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1 PACKAGE BODY pa_wf_fb_sample_pkg
2 /* $Header: PAXTMPFB.pls 120.3 2005/08/08 12:24:54 sbharath ship $ */
3  AS
5  PROCEDURE pa_wf_sample_sql_fn
6 	(	p_itemtype	IN  VARCHAR2,
7 		p_itemkey	IN  VARCHAR2,
8 		p_actid		IN  NUMBER,
9 		p_funcmode	IN  VARCHAR2,
10 		x_result	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
11 AS
13 l_project_type		pa_project_types_all.project_type%TYPE;
14 l_project_number	pa_projects_all.segment1%TYPE;
15 l_expenditure_org_id	hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE;
16 l_project_org_id	hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE;
17 l_acc_org_id		hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE;
18 l_org_map		pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
19 l_expenditure_type	pa_expenditure_types.expenditure_type%TYPE;
20 l_segment_value		gl_code_combinations.segment1%TYPE;
24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 -- This is a sample function that shows how the SQL statement of
26 -- autoaccounting can be implemented using Oracle Workflow. Assume
27 -- this mimicks a SQL statement in Autoaccounting which takes four
28 -- parameters: Project number, Expenditure Type, Expenditure
29 -- Organization id and Project Organization id
30 --
31 -- Assume that rules for obtaining the segment are as follows: If the
32 -- first two characters of the project number are 'AA' then the
33 -- project org should be used to get the segment otherwise the
34 -- expenditure org should be used to get the segment. Also assume that
35 -- the segment value is obtained from a lookup table, say PA_LOOKUPS
36 -- using the organization id and the expenditure type.
37 --
38 -- The equivalent SQL function in autoaccounting would have had the
39 -- Project number, Expenditure Organization Id, Project Organization
40 -- Id and Expenditure type as parameters. In the Workflow
41 -- implementation, these values have to be obtained from the
42 -- attributes of the Workflow item. After the values are obtained, the
43 -- required steps are performed to determine the final segment value.
44 -- An attribute in the Workflow item has to be defined to hold the
45 -- value of the final segment value. This function sets the value of
46 -- that attribute and the subsequent Workflow "Assign value to
47 -- segment" assigns the value of this attribute to the segment.
48 --
49 -- The return type of this function is "Flexfield Result" for which
50 -- the valid values are 'SUCCESS' and 'FAILURE'. The function must
51 -- return one of these values
52 --
53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 -------------------------------------------------------------
56 -- First retrieve the values of these attributes into local
57 -- variables.
58 -------------------------------------------------------------
60   l_expenditure_org_id	:= wf_engine.GetItemAttrNumber
61 			( itemtype => p_itemtype,
62 			  itemkey  => p_itemkey,
63 			  aname	   => 'EXPENDITURE_ORGANIZATION_ID');
65   l_project_org_id	:= wf_engine.GetItemAttrNumber
66 			( itemtype => p_itemtype,
67 			  itemkey  => p_itemkey,
68 			  aname	   => 'PROJECT_ORGANIZATION_ID');
70   l_project_number	:= wf_engine.GetItemAttrText
71 			( itemtype => p_itemtype,
72 			  itemkey  => p_itemkey,
73 			  aname	   => 'PROJECT_NUMBER');
75   l_expenditure_type	:= wf_engine.GetItemAttrText
76 			( itemtype => p_itemtype,
77 			  itemkey  => p_itemkey,
78 			  aname	   => 'EXPENDITURE_TYPE');
80 ---------------------------------------------------
81 -- Now start determining the value of the segment
82 ---------------------------------------------------
84 -- First determine which of the organization ids are to be used The assumption
85 -- is that if the first two characters of the project number are 'AA',
86 -- then the Project Organization Id is to be used for account
87 -- generation. Otherwise, the Expenditure Organization Id is used for
88 -- account generation.
90   IF substr(l_project_number, 1, 2) = 'AA'
91   THEN
92 	l_acc_org_id	:=	l_project_org_id;
93   ELSE
94 	l_acc_org_id	:=	l_expenditure_org_id;
95   END IF;
97 -- Assume that the organization id is mapped to another field from a lookup
98 -- table. PA_LOOKUPS has been used in this example. Any table could
99 -- function as a lookup. Please note that the LOOKUP_TYPE used here
100 -- may not actually exist and is just used for illustration
102   BEGIN
104     SELECT  meaning
105       INTO  l_org_map
106       FROM  pa_lookups
107      WHERE  lookup_type = 'ORG_TO_ACC'
108        AND  lookup_code = l_acc_org_id;
112     WHEN no_data_found
113     THEN
114     -- Set appropriate debugging information for workflow
116         wf_core.context( pkg_name	=> 'PA_WF_FB_SAMPLE_PKG',
117 			 proc_name	=> 'PA_WF_SAMPLE_SQL_FN',
118 			 arg1		=>  l_project_number,
119 			 arg2		=>  l_project_org_id,
120 			 arg3		=>  l_expenditure_org_id,
121 			 arg4		=>  l_expenditure_type,
122 			 arg5		=>  null);
124 -- Error requires an error message to be set so that it can be
125 -- displayed on the form. The error message name is defined in
126 -- Applications and the name is set here. The form should read this
127 -- error message and decode it to get the original message text.
