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Line 5488: FROM mtl_item_revisions miv, rcv_supply rs

5484: OPEN x_revs FOR
5485: SELECT DISTINCT miv.revision
5486: , miv.effectivity_date
5487: , NVL(miv.description, '')
5488: FROM mtl_item_revisions miv, rcv_supply rs
5489: WHERE miv.organization_id = p_organization_id
5490: AND miv.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
5491: AND rs.shipment_header_id(+) = p_shipment_header_id
5492: AND (rs.shipment_header_id IS NULL

Line 5510: FROM mtl_item_revisions miv, rcv_supply rs

5506: OPEN x_revs FOR
5507: SELECT DISTINCT miv.revision
5508: , miv.effectivity_date
5509: , NVL(miv.description, '')
5510: FROM mtl_item_revisions miv, rcv_supply rs
5511: WHERE miv.organization_id = p_organization_id
5512: AND miv.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
5513: AND rs.po_header_id(+) = p_po_header_id
5514: AND (rs.po_header_id IS NULL