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1 PACKAGE BODY per_asg_aggr AS
2 /* $Header: peaggasg.pkb 120.4 2007/10/31 15:07:33 rlingama noship $ */
4 /*---------------------------------------------------
5               --FUNCTION: assg_aggr_possible
6  Function to check if multiple assignments with
7  same tax district exist for this person.
8  ---------------------------------------------------*/
9  FUNCTION assg_aggr_possible (p_person_id IN NUMBER,
10                               p_effective_date IN DATE,
11                               p_message IN VARCHAR2) RETURN boolean
12  IS
13  l_segment_prev hr_soft_coding_keyflex.segment1%TYPE;
14  l_count_assignments NUMBER;
15  l_count_paye_link   NUMBER;
16  l_same_tax_district BOOLEAN default FALSE;
17  l_same_paye_element_value BOOLEAN default TRUE;
18  l_new_paye_element_value VARCHAR(100) default NULL;
19  l_old_paye_element_value VARCHAR(100) default NULL;
20  l_sys_per_type varchar2(30);
21  l_ni_flag  varchar2(10);
22  l_paye_flag varchar2(10);
24  -- Start of Bug 5671777-9
25  l_effective_end_date DATE;
26  l_new_cpe_strat_date DATE;
27  l_old_cpe_strat_date DATE;
28  l_old_assignment_id  NUMBER;
29  l_new_assignment_id  NUMBER;
30  l_old_effective_end_date DATE;
31  l_new_effective_end_date DATE;
32  l_old_effective_start_date DATE;
33  l_new_effective_start_date DATE;
34  -- End of Bug 5671777-9
36  --
37  -- Start of Bug 5671777-9
38  -- Changed the cursor to fecth PAYE agg flag effective end date
39  cursor cur_get_aggr_flag(c_person_id in number,
40                           c_effective_date in date) is
41  select per_information10,effective_end_date
42  from   per_all_people_f
43  where  person_id = c_person_id
44  and    c_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
45  -- End of Bug 5671777-9
47  cursor cur_person_type (c_person_id in number,
48                          c_effective_date in date) is
49   select typ.system_person_type
50   from per_person_types typ,
51        per_all_people_f ppf
52   where ppf.person_id = c_person_id
53   and   ppf.person_type_id = typ.person_type_id
54   and c_effective_date between
55      ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date;
56  --
57  CURSOR cur_rows_assg IS
58  SELECT count(*)
59  FROM per_all_assignments_f
60  WHERE person_id = p_person_id
61  AND p_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date ;
63  CURSOR cur_tax_reference IS
64   SELECT COUNT(hsck.segment1) Num, hsck.segment1 tax_district
65   FROM hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck,
66        pay_all_payrolls_f papf,
67        per_all_assignments_f paaf,
68        per_assignment_status_types past
69   WHERE hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id = papf.soft_coding_keyflex_id
70   AND papf.payroll_id =paaf.payroll_id
71   AND past.assignment_status_type_id = paaf.assignment_status_type_id
72   AND paaf.person_id = p_person_id
73  /*Commented for bug fix 3949536*/
74 --AND past.per_system_status='ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
75   AND p_effective_date BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
76   AND p_effective_date BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date
77   GROUP BY hsck.segment1;
79   /*BUG 2879391 Added the cursor to compare PAYE info for multiple assignments*/
80   /*BUG 4520393 added joins with pay_all_payrolls_f and hr_soft_coding_keyflex to validate
81     PAYE info only for assignments within the same PAYE reference*/
83   -- Start of BUG 5671777-9
84   -- Added code to fetch PAYE info of the multiple assignments with same CPE
85   --
87   CURSOR cur_paye_element_values(p_tax_district varchar2,p_start_date date,p_end_date date) IS
88   SELECT nvl(min(decode(inv.name, 'Tax Code', eev.screen_entry_value, null)),0)||
89   nvl(min(decode(inv.name, 'Tax Basis', substr(HR_GENERAL.DECODE_LOOKUP('GB_TAX_BASIS',eev.screen_entry_value),1,80),null)),0)||
90   nvl(min(decode(inv.name, 'Refundable', substr(HR_GENERAL.DECODE_LOOKUP('GB_REFUNDABLE',eev.screen_entry_value),1,80),null)),0)||
91   nvl(min(decode(inv.name, 'Pay Previous', eev.screen_entry_value, null)),0)||
92   nvl(min(decode(inv.name, 'Tax Previous', eev.screen_entry_value, null)),0)||
93   nvl(min(decode(inv.name, 'Authority', substr(HR_GENERAL.DECODE_LOOKUP('GB_AUTHORITY',eev.screen_entry_value),1,80),null)),0)||
94   nvl(ele.entry_information1,0)||
95   nvl(ele.entry_information2,0) VALUE,
96   pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_agg_active_start(paa.assignment_id, p_tax_district, greatest(paa.effective_start_date,ppf.effective_start_date)) cpe_start_date,
