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Line 83: ap_invoice_distributions_all was missing. Corrected the same.

79: Removed the TRUNC function from all SELECT statments.
81: ii)In query4 Gain or Loss source AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS,
82: the join condition between ap_invoices_all and
83: ap_invoice_distributions_all was missing. Corrected the same.
85: 6. 22/01/2004 Aparajita for Bug#3392495. Version#618.1
86: Added code to reduce the invoice amount by discount amount already given.
87: Changes in cursor C_invoices Query 1.

Line 108: a) In the inline view Z, added a condition - ap_invoice_distributions_all.Line_type_lookup_code <> 'PREPAY'

104: c) In the where clause, added the join "z.invoice_id = api.invoice_id"
106: 10. 05/11/2004 Sanjikum for bug # 4030311, Version 115.4
107: Following changes are made in query 1 of cursor C_invoices
108: a) In the inline view Z, added a condition - ap_invoice_distributions_all.Line_type_lookup_code <> 'PREPAY'
110: 11. 12/01/2005 For bug4035943. Added by LGOPALSA
111: Modified the calculation for balances as per the query
112: change.

Line 173: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd,

169: api.exchange_rate_type exchange_rate_type,
170: api.invoice_currency_code invoice_currency_code,
171: api.exchange_date exchange_date
172: FROM ap_invoices_all api,
173: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd,
174: (SELECT NVL(SUM(apd.amount),0) amt_val,
175: api.invoice_id
176: FROM ap_invoices_all api,
177: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd

Line 177: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd

173: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd,
174: (SELECT NVL(SUM(apd.amount),0) amt_val,
175: api.invoice_id
176: FROM ap_invoices_all api,
177: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd
178: WHERE api.invoice_id = apd.invoice_id
179: AND api.invoice_type_lookup_code <> lv_prepayment --rchandan for bug#4428980
180: AND apd.match_status_flag = 'A'
181: AND api.vendor_id = p_vendor_id

Line 190: from ap_invoice_distributions_all

186: GROUP BY api.invoice_id) z
187: WHERE z.invoice_id = api.invoice_id
188: AND api.invoice_id = apd.invoice_id
189: AND apd.rowid = (select rowid
190: from ap_invoice_distributions_all
191: where rownum=1
192: and invoice_id=apd.invoice_id
193: AND match_status_flag = 'A'
194: AND accounting_date < p_bal_date)

Line 230: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd,

226: apc.exchange_rate_type exchange_rate_type,
227: api.payment_currency_code invoice_currency_code,
228: apc.exchange_date exchange_date
229: FROM ap_invoices_all api,
230: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd,
231: ap_invoice_payments_all app,
232: ap_checks_all apc
233: WHERE api.invoice_id = apd.invoice_id
234: AND apd.distribution_line_number = (select distribution_line_number from ap_invoice_distributions_all

Line 234: AND apd.distribution_line_number = (select distribution_line_number from ap_invoice_distributions_all

230: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd,
231: ap_invoice_payments_all app,
232: ap_checks_all apc
233: WHERE api.invoice_id = apd.invoice_id
234: AND apd.distribution_line_number = (select distribution_line_number from ap_invoice_distributions_all
235: where rownum=1
236: and invoice_id=apd.invoice_id
237: AND apd.match_status_flag='A')

Line 302: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd

298: from xla_ae_lines xal,
299: xla_ae_headers xah,
300: xla_transaction_entities xte,
301: ap_invoices_all api,
302: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd
303: where xal.application_id = 200 AND
304: xal.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id AND
305: xal.accounting_class_code in ( p_gain,p_loss) AND --rchandan for bug#4428980
306: xah.application_id = 200 AND

Line 533: between ap_invoices_all and ap_invoice_distributions_all was missing.

529: i)The TRUNC function around the date fields suppress the use of index.
530: Removed the TRUNC function from all SELECT statments.
532: ii)In query4 Gain or Loss source AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS, the join condition
533: between ap_invoices_all and ap_invoice_distributions_all was missing.
534: Corrected the same.
536: 6. 22/01/2004 Aparajita for Bug#3392495. Version#115.1
537: Added code to reduce the invoice amount by discount amount already given.

Line 558: a) In the inline view Z, added a condition - ap_invoice_distributions_all.Line_type_lookup_code <> 'PREPAY'

554: c) In the where clause, added the join "z.invoice_id = api.invoice_id"
556: 10. 05/11/2004 Sanjikum for bug # 4030311, Version 115.4
557: Following changes are made in query 1 of cursor C_invoices
558: a) In the inline view Z, added a condition - ap_invoice_distributions_all.Line_type_lookup_code <> 'PREPAY'
560: 11. 12/01/2005 For bug4035943. Added by LGOPALSA
561: Modified the calculation for balances as per the
562: query change.

