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APPS.INVIDIT3 dependencies on MTL_SUPPLY

Line 329: FROM mtl_supply

325: END IF;
327: IF (material_org_count <> 1) THEN
328: SELECT count(1) INTO material_org_count
329: FROM mtl_supply
330: WHERE item_id = p_item_id
331: AND (from_organization_id = p_org_id OR to_organization_id = p_org_id)
332: AND rownum = 1;

Line 335: --we need to check for records in MTL_Supply with supply_type_code

331: AND (from_organization_id = p_org_id OR to_organization_id = p_org_id)
332: AND rownum = 1;
334: --bug 7155924(7327865,7327866): for lot and serial control attributes
335: --we need to check for records in MTL_Supply with supply_type_code
336: --in Receiving and Shipment only
337: SELECT count(1) INTO material_org_count_ls
338: FROM mtl_supply
339: WHERE item_id = p_item_id

Line 338: FROM mtl_supply

334: --bug 7155924(7327865,7327866): for lot and serial control attributes
335: --we need to check for records in MTL_Supply with supply_type_code
336: --in Receiving and Shipment only
337: SELECT count(1) INTO material_org_count_ls
338: FROM mtl_supply
339: WHERE item_id = p_item_id
340: AND (from_organization_id = p_org_id
341: OR to_organization_id = p_org_id)
342: and supply_type_code in ('RECEIVING', 'SHIPMENT')

Line 379: FROM mtl_supply ms

376: --3713912 :check for pending transactions such as approved PO
377: IF (material_master_count <> 1) THEN
378: SELECT COUNT(1) INTO material_master_count
379: FROM mtl_supply ms
380: WHERE ms.item_id = p_item_id
382: FROM mtl_parameters
383: WHERE master_organization_id = p_master_org

Line 388: --we need to check for records in MTL_Supply with supply_type_code

384: AND (organization_id = ms.from_organization_id OR organization_id = ms.to_organization_id))
385: AND rownum = 1;
387: --bug 7155924(7327865,7327866): for lot and serial control attributes
388: --we need to check for records in MTL_Supply with supply_type_code
389: --in Receiving and Shipment only
391: INTO material_master_count_ls
392: FROM mtl_supply ms

Line 392: FROM mtl_supply ms

388: --we need to check for records in MTL_Supply with supply_type_code
389: --in Receiving and Shipment only
391: INTO material_master_count_ls
392: FROM mtl_supply ms
393: WHERE ms.item_id = p_item_id
395: FROM mtl_parameters
396: WHERE master_organization_id = p_master_org

Line 554: from mtl_supply

550: -- Start bug 4387538
551: if (lot_level = 2 or serial_level = 2) then
552: select count(1)
553: into l_intr_ship_org
554: from mtl_supply
555: where supply_type_code = 'SHIPMENT'
556: and item_id = p_item_id
557: and to_organization_id = p_org_id
558: and from_organization_id is not null

Line 566: from mtl_supply

563: if (lot_level = 1 or serial_level = 1) then
564: select count(1)
565: into l_intr_ship_master
566: from mtl_supply
567: where supply_type_code = 'SHIPMENT'
568: and item_id = p_item_id
569: and to_organization_id in
570: (select organization_id

Line 599: from mtl_supply

595: if (rev_level = 2 or stockable_level = 2 or lot_level = 2 or serial_level = 2) then
597: select count(1)
598: into l_org
599: from mtl_supply
600: where supply_type_code in ('RECEIVING', 'SHIPMENT')
601: and item_id = p_item_id
602: and to_organization_id =p_org_id
603: and rownum =1 ;

Line 611: from mtl_supply

607: if (rev_level = 1 or stockable_level = 1 or lot_level = 1 or serial_level = 1 ) then
609: select count(1)
610: into l_master
611: from mtl_supply
612: where supply_type_code in ('RECEIVING', 'SHIPMENT')
613: and item_id = p_item_id
614: and to_organization_id in
615: (select organization_id