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Line 3587: from jtf_rs_salesreps_mo_v

3583: from aso_quote_headers_all
3584: where quote_header_id = qte_hdr_id;
3585: /*Cursor c_get_jtf_resource(salesrep number) is
3586: select resource_id
3587: from jtf_rs_salesreps_mo_v
3588: where salesrep_id = salesrep;*/
3589: /*10/17/2005:Mannamra: Bug ref #4682364. Modified cursor for getting the resource.
3590: This query will get us the primary resource id */
3591: CURSOR c_get_jtf_resource (l_Srep VARCHAR2) IS


3590: This query will get us the primary resource id */
3591: CURSOR c_get_jtf_resource (l_Srep VARCHAR2) IS
3592: SELECT Resource_Id
3593: /* FROM JTF_RS_SRP_VL */
3595: WHERE Salesrep_number = l_Srep
3596: AND NVL(status,'A') = 'A'
3597: AND nvl(trunc(start_date_active), trunc(sysdate)) <= trunc(sysdate)
3598: AND nvl(trunc(end_date_active), trunc(sysdate)) >= trunc(sysdate) ;

Line 3734: --table jtf_rs_salesreps_mo_v. --Old comment

3730: IF (IBE_UTIL.G_DEBUGON = l_true) THEN
3731: IBE_UTIL.debug('Salesrep id from ASO profile is '||l_salesrep_id);
3732: END IF;
3733: --Profile value(ASO_DEFAULT_PERSON_ID) has salesrep_id, obtain resource_id from the
3734: --table jtf_rs_salesreps_mo_v. --Old comment
3735: /*--10/17/2005: Mannamra: In light of MOAC chages, default salesrep setting is no
3736: longer a profile value but is instead stored
3737: as Quoting parameter.However we will still obtainb the resource id
3738: for the corresponding salesrep id from jtf_rs_salesreps_mo_v. Bug ref: 4682364*/

Line 3738: for the corresponding salesrep id from jtf_rs_salesreps_mo_v. Bug ref: 4682364*/

3734: --table jtf_rs_salesreps_mo_v. --Old comment
3735: /*--10/17/2005: Mannamra: In light of MOAC chages, default salesrep setting is no
3736: longer a profile value but is instead stored
3737: as Quoting parameter.However we will still obtainb the resource id
3738: for the corresponding salesrep id from jtf_rs_salesreps_mo_v. Bug ref: 4682364*/
3740: for rec_get_jtf_resource in c_get_jtf_resource(l_salesrep_id) loop
3741: L_resource_id := rec_get_jtf_resource.resource_id;
3742: IF (IBE_UTIL.G_DEBUGON = l_true) THEN