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Line 1041: g_object_id := WF_ENGINE.GetItemAttrNumber( itemtype => itemtype

1037: resultout := FND_API.G_Ret_Sts_Success;
1038: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1039: -- Get item attribute values
1040: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1041: g_object_id := WF_ENGINE.GetItemAttrNumber( itemtype => itemtype
1042: , itemkey => itemkey
1043: , aname => 'OBJECT_ID'
1044: );
1045: g_object_type := WF_ENGINE.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => itemtype

Line 1045: g_object_type := WF_ENGINE.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => itemtype

1041: g_object_id := WF_ENGINE.GetItemAttrNumber( itemtype => itemtype
1042: , itemkey => itemkey
1043: , aname => 'OBJECT_ID'
1044: );
1045: g_object_type := WF_ENGINE.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => itemtype
1046: , itemkey => itemkey
1047: , aname => 'OBJECT_TYPE'
1048: );
1049: g_rule_id := WF_ENGINE.GetItemAttrNumber( itemtype => itemtype

Line 1049: g_rule_id := WF_ENGINE.GetItemAttrNumber( itemtype => itemtype

1045: g_object_type := WF_ENGINE.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => itemtype
1046: , itemkey => itemkey
1047: , aname => 'OBJECT_TYPE'
1048: );
1049: g_rule_id := WF_ENGINE.GetItemAttrNumber( itemtype => itemtype
1050: , itemkey => itemkey
1051: , aname => 'RULE_ID'
1052: );

Line 1276: WF_ENGINE.SetItemAttrText( itemtype => itemtype

1273: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1274: -- Set item attribute values
1275: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1276: WF_ENGINE.SetItemAttrText( itemtype => itemtype
1277: , itemkey => itemkey
1278: , aname => 'OBJECT_NAME'
1279: , avalue => g_object_name
1280: );

Line 1282: WF_ENGINE.SetItemAttrText( itemtype => itemtype

1278: , aname => 'OBJECT_NAME'
1279: , avalue => g_object_name
1280: );
1282: WF_ENGINE.SetItemAttrText( itemtype => itemtype
1283: , itemkey => itemkey
1284: , aname => 'OBJECT_NUMBER'
1285: , avalue => g_jtf_object_name
1286: );

Line 1288: WF_ENGINE.SetItemAttrText( itemtype => itemtype

1284: , aname => 'OBJECT_NUMBER'
1285: , avalue => g_jtf_object_name
1286: );
1288: WF_ENGINE.SetItemAttrText( itemtype => itemtype
1289: , itemkey => itemkey
1290: , aname => 'RULE_NAME'
1291: , avalue => g_rule_name
1292: );

Line 1294: WF_ENGINE.SetItemAttrText( itemtype => itemtype

1290: , aname => 'RULE_NAME'
1291: , avalue => g_rule_name
1292: );
1294: WF_ENGINE.SetItemAttrText( itemtype => itemtype
1295: , itemkey => itemkey
1296: , aname => 'RULE_DESC'
1297: , avalue => g_rule_desc
1298: );

Line 1300: WF_ENGINE.SetItemAttrDate( itemtype => itemtype

1296: , aname => 'RULE_DESC'
1297: , avalue => g_rule_desc
1298: );
1300: WF_ENGINE.SetItemAttrDate( itemtype => itemtype
1301: , itemkey => itemkey
1302: , aname => 'DETECTED_DATE'
1303: , avalue => g_detected_date
1304: );

Line 2169: WF_ENGINE.SetItemAttrText( itemtype => itemtype

2165: -----------------------------------------------------------------
2166: -- Set the WF attribute
2167: -----------------------------------------------------------------
2168: debug(fnd_log.level_statement, l_api_name, 'Setting the NTF_PERSON with:'||l_wf_role);
2169: WF_ENGINE.SetItemAttrText( itemtype => itemtype
2170: , itemkey => itemkey
2171: , aname => 'NTF_PERSON'
2172: , avalue => l_wf_role
2173: );