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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 67

		       X_Program_Update_Date		DATE

  ) IS

X_progress            VARCHAR2(4) := '000';
Line: 74

        SELECT *
        WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid
        FOR UPDATE of Shipment_Line_Id NOWAIT;
Line: 93

Line: 144

  PROCEDURE Update_Line_s(
		       X_Shipment_Line_Id	        NUMBER,
                       X_item_revision              	VARCHAR2,
                       X_stock_locator_id               NUMBER,
                       X_packing_slip                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_comments                  	VARCHAR2,
                       X_routing_header_id              NUMBER,
                       X_Reason_id                      NUMBER
 ) IS
	X_progress            VARCHAR2(4) := '000';
Line: 156

  update rcv_shipment_lines
  set item_revision 	 = x_item_revision,
      locator_id 	 = x_stock_locator_id,
      packing_slip 	 = x_packing_slip,
      comments 		 = x_comments,
      routing_header_id  = x_routing_header_id,
      reason_id 	 = x_reason_id
  where shipment_line_id = x_shipment_line_id;
Line: 171

      po_message_s.sql_error('RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES_PKG.Update_Line_s', x_progress, sqlcode);
Line: 174

  END Update_Line_s;
Line: 176

  PROCEDURE update_wc_line(
                        p_shipment_line_id IN NUMBER,
                        p_requested_amount       IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
                        p_material_stored_amount IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
                        p_amount_shipped         IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
                        p_quantity_shipped       IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
 ) IS
        X_progress            VARCHAR2(4) := '000';
Line: 190

	select wf_item_key
	into l_itemkey
	from rcv_shipment_headers
	where shipment_header_id =( select shipment_header_id
					from rcv_shipment_lines
				where shipment_line_id= p_shipment_line_id);
Line: 197

	l_api_name := l_itemkey || ' update_wc_line';
Line: 202

                        'Enter update_wc_line');
Line: 207

                        'Before call to update_quantity_amount');
Line: 210

Line: 213

                        'After call to update_quantity_amount');
Line: 216

        update rcv_shipment_lines
        set requested_amount   = p_requested_amount,
                material_stored_amount = p_material_stored_amount,
                amount_shipped     = p_amount_shipped,
                quantity_shipped     = p_quantity_shipped,
                last_update_date = sysdate,
                last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
        where shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id;
Line: 233

                        'Leave update_wc_line');
Line: 240

      po_message_s.sql_error('RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES_PKG.Update_wc_line', x_progress, sqlcode);
Line: 243

  END Update_wc_line;
Line: 245

  PROCEDURE update_quantity_amount(
                        p_Shipment_Line_Id      IN      NUMBER,
                        p_quantity_shipped      IN      NUMBER,
                        p_amount_shipped        IN      NUMBER
) IS
        X_progress            VARCHAR2(4) := '000';
Line: 259

            nvl(ITEM_ID, -1),
        WHERE CHANGE_FLAG = 'Y';
Line: 287

	select wf_item_key
	into l_itemkey
	from rcv_shipment_headers
	where shipment_header_id =( select shipment_header_id
					from rcv_shipment_lines
				where shipment_line_id= p_shipment_line_id);
Line: 294

	l_api_name := l_itemkey || ' update_quantity_amount';
Line: 299

                        'Enter update_quantity_amount');
Line: 303

         * to update po_line_locations.
        select  nvl(quantity_shipped,0),
        into    l_orig_qty_shipped,
        from rcv_shipment_lines
        where shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id;
Line: 324

    /* Update po_line_location.quantity_shipped */
        l_qty_shipped := p_quantity_shipped - l_orig_qty_shipped;
Line: 335

        UPDATE po_line_locations_all poll
        set poll.quantity_shipped = nvl(poll.quantity_shipped,0) +
            poll.amount_shipped = nvl(poll.amount_shipped,0) +
            poll.last_update_date = sysdate,
            poll.last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
            poll.last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
        where poll.line_location_id = l_line_location_id;
Line: 348

                        'After update to poll ' );
Line: 355

        /* To update PO supply we need to know the distribution id */
	IF (g_asn_debug = 'Y') THEN
                        'p_shipment_line_id '||p_shipment_line_id );
Line: 361

        select po_distribution_id
        into l_distribution_id
        from mtl_supply
        where supply_type_code = 'SHIPMENT'
        and po_line_location_id = l_line_location_id
        and    shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id;
Line: 373

