET PS.cons_inv_id = l_consinv_id
2257: WHERE PS.payment_schedule_id IN
2258: (SELECT IT.adj_ps_id
2259: FROM ar_cons_inv_trx IT

Line 2264: UPDATE ar_payment_schedules PS

2260: WHERE IT.cons_inv_id = l_consinv_id
2261: AND IT.transaction_type IN ('INVOICE','CREDIT_MEMO',
2262: 'RECEIPT'));
2264: UPDATE ar_payment_schedules PS
2265: SET PS.cons_inv_id_rev = l_consinv_id
2266: WHERE PS.payment_schedule_id IN
2267: (SELECT IT.adj_ps_id
2268: FROM ar_cons_inv_trx IT

Line 2391: write_debug_and_log('Override : Updating AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES');

2387: billing_date = l_tab_billing_date(i),
2388: term_due_date = l_tab_due_date(i)
2389: WHERE customer_trx_id = l_tab_trx_id(i);
2391: write_debug_and_log('Override : Updating AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES');
2392: FOR i IN 1..l_tab_idx LOOP
2393: arp_process_header.post_commit( 'ARPBFBIB',
2394: 120.0,
2395: l_tab_trx_id(i), -- customer_trx_id


2404: );
2405: END LOOP;
2407: FORALL i IN 1..l_tab_idx
2409: SET due_date = l_tab_due_date(i)
2410: WHERE customer_trx_id = l_tab_trx_id(i);
2412: END IF;

Line 2471: FROM ar_payment_schedules PS,

2467: P_request_id IN NUMBER) IS
2469: CURSOR c_pending_trx IS
2470: SELECT PS.customer_trx_id
2471: FROM ar_payment_schedules PS,
2472: ar_cons_inv_trx IT,
2473: ar_cons_inv CI
2474: WHERE
2475: CI.print_status = 'PENDING'

Line 2496: FROM ar_payment_schedules PS,

2492: 'REPRINT', 0,
2493: 1)
2494: WHERE CT.customer_trx_id IN
2495: (SELECT PS.customer_trx_id
2496: FROM ar_payment_schedules PS,
2497: ar_cons_inv_trx IT,
2498: ar_cons_inv CI
2499: WHERE (
2500: (P_print_option = 'REPRINT'