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Line 2891: hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsc,

2887: ,decode(pps.pds_information1, 'AU_D','Y', 'N') death_benefit/*bug#1955993*/
2888: ,pad.date_from date_from/*Bug 2977533 */
2889: from hr_organization_information hoi,
2890: hr_organization_units hou,
2891: hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsc,
2892: pay_element_types_f pet,
2893: pay_input_values_f piv,
2894: pay_element_links_f pel,
2895: pay_element_entries_f pee,

Line 3866: hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsc,

3862: ,to_char(paaf.effective_start_date,'DDMMYYYY')
3863: ,to_char(paa.effective_end_date,'DDMMYYYY') -- Bug 2610141
3864: from hr_organization_information hoi,
3865: hr_organization_units hou,
3866: hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsc,
3867: hr_locations hlc, /* Bug No : 2263587 */
3868: per_all_assignments_f paa,
3869: per_all_assignments_f paaf, /* Bug : 2610141 */
3870: per_all_people_f pap,

Line 3914: , hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsc1 --Added for bug 4177679

3910: /* End of Bug# 2448441 */
3911: and (paa.effective_start_date, paaf.effective_start_date)
3912: = (select max(a.effective_Start_date),min(a.effective_start_date) -- Bug 2610141
3913: from per_all_assignments_f a
3914: , hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsc1 --Added for bug 4177679
3915: where a.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
3916: and hsc1.soft_coding_keyflex_id = a.soft_coding_keyflex_id --Added for bug 4177679
3917: and hsc1.segment1= p_registered_employer --Added for bug 4177679
3918: and nvl(pps.actual_termination_date,p_year_end)

Line 4750: hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck

4746: ,c_year_end pay_payroll_actions.effective_date%type
4747: ) is
4748: select paaf.assignment_id
4749: from per_assignments_f paaf,
4750: hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck
4751: where paaf.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
4752: and paaf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
4753: and paaf.effective_start_date <= c_year_end
4754: and paaf.effective_end_date >= c_year_start

Line 4789: hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck

4785: ,c_year_start pay_payroll_actions.effective_date%type
4786: ) is
4787: select hsck.segment1
4788: from per_assignments_f paaf,
4789: hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck
4790: where paaf.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
4791: and paaf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
4792: and paaf.effective_start_date <= c_year_end
4793: and paaf.effective_end_date >= c_year_start