97   paa.assignment_id assignment_id,
98   eev.effective_start_date effective_start_date,
99   eev.effective_end_date effective_end_date
100   from
101   pay_element_entries_f ele,
102   pay_element_entry_values_f eev,
103   pay_input_values_f inv,
104   pay_element_links_f lnk, pay_element_types_f elt,
105   per_all_assignments_f paa,
106   pay_all_payrolls_f ppf,
107   hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
108   where ele.element_entry_id = eev.element_entry_id
109   -- and p_effective_date between ele.effective_start_date and ele.effective_end_date
110   and ele.effective_start_date <= p_end_date
111   and ele.effective_end_date >= p_start_date
112   and eev.input_value_id + 0 = inv.input_value_id
113   -- and p_effective_date between eev.effective_start_date and eev.effective_end_date
114   and eev.effective_start_date <= p_end_date
115   and eev.effective_end_date >= p_start_date
116   and inv.element_type_id = elt.element_type_id
117   -- and p_effective_date between inv.effective_start_date and inv.effective_end_date
118   and inv.effective_start_date <= p_end_date
119   and inv.effective_end_date >= p_start_date
120   and ele.element_link_id = lnk.element_link_id
121   and elt.element_type_id = lnk.element_type_id
122   --  and p_effective_date between lnk.effective_start_date and lnk.effective_end_date
123   and lnk.effective_start_date <= p_end_date
124   and lnk.effective_end_date >= p_start_date
125   and elt.element_name = 'PAYE Details'
126   and paa.person_id= p_person_id
127   and ele.assignment_id=paa.assignment_id
128   -- and p_effective_date between elt.effective_start_date and elt.effective_end_date
129   and elt.effective_start_date <= p_end_date
130   and elt.effective_end_date >= p_start_date
131   --  and p_effective_date between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date
132   and paa.effective_start_date <= p_end_date
133   and paa.effective_end_date >= p_start_date
134   and scl.segment1=p_tax_district
135   and ppf.soft_coding_keyflex_id=scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id
136   and ppf.payroll_id = paa.payroll_id
137   -- and p_effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
138   and ppf.effective_start_date <= p_end_date
139   and ppf.effective_end_date >= p_start_date
141   and exists ( SELECT 1
142 	       FROM per_all_assignments_f paaf,
143 	            pay_all_payrolls_f papf,
144 		    hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck,
145 		    per_assignment_status_types past
146 	       WHERE paaf.person_id = p_person_id
147 	       and paaf.assignment_id not in (paa.assignment_id)
148                and paaf.effective_start_date <= p_end_date
149                and paaf.effective_end_date >= p_start_date
150 	       and papf.effective_start_date <= p_end_date
151 	       and papf.effective_end_date >= p_start_date
152 	       and papf.payroll_id = paaf.payroll_id
153 	       and papf.soft_coding_keyflex_id=hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
154 	       and hsck.segment1 = scl.segment1
155 	       and pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_agg_active_end(paa.assignment_id, p_tax_district, greatest(paa.effective_start_date,ppf.effective_start_date))
156 	         = pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_agg_active_end(paaf.assignment_id, p_tax_district, greatest(paaf.effective_start_date,papf.effective_start_date))
157 	       and pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_agg_active_start(paa.assignment_id, p_tax_district, greatest(paa.effective_start_date,ppf.effective_start_date))
158 	         = pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_agg_active_start(paaf.assignment_id, p_tax_district, greatest(paaf.effective_start_date,papf.effective_start_date))
159 	       and paaf.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
160 	       and past.per_system_status in ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN','SUSP_ASSIGN')
161 	      )
162   group by ele.rowid, scl.segment1,
163   ele.assignment_id,ele.element_entry_id,
164   ele.entry_information_category, ele.entry_information1, ele.entry_information2,
165   ele.effective_start_date, ele.effective_end_date,
166   eev.effective_start_date,eev.effective_end_date,
167   paa.assignment_id,paa.effective_start_date,ppf.effective_start_date
168   order by cpe_start_date,eev.effective_start_date,paa.assignment_id;
170   -- End of Bug 5671777-9
172   CURSOR cur_paye_element_link IS
