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Line 605: l_lkuphv_str := ' l_hv := mod('||l_lkuphv_str||',ben_hash_utility.get_hash_key); ';

601: l_lkuphv_str := l_lkuphv_str||'+nvl(objlook.'||p_masterfk5col_name||',1) ';
602: --
603: end if;
604: --
605: l_lkuphv_str := ' l_hv := mod('||l_lkuphv_str||',ben_hash_utility.get_hash_key); ';
606: --
607: -- Instance
608: --
609: l_insthv_str := 'objinst.'||p_detailcol_name;

Line 647: l_insthv_str := ' l_hv := mod('||l_insthv_str||',ben_hash_utility.get_hash_key); ';

643: l_insthv_str := l_insthv_str||'+nvl(objinst.'||p_masterfk5col_name||',1) ';
644: --
645: end if;
646: --
647: l_insthv_str := ' l_hv := mod('||l_insthv_str||',ben_hash_utility.get_hash_key); ';
648: --
649: -- Build loop strings
650: --
651: -- Build lookup loop string

Line 666: ||' l_hv := ben_hash_utility.get_next_hash_index(p_hash_index => l_hv);'

662: ||l_lkuphv_str
663: ||' if '||p_lkup_name||'.exists(l_hv) then'
664: ||' l_not_hash_found := false;'
665: ||' while not l_not_hash_found loop'
666: ||' l_hv := ben_hash_utility.get_next_hash_index(p_hash_index => l_hv);'
667: ||' if not '||p_lkup_name||'.exists(l_hv) then'
668: ||' l_not_hash_found := true;'
669: ||' exit;'
670: ||' else'

Line 705: ||',ben_hash_utility.get_hash_key); '

701: --
702: ||' hr_utility.set_location('||''''||'Context Instance loop '||''''||',10); '
703: */
704: ||' l_hv := mod(objconinst.'||p_detailcol_name
705: ||',ben_hash_utility.get_hash_key); '
706: /*
707: --
708: -- Temporary: Debugging statements
709: --

Line 718: ||' l_hv := ben_hash_utility.get_next_hash_index(p_hash_index => l_hv); '

714: ||' if '||p_lkup_name||'.exists(l_hv) then'
715: ||l_lkcacpkcmp_str||' '
716: ||' l_not_hash_found := false; '
717: ||' while not l_not_hash_found loop'
718: ||' l_hv := ben_hash_utility.get_next_hash_index(p_hash_index => l_hv); '
719: /*
720: --
721: -- Temporary: Debugging statements
722: --

Line 802: ||' l_hv := ben_hash_utility.get_next_hash_index(p_hash_index => l_hv); '

798: ||' if '||p_lkup_name||'.exists(l_hv) then'
799: ||l_lkcacpkcmp_str||' '
800: ||' l_not_hash_found := false; '
801: ||' while not l_not_hash_found loop'
802: ||' l_hv := ben_hash_utility.get_next_hash_index(p_hash_index => l_hv); '
803: ||' if '||p_lkup_name||'.exists(l_hv) then '
804: ||l_lkcacpkcmp_str||' '
805: ||' l_not_hash_found := false; '
806: ||' else '

Line 1439: l_hv := mod(p_id,ben_hash_utility.get_hash_key);

1435: return true;
1436: --
1437: end if;
1438: --
1439: l_hv := mod(p_id,ben_hash_utility.get_hash_key);
1440: --
1441: if p_list.exists(l_hv)
1442: then
1443: --

Line 1455: l_hv := l_hv+ben_hash_utility.get_hash_jump;

1451: else
1452: --
1453: -- Clash found. Skip until correct value is found
1454: --
1455: l_hv := l_hv+ben_hash_utility.get_hash_jump;
1456: l_clash_count := 0;
1457: --
1458: loop
1459: --

Line 1473: l_hv := l_hv+ben_hash_utility.get_hash_jump;

1469: -- same hash value. Increment for 1000 skips
1470: --
1471: if l_clash_count < 1000 then
1472: --
1473: l_hv := l_hv+ben_hash_utility.get_hash_jump;
1474: l_clash_count := l_clash_count+1;
1475: --
1476: else
1477: --

Line 1481: l_hv := mod(p_id,ben_hash_utility.get_hash_key)+ben_hash_utility.get_hash_jump;

1477: --
1478: -- Value does not exist in list so assign to the next
1479: -- free hash value+jump element
1480: --
1481: l_hv := mod(p_id,ben_hash_utility.get_hash_key)+ben_hash_utility.get_hash_jump;
1482: --
1483: loop
1484: --
1485: if p_list.exists(l_hv) then

Line 1487: l_hv := l_hv+ben_hash_utility.get_hash_jump;

1483: loop
1484: --
1485: if p_list.exists(l_hv) then
1486: --
1487: l_hv := l_hv+ben_hash_utility.get_hash_jump;
1488: --
1489: else
1490: --
1491: p_list(l_hv).id := p_id;