Line 621: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd,

617: api.exchange_rate_type exchange_rate_type,
618: api.invoice_currency_code invoice_currency_code,
619: api.exchange_date exchange_date
620: FROM ap_invoices_all api,
621: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd,
622: (SELECT NVL(SUM(apd.amount),0) amt_val, /* Bug#3390665*/
623: api.invoice_id
624: FROM ap_invoices_all api,
625: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd

Line 625: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd

621: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd,
622: (SELECT NVL(SUM(apd.amount),0) amt_val, /* Bug#3390665*/
623: api.invoice_id
624: FROM ap_invoices_all api,
625: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd
626: WHERE api.invoice_id = apd.invoice_id
627: AND api.invoice_type_lookup_code <> lv_prepayment --rchandan for bug#4428980
628: AND apd.match_status_flag = 'A'
629: AND api.vendor_id = p_vendor_id

Line 638: from ap_invoice_distributions_all

634: GROUP BY api.invoice_id) z -- Added the Inline view for Bug # 3896940, as sum of amount was required in place of invoice amount
635: WHERE z.invoice_id = api.invoice_id --Added the condition for Bug # 3896940
636: AND api.invoice_id = apd.invoice_id
637: AND apd.rowid = (select rowid
638: from ap_invoice_distributions_all
639: where rownum=1
640: and invoice_id=apd.invoice_id
641: AND match_status_flag = 'A'
642: AND accounting_date < p_bal_date)

Line 680: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd,

676: apc.exchange_rate_type exchange_rate_type,
677: api.payment_currency_code invoice_currency_code,
678: apc.exchange_date exchange_date
679: FROM ap_invoices_all api,
680: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd,
681: ap_invoice_payments_all app,
682: ap_checks_all apc
683: WHERE api.invoice_id = apd.invoice_id
684: AND apd.distribution_line_number = (select distribution_line_number from ap_invoice_distributions_all

Line 684: AND apd.distribution_line_number = (select distribution_line_number from ap_invoice_distributions_all

680: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd,
681: ap_invoice_payments_all app,
682: ap_checks_all apc
683: WHERE api.invoice_id = apd.invoice_id
684: AND apd.distribution_line_number = (select distribution_line_number from ap_invoice_distributions_all
685: where rownum=1
686: and invoice_id=apd.invoice_id
687: AND apd.match_status_flag='A')
688: /*added by vchallur for bug#3663549*/

Line 752: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd

748: from xla_ae_lines xal,
749: xla_ae_headers xah,
750: xla_transaction_entities xte,
751: ap_invoices_all api,
752: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd
753: WHERE xal.application_id = 200 AND
754: xal.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id AND
755: xal.accounting_class_code in ( p_gain,p_loss) AND --rchandan for bug#4428980
756: xah.application_id = 200 AND

Line 928: cursor c_inv_select_cursor( c_line_type_lookup_code ap_invoice_distributions_all.line_type_lookup_code%TYPE ) IS --rchandan for bug#4428980

924: cursor c_get_run_no IS
925: select JAI_PO_REP_PRRG_T_RUNNO_S.nextval
926: from dual;
928: cursor c_inv_select_cursor( c_line_type_lookup_code ap_invoice_distributions_all.line_type_lookup_code%TYPE ) IS --rchandan for bug#4428980
929: select invoice_id, invoice_num, org_id, vendor_id, vendor_site_id, invoice_date,
930: invoice_currency_code, nvl(exchange_rate,1) exchange_rate, voucher_num
931: from ap_invoices_all aia
932: where cancelled_date is null

Line 938: from ap_invoice_distributions_all

934: and (p_vendor_site_id is null or vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id)
935: and (p_org_id is null or org_id = p_org_id)
936: and exists
937: (select '1'
938: from ap_invoice_distributions_all
939: where invoice_id = aia.invoice_id
940: and line_type_lookup_code = c_line_type_lookup_code
941: and po_distribution_id is not null
942: and nvl(reversal_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'

Line 947: cursor c_inv_item_lines(p_invoice_id number,c_line_type_lookup_code ap_invoice_distributions_all.line_type_lookup_code%TYPE) is

943: and accounting_date >= p_invoice_date_from /* Modified by Ramananda for bug:4071409 */
944: and accounting_date <= p_invoice_date_to /* Modified by Ramananda for bug:4071409 */
945: );
947: cursor c_inv_item_lines(p_invoice_id number,c_line_type_lookup_code ap_invoice_distributions_all.line_type_lookup_code%TYPE) is
948: select
949: distribution_line_number,
950: po_distribution_id,
951: rcv_transaction_id,

Line 955: from ap_invoice_distributions_all

951: rcv_transaction_id,
952: amount,
953: invoice_distribution_id,
954: invoice_line_number
955: from ap_invoice_distributions_all
956: where invoice_id = p_invoice_id
957: and line_type_lookup_code = c_line_type_lookup_code
958: and po_distribution_id is not null
959: and nvl(reversal_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'

Line 1033: from ap_invoice_distributions_all

1029: where tax_id = p_tax_id;
1031: cursor c_get_misc_tax_line_amt (p_invoice_id number, p_distribution_line_number number) is
1032: select amount
1033: from ap_invoice_distributions_all
1034: where invoice_id = p_invoice_id
1035: and distribution_line_number = p_distribution_line_number
1036: and accounting_date >= p_invoice_date_from /* Modified by Ramananda for bug:4071409 */
1037: and accounting_date <= p_invoice_date_to; /* Modified by Ramananda for bug:4071409 */