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Line 314: from ak_region_items_vl

310: vDisplaySeqTable BISVIEWER.t_char;
312: cursor cParameters (cpRegionCode varchar2) is
313: select nvl(attribute2,attribute_code) attribute_code, substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1) dimension
314: from ak_region_items_vl
315: where region_code = rtrim(cpRegionCode)
316: and node_query_flag = 'Y'
317: order by display_sequence;

Line 321: from ak_region_items_vl ak

317: order by display_sequence;
319: cursor cPageLessParameters (cpRegionCode varchar2) is
320: select nvl(attribute2,attribute_code) attribute_code, substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1) dimension
321: from ak_region_items_vl ak
322: where ak.region_code = rtrim(cpRegionCode)
323: and ak.node_query_flag = 'Y'
324: AND nvl(substr(ak.attribute2,1,instr(ak.attribute2,'+')-1), ak.attribute_code) NOT IN (
325: select DISTINCT nvl(substr(b.attribute_name,1,instr(b.attribute_name,'+')-1), attribute_code)

Line 332: -- ashgarg Bug Fix: 3665085 Changed ak_region_items_vl to ak_region_items

328: and b.user_id =pUserId
329: )
330: order by display_sequence;
332: -- ashgarg Bug Fix: 3665085 Changed ak_region_items_vl to ak_region_items
333: CURSOR cParametersWithNestedRegion (cpRegionCode varchar2, cpNestedRegionCode IN VARCHAR2) is
334: SELECT nvl(attribute2,attribute_code) attribute_code, substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1) dimension, display_sequence
335: FROM ak_region_items
336: WHERE region_code=cpNestedRegionCode

Line 335: FROM ak_region_items

332: -- ashgarg Bug Fix: 3665085 Changed ak_region_items_vl to ak_region_items
333: CURSOR cParametersWithNestedRegion (cpRegionCode varchar2, cpNestedRegionCode IN VARCHAR2) is
334: SELECT nvl(attribute2,attribute_code) attribute_code, substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1) dimension, display_sequence
335: FROM ak_region_items
336: WHERE region_code=cpNestedRegionCode
337: AND node_query_flag='Y'
338: UNION
339: SELECT nvl(attribute2,attribute_code) attribute_code, substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1) dimension, display_sequence

Line 340: FROM ak_region_items

336: WHERE region_code=cpNestedRegionCode
337: AND node_query_flag='Y'
338: UNION
339: SELECT nvl(attribute2,attribute_code) attribute_code, substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1) dimension, display_sequence
340: FROM ak_region_items
341: WHERE region_code = rtrim(cpRegionCode)
342: AND node_query_flag = 'Y'
343: AND nvl(substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1), attribute_code) NOT IN (
344: SELECT DISTINCT nvl(substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1), attribute_code)

Line 345: FROM ak_region_items

341: WHERE region_code = rtrim(cpRegionCode)
342: AND node_query_flag = 'Y'
343: AND nvl(substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1), attribute_code) NOT IN (
344: SELECT DISTINCT nvl(substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1), attribute_code)
345: FROM ak_region_items
346: WHERE region_code =cpNestedRegionCode
347: )
348: ORDER BY display_sequence;

Line 352: from ak_region_items

348: ORDER BY display_sequence;
350: CURSOR cPageLessWithNestedRegion (cpRegionCode varchar2, cpNestedRegionCode IN VARCHAR2) is
351: SELECT nvl(attribute2,attribute_code) attribute_code, substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1) dimension, display_sequence
352: from ak_region_items
353: where region_code=cpNestedRegionCode
354: and node_query_flag='Y'
355: and nvl(substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1), attribute_code) not in (
356: SELECT DISTINCT nvl(substr(attribute_name ,1,instr(attribute_name ,'+')-1), attribute_code)

Line 364: FROM ak_region_items

360: )
361: UNION
362: --2. default region w/o page, w/o nested
363: SELECT nvl(attribute2,attribute_code) attribute_code, substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1) dimension, display_sequence
364: FROM ak_region_items
365: WHERE region_code= rtrim(cpRegionCode)
366: AND node_query_flag='Y'
367: AND nvl(substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1), attribute_code) NOT IN (
368: SELECT DISTINCT nvl( substr(attribute_name ,1,instr(attribute_name ,'+')-1), attribute_code)

Line 374: FROM ak_region_items

370: WHERE page_id=pPageId
371: AND user_id=pUserId
372: UNION
373: SELECT DISTINCT nvl( substr(attribute2,1,instr(attribute2,'+')-1), attribute_code)
374: FROM ak_region_items
375: WHERE region_code =cpNestedRegionCode
376: )
377: ORDER BY display_sequence;

Line 405: FROM ak_region_items

401: lTimeDimLevels VARCHAR2(100);
403: cursor getNestedRegionCode (cpRegionCode varchar2) is
404: SELECT nested_region_code
405: FROM ak_region_items
406: WHERE region_code = cpRegionCode
407: AND nested_region_code IS NOT NULL;