173   select count(*)
174   from   pay_element_entries_f      ele,
175   	 pay_element_links_f        lnk,
176   	 pay_element_types_f        elt,
177   	 per_all_assignments_f      paa
178   where  elt.element_name    = 'PAYE Details'
179   and    p_effective_date between elt.effective_start_date and elt.effective_end_date
180   and    elt.element_type_id = lnk.element_type_id
181   and    p_effective_date between lnk.effective_start_date and lnk.effective_end_date
182   and    lnk.element_link_id = ele.element_link_id
183   and    p_effective_date between ele.effective_start_date and ele.effective_end_date
184   and    ele.assignment_id   = paa.assignment_id
185   and    paa.person_id       = p_person_id
186   and    p_effective_date between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date;
189  --
190  open cur_get_aggr_flag(p_person_id, p_effective_date);
191  fetch cur_get_aggr_flag into  l_paye_flag,l_effective_end_date;
192  close cur_get_aggr_flag;
194  -- if the current values is already 'Y' then no need for validation
195  if (l_paye_flag = 'Y')  then
196    return true;
197  end if;
198  --
199  open cur_person_type(p_person_id, p_effective_date);
200  fetch cur_person_type into l_sys_per_type;
201  close cur_person_type;
202  --
203  if l_sys_per_type <> 'EX_EMP' then
204     -- If the Person is an Ex Employee, then no checks below
205     -- necessary as they are given a new assignment on rehire
206     OPEN cur_rows_assg;
207     FETCH cur_rows_assg INTO l_count_assignments;
208     CLOSE cur_rows_assg;
209     --
210     -- check number of asgs for live person.
211   IF l_count_assignments <=1 THEN
212     IF p_message = 'Y' THEN
213      hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_78101_CHK_MULTI_ASSG');
214      hr_utility.raise_error;
215     END IF;
217   ELSE
218     --
219   	FOR l_segment_1 IN cur_tax_reference LOOP
220   		--
221   	 	IF l_segment_1.Num > 1 THEN
222   	 		l_same_tax_district:= TRUE;
223                 END IF;
224                 --
225   	END LOOP;
226   	--
227   	IF l_same_tax_district <> TRUE THEN
228   	IF p_message = 'Y' THEN
229   	  hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_78102_DIFF_TAX_DIST');
230   	  hr_utility.raise_error;
231   	END IF;
233   	END IF;
234   	--
236   	/*BUG 3516114 Added code to check for PAYE Details element link */
237   	OPEN cur_paye_element_link;
238   	FETCH cur_paye_element_link INTO l_count_paye_link;
239   	CLOSE cur_paye_element_link;
241   	IF l_count_paye_link < 1 THEN
242   	  IF p_message = 'Y' THEN
243   		hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_78110_DIFF_PAYE_VALUES');
244   		hr_utility.raise_error;
245     	  END IF;
246   	  RETURN FALSE;
247   	END IF;
248   	--
250   	/*BUG 2879391 Added Code to check that multiple assignments have same PAYE info*/
251 	/* BUG 4520393 Added futher code to check that multiple assignments within SAME PAYE reference
252 	   have same PAYE info*/
253        -- Start of Bug 5671777-9
254        -- Added code to check that multiple assignments with same CPE have sme PAYE info
256         FOR l_tax_ref IN cur_tax_reference LOOP
257           FOR l_paye_values IN cur_paye_element_values(L_TAX_REF.tax_district,p_effective_date,l_effective_end_date) LOOP
259             IF  l_new_paye_element_value is null AND l_old_paye_element_value is null
260             AND l_new_cpe_strat_date is null AND l_old_cpe_strat_date is null THEN
261   	         l_old_paye_element_value := l_paye_values.VALUE ;
262   	         l_old_cpe_strat_date := l_paye_values.cpe_start_date;
263   	         l_old_assignment_id := l_paye_values.assignment_id;
264   	         l_old_effective_start_date := l_paye_values.effective_start_date;
265   	         l_old_effective_end_date := l_paye_values.effective_end_date;
266             ELSE
267   	         l_new_paye_element_value := l_paye_values.VALUE;
268   	         l_new_cpe_strat_date := l_paye_values.cpe_start_date;
269   	         l_new_assignment_id := l_paye_values.assignment_id;
270   	         l_new_effective_start_date := l_paye_values.effective_start_date;
271   	         l_new_effective_end_date := l_paye_values.effective_end_date;
273                 IF l_old_cpe_strat_date = l_new_cpe_strat_date THEN
274                   IF l_old_assignment_id = l_new_assignment_id AND l_old_paye_element_value = l_new_paye_element_value THEN
275                      l_old_effective_end_date := l_new_effective_end_date;
276                   ELSIF l_old_assignment_id = l_new_assignment_id AND l_old_paye_element_value <> l_new_paye_element_value THEN