        /* Update the shipment qty with the new quantity. */
        update  mtl_supply
         set     quantity = quantity + l_qty_shipped,
                 change_flag = 'Y'
          where  supply_type_code = 'SHIPMENT'
          and    po_line_location_id = l_line_location_id
          and    shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id;
Line: 383

                        'After update to shipment supply' );
Line: 386

        /* Update PO supply in mtl_supply */
        update  mtl_supply
         set     quantity = quantity + l_qty_shipped,
                 change_flag = 'Y'
          where  supply_type_code = 'PO'
          and    po_distribution_id = l_distribution_id;
Line: 396

                        'After update to PO supply' );
Line: 428

				'Before Delete' );
Line: 431

                        delete from mtl_supply
                        where rowid = l_supply_rowid;
Line: 435

				'After Delete' );
Line: 444

                        SELECT muom.unit_of_measure, NULL
                        INTO   l_primary_uom,
                        FROM   mtl_units_of_measure muom,
                            mtl_units_of_measure tuom
                        WHERE  tuom.unit_of_measure = l_supply_uom
                        AND    tuom.uom_class = muom.uom_class
                        AND    muom.base_uom_flag = 'Y';
Line: 454

                        SELECT  PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE,
                         INTO    l_primary_uom,
                         FROM    MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS
                         WHERE   INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = l_supply_item_id
                         AND     ORGANIZATION_ID = l_supply_to_org;
Line: 475

			'Before update to mtl_supply.quantity' );
Line: 477

                UPDATE MTL_SUPPLY
                SET  TO_ORG_PRIMARY_QUANTITY = l_primary_qty,
                     TO_ORG_PRIMARY_UOM = l_primary_uom,
                     CHANGE_FLAG = NULL,
                     CHANGE_TYPE = null,
                     EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE =
                                     -1, TO_DATE(NULL),
                                     + nvl(l_lead_time, 0 ))
                WHERE ROWID = l_supply_rowid;
Line: 491

			'After update to mtl_supply.quantity' );
Line: 500

			'Leave update_quantity_amount' );
Line: 505

      po_message_s.sql_error('RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES_PKG.Update_quantity_amount', x_progress, sqlcode);
Line: 508

  END Update_quantity_amount;
Line: 511

  PROCEDURE delete_line_s(
                       p_Shipment_Line_Id       IN      NUMBER) IS
        X_progress            VARCHAR2(4) := '000';
Line: 520

	select wf_item_key
	into l_itemkey
	from rcv_shipment_headers
	where shipment_header_id =( select shipment_header_id
					from rcv_shipment_lines
				where shipment_line_id= p_shipment_line_id);
Line: 527

	l_api_name := l_itemkey || ' delete_line_s';
Line: 532

                        'Enter delete_line_s');
Line: 540

                      0); --amount_shipped
Line: 546

                        'Before Delete '||p_shipment_line_id);
Line: 549

        delete from rcv_shipment_lines
        where shipment_line_id= p_shipment_line_id;
Line: 554

      po_message_s.sql_error('RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES_PKG.delete_line_s', x_progress, sqlcode);
Line: 557

  END delete_line_s;
Line: 559

PROCEDURE update_approval_status(p_level IN VARCHAR2,
				p_approval_status IN VARCHAR2,
				p_comments IN VARCHAR2,
				p_document_id IN NUMBER) IS
x_progress varchar2(4) := '000';
Line: 571

		select wf_item_key
		into l_itemkey
		from rcv_shipment_headers
		where shipment_header_id = p_document_id;
Line: 576

		l_api_name := l_itemkey || ' update_approval_status';
Line: 581

				'Enter HEADER update_approval_status');
Line: 584

		update rcv_shipment_headers
		set comments 	 = p_comments,
		last_update_date = sysdate,
                last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
        where shipment_header_id = p_document_id;
Line: 595

		select wf_item_key
		into l_itemkey
		from rcv_shipment_headers
		where shipment_header_id =( select shipment_header_id
						from rcv_shipment_lines
					where shipment_line_id= p_document_id);
Line: 602

		l_api_name := l_itemkey || ' update_approval_status';
Line: 607

				'Enter LINE  update_approval_status');
Line: 610

		update rcv_shipment_lines
		set approval_status = p_approval_status,
		comments = p_comments,
		last_update_date = sysdate,
                last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
                last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
        where shipment_line_id = p_document_id;
Line: 621

				'Leave update_approval_status');
Line: 626

      po_message_s.sql_error('RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES_PKG.update_approval_status', x_progress, sqlcode);
Line: 629

  END update_approval_status;