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Line 1029: -- else check in wip_discrete_jobs

1025: /* WIP_REPETITIVE_SCHEDULE_ID is not null then the record must be a */
1026: /* repetitive_schedule. If WIP_REPETITIVE_SCHEDULE_ID is NULL, then it */
1027: /* must be a discrete job */
1028: -- Bug 3083961. If x_wip_repetitive_schedule_id is not null check in wip_repetitive_schedules.
1029: -- else check in wip_discrete_jobs
1031: if x_wip_repetitive_schedule_id is not null then
1032: begin
1033: SELECT distinct 'Y' into x_valid

Line 1049: FROM wip_discrete_jobs wdj

1045: end;
1046: else
1047: begin
1048: SELECT distinct 'Y' into x_valid
1049: FROM wip_discrete_jobs wdj
1050: WHERE wdj.organization_id=x_destination_organization_id
1051: AND wdj.wip_entity_id = x_wip_entity_id
1052: AND wdj.status_type IN (3,4,6)
1053: AND x_wip_repetitive_schedule_id is NULL;