277                      IF l_old_effective_end_date + 1 = l_new_effective_start_date THEN
278                         l_old_paye_element_value := l_new_paye_element_value;
279                         l_old_effective_start_date := l_new_effective_start_date;
280   	                l_old_effective_end_date := l_new_effective_end_date;
281                      ELSE
282                         l_same_paye_element_value := FALSE;
283                         EXIT;
284                      END IF;
285  	          ELSIF l_old_assignment_id <> l_new_assignment_id AND l_old_paye_element_value = l_new_paye_element_value THEN
286  	                l_old_effective_end_date := greatest(l_new_effective_end_date,l_old_effective_end_date);
287                   ELSIF l_old_assignment_id <> l_new_assignment_id AND l_old_paye_element_value <>l_new_paye_element_value THEN
288   	             IF l_old_effective_end_date + 1 = l_new_effective_start_date THEN
289                         l_old_paye_element_value := l_new_paye_element_value;
290                         l_old_effective_start_date := l_new_effective_start_date;
291   	                l_old_effective_end_date := l_new_effective_end_date;
292                      ELSE
293                         l_same_paye_element_value := FALSE;
294                         EXIT;
295                      END IF;
296                   END IF;
297   	        ELSE
298 		    l_old_paye_element_value := l_new_paye_element_value;
299                     l_old_cpe_strat_date := l_new_cpe_strat_date;
300                     l_old_assignment_id := l_new_assignment_id;
301   	            l_old_effective_start_date := l_new_effective_start_date;
302   	            l_old_effective_end_date := l_new_effective_end_date;
303   	        END IF;
304   	    END IF;
305        	 END LOOP;
306            l_new_paye_element_value := NULL;
307            l_old_paye_element_value := NULL;
308            l_new_cpe_strat_date := NULL;
309            l_old_cpe_strat_date := NULL;
310            l_old_assignment_id := NULL;
311            l_new_assignment_id := NULL;
312            l_old_effective_start_date := NULL;
313            l_new_effective_start_date := NULL;
314            l_old_effective_end_date := NULL;
315            l_new_effective_end_date := NULL;
316         END LOOP;
317 	-- End of Bug 5671777-9
319         IF l_same_paye_element_value <> TRUE THEN
320          IF p_message = 'Y' THEN
321         -- Input values of the Paye Details for multiple assignments is not same
322            hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_78110_DIFF_PAYE_VALUES');
323            hr_utility.raise_error;
324          END IF;
325         --
326         RETURN FALSE;
327 	END IF;
329   	--
330   END IF; -- Count of assignments
331   --
332  else -- The person is an ex employee so this is a rehire,
333       -- return TRUE
335   --
336  end if; -- Ex employee check
337 --
338 END assg_aggr_possible;
340 /* -----------------------------------------------------------
341             --PROCEDURE:check_aggr_assg
342  Procedure to be called through User hook of update_person_api
343  for calling function assg_aggr_possible and checking if 'NI
344  Multiple assignments' flag is 'Y' if aggregate assignment flag
345  is 'Y'
346  -------------------------------------------------------------*/
348  PROCEDURE check_aggr_assg(p_person_id IN NUMBER,
349                            p_effective_date IN DATE,
350                            p_per_information9 IN VARCHAR2,
351                            p_per_information10 IN VARCHAR2)
352  IS
353  BEGIN
355   --
356   -- Added for GSI Bug 5472781
357   --
358   IF hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'GB') THEN
359     --
360     --If aggregate assignment flag is 'Y'
361     IF p_per_information10 = 'Y' THEN
362     -- Check if 'NI Multiple assignments' flag is 'Y'
363       IF p_per_information9 = 'Y' THEN
364         -- Check for multiple assignments and same tax district
365         IF NOT assg_aggr_possible (p_person_id , p_effective_date,'Y')  THEN
366           hr_utility.raise_error;
367         END IF;
368       ELSE
369         -- if 'NI MUltiple assignment flag is not 'Y'
370         -- aggregate assignment flag cannot be 'Y'
371         hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_78103_CHK_NI_MULTI_ASSG_FLG');
372         hr_utility.raise_error;
373       END IF;
374     END IF;
375    END IF;
376  END check_aggr_assg;
377 --
378 END per_asg_aggr;
379 --