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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 25

                   select transaction_category_id
                   from   pqh_transaction_categories
                   where  short_name = 'BEN_PDCPWZ';
Line: 29

                   select copy_entity_txn_id
                   from   pqh_copy_entity_txns
                   where  transaction_category_id = p_transaction_category_id
                   and    context_business_group_id = 0
                   and    display_name = 'GHR_TSP_SEED_PROGRAM_DESIGN';
Line: 34

     Cursor update_program_status is
         select * from ben_pgm_f
         where  name = 'Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)'
         and    business_group_id = p_target_business_group_id;
Line: 75

   For i in update_program_status Loop
                p_pgm_id                   => i.pgm_id
                ,p_effective_start_date    => l_effective_start_date
                ,p_effective_end_date      => l_effective_end_date
                ,p_pgm_stat_cd             => 'A'
                ,p_object_version_number   => i.object_version_number
                ,p_effective_date          => i.effective_start_date
                ,p_datetrack_mode          => 'CORRECTION'
Line: 122

             select 'Y' from ben_pgm_f
             where  name = 'Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)'
             and    business_group_id = p_target_business_group_id;
Line: 256

     select pgm.pgm_id
     from   ben_pgm_f pgm
     where  pgm.name = 'Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)'
     and    pgm.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id;
Line: 263

      select ler_id
      from   ben_ler_f
      where  name = 'Termination of Appointment'
      and    business_group_id = p_business_group_id
      and    trunc(p_effective_date) between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 272

    select 1
    from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f
    where  person_id = p_person_id
    and    business_group_id  = p_business_group_id
    and    pgm_id = p_pgm_id
    and    enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot
    and    trunc(p_effective_date) between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
    and    prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null;
Line: 283

    select pl_id,pl_typ_id,ptip_id,prtt_enrt_rslt_id,oipl_id
    from   ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f
    where  person_id = p_person_id
    and    business_group_id  = p_business_group_id
    and    pgm_id = p_pgm_id
    and    ler_id = l_term_ler_id
    order by prtt_enrt_rslt_id desc;
Line: 294

  select rt_val
  from   ben_prtt_rt_val
  where  prtt_enrt_rslt_id = get_ee_last_tsp_enrt_rec.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
  order by prtt_rt_val_id desc;
Line: 300

    select elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,
    from   ben_elig_per_ELCTBL_chc chc ,
           ben_per_in_ler pil
    where chc.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
    and   chc.pl_typ_id = get_ee_last_tsp_enrt_rec.pl_typ_id
    and   chc.pl_id = get_ee_last_tsp_enrt_rec.pl_id
    and   chc.oipl_id = get_ee_last_tsp_enrt_rec.oipl_id
    --and   chc.plip_id = l_plip_id
    and   chc.ptip_id = get_ee_last_tsp_enrt_rec.ptip_id
    and   pil.per_in_ler_id = chc.per_in_ler_id
    and   pil.ler_id  = p_ler_id
    and   pil.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 315

    select enrt_rt_id
    from   ben_enrt_rt
    where  elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id;
Line: 320

     select assignment_id
     from   per_all_assignments_f
     where  person_id = p_person_id
     and    trunc (p_effective_date - 1) between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
     and    assignment_type = 'E';
Line: 454

        ,p_datetrack_mode         => 'INSERT'
        ,p_suspend_flag           => l_suspend_flag
        ,p_effective_start_date   => l_esd
        ,p_effective_end_date     => l_eed
        ,p_object_version_number  => l_ovn
        ,p_prtt_enrt_interim_id   => l_prtt_enrt_interim_id
        ,p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id
        ,p_dpnt_actn_warning      => l_Boolean
        ,p_bnf_actn_warning       => l_Boolean
        ,p_ctfn_actn_warning      => l_Boolean
Line: 561

     select pgm.pgm_id
     from   ben_pgm_f pgm
     where  pgm.name = 'Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)'
     and    pgm.business_group_id  = l_business_group_id;
Line: 568

      select person_id,business_group_id,ler_id,lf_evt_ocrd_dt
      from   ben_ptnl_ler_for_per
      where  ler_id in (select ler_id from ben_ler_f where name = 'TSP Continuation of Coverage'
                        and sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_end_date)
      and    ptnl_ler_for_per_stat_cd = 'UNPROCD'
      and    lf_evt_ocrd_dt <= sysdate;
Line: 633

           e.assignment_id            assignment_id,
                       'Status','Terminate Contributions',
                        name) Name,
           decode (screen_entry_value,'T',0,'S',0,screen_entry_value) screen_entry_value,
           from   pay_element_types_f        a,
           pay_input_values_f         b,
           pay_element_links_f        c,
           pay_link_input_values_f    d,
           pay_element_entries_f      e,
           pay_element_entry_values_f f,
           per_all_assignments_f      g
    where  a.element_type_id      = b.element_type_id
    and    a.element_type_id      = c.element_type_id
    and    c.element_link_id      = d.element_link_id
    and    b.input_value_id       = d.input_value_id
    and    e.element_link_id      = c.element_link_id
    and    f.element_entry_id     = e.element_entry_id
    and    f.input_value_id       = b.input_value_id
    and    g.business_group_id    = c_business_group_id
    and    e.effective_end_date   = hr_api.g_eot
    --and    trunc(sysdate) between e.effective_start_date and e.effective_End_date
    and    trunc(e.effective_start_date) between f.effective_start_date and f.effective_End_date
    and    g.assignment_id =  e.assignment_id
    and    trunc(e.effective_start_date) between g.effective_start_date and g.effective_end_date
    --and    a.element_name         = 'TSP'
    and    a.element_name   = c_element_name
    and    ( (b.name    in ('Rate','Amount') and (ghr_general.return_number(screen_entry_value) > 0))
             or (b.name = 'Status' and screen_entry_value in ('T','S')))
    order by 1, 2 desc ;