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Line 1261: FROM hr_locations hlc

1257: ,hlc.region_1 street_name
1258: ,get_postal_code(hlc.postal_code) postcode --get the postal code and remove the space
1259: ,hr_general.decode_lookup('HR_NL_CITY',hlc.town_or_city) city
1260: ,hlc.country country
1261: FROM hr_locations hlc
1262: ,hr_organization_units hou
1263: WHERE hou.business_group_id = p_bg_id
1264: AND hou.organization_id = p_org_id
1265: AND hlc.location_id = hou.location_id;

Line 1311: FROM hr_locations hlc

1307: ,hlc.region_1 street_name
1308: ,get_postal_code_new(hlc.postal_code) postcode --introduce a space at the 5th position if there isn't one
1309: ,hr_general.decode_lookup('HR_NL_CITY',hlc.town_or_city) city
1310: ,hlc.country country
1311: FROM hr_locations hlc
1312: ,hr_organization_units hou
1313: WHERE hou.business_group_id = p_bg_id
1314: AND hou.organization_id = p_org_id
1315: AND hlc.location_id = hou.location_id;