129       wf_engine.SetItemAttrText
130 		( itemtype=> p_itemtype,
131 		  itemkey => p_itemkey,
132 		  aname	  => 'ERROR_MESSAGE',
133 		  avalue  => 'SUP_INV_ACC_ORG_ID_LOOKUP FAIL');
135     -- Return a failure so that the abort generation End function is called
137 	x_result := 'COMPLETE:FAILURE';
138 	RETURN;
139   END;
141 -- Assume that the final segment value is again derived from
142 -- PA_LOOKUPS and is a combination of the variable l_org_map
143 -- determined above and the Expenditure type
145  BEGIN
147     SELECT meaning
148       INTO l_segment_value
149       FROM pa_lookups
150      WHERE lookup_type = 'ORG_EXP_TYPE'
151        AND lookup_code = l_org_map || l_expenditure_type;
155    WHEN no_data_found
156     THEN
158     -- Set appropriate debugging information
160         wf_core.context( pkg_name	=> 'PA_WF_FB_SAMPLE_PKG',
161 			 proc_name	=> 'PA_WF_SAMPLE_SQL_FN',
162 			 arg1		=>  l_project_number,
163 			 arg2		=>  l_project_org_id,
164 			 arg3		=>  l_expenditure_org_id,
165 			 arg4		=>  l_expenditure_type,
166 			 arg5		=>  null);
168     -- Error requires an error message to be set so that it can be displayed
169     -- on the form
171       wf_engine.SetItemAttrText
172 		( itemtype=> p_itemtype,
173 		  itemkey=> p_itemkey,
174 		  aname	=> 'ERROR_MSG',
175 		  avalue=> 'Org and Expenditure type lookup failed ' ||
176 			   'during account generation');
177     -- Return a failure so that the abort generation End function is called
179 	x_result := 'COMPLETE:FAILURE';
180 	RETURN;
182  END;
185 -- If control passes to this point, the segment value has been
186 -- determined correctly. Use this newly determined value to set the
187 -- value of the corresponding attribute in Workflow so that it is
188 -- available to subsequent functions
189 -- For the purpose of the sample and to avoid defining an extra item
190 -- attribute that will not be used later, the item attribute used is
191 -- the same that is used in the lookup set value (LOOKUP_SET_VALUE).
192 -- It is desirable that you define and use your own item attributes
193 -- e.g. SAMPLE_SEGMENT_1.
195       wf_engine.SetItemAttrText  ( itemtype	=> p_itemtype,
196 				   itemkey 	=> p_itemkey,
197 				   aname	=> 'LOOKUP_SET_VALUE',
198 				   avalue	=> l_segment_value);
200 -- Return a success since the segment value has been determined
201 -- correctly. 'SUCCESS' is the expected result since the result of the
202 -- process has been defined as Flexfield Result
204   x_result := 'COMPLETE:SUCCESS';
205   RETURN;
209      WHEN OTHERS
210        THEN
212   -- Record error using generic error message routine for debugging and
213   -- raise it
215         wf_core.context( pkg_name	=> 'PA_WF_FB_SAMPLE_PKG',
216 			 proc_name	=> 'PA_WF_SAMPLE_SQL_FN',
217 			 arg1		=>  l_project_number,
218 			 arg2		=>  l_project_org_id,
219 			 arg3		=>  l_expenditure_org_id,
220 			 arg4		=>  l_expenditure_type,
221 			 arg5		=>  null);
223         raise;
225  END pa_wf_sample_sql_fn ;
228 --
229 -- This procedure is used to test your workflow for the supplier
230 -- invoice charge account. After you design your workflow and save it
231 -- in the database, you can modify this procedure to test it.  Before
232 -- beginning testing, make sure that the Account Generator window
233 -- shows the correct process that you want to run for your account
234 -- generation for your set of books.
235 --
236 -- Log into SQL*Plus into the database where you want to test your
237 -- workflow. Make sure that the dbms_application_info.set_client_info
238 -- package is run to select the correct organization id. Modify this
239 -- procedure or a copy of it giving values for each of the parameters
240 -- that will be used in account generation. The Project Id parameter
241 -- is mandatory. Replace the values below with your values for Project
242 -- Id, Task Id, Expenditure Type, etc. for the transaction for which
243 -- you want to test account generation. Also remember to "set
244 -- serveroutput on" before testing as the results of the Workflow are
245 -- displayed using dbms_output statements.
246 --
247 -- A typical test would be as follows:
248 --
249 -- SQL> set serveroutput on
250 -- SQL> begin
251 -- 2     pa_wf_fb_sample_pkg.pa_test_ap_inv_account;
252 -- 3    end;
253 -- 4    /
254 --
255 -- Alternatively, you can modify this procedure so that the parameters
256 -- that are used to vary the account are input to the procedure so
257 -- that you can run the procedure by passing the parameters instead of
258 -- modifying and recompiling each time
259 --
261  PROCEDURE pa_test_ap_inv_account
262  IS
263  p_return_ccid		NUMBER;
264  p_concat_segs		VARCHAR2(300);
265  p_concat_ids		VARCHAR2(300);
266  p_concat_descrs	VARCHAR2(300);
267  p_errmsg		VARCHAR2(1300);
268  p_ret_value		BOOLEAN;
269  x_ret_value_s		VARCHAR2(20);
271  BEGIN
273  -- Set the profile option so that data is not purged from
274  -- the workflow tables
276  fnd_profile.put('ACCOUNT_GENERATOR:PURGE_DATA','N');
277  p_ret_value := pa_acc_gen_wf_pkg.ap_inv_generate_account (
278  	p_project_id			=> 1000,
279  	p_task_id			=> 1000,
280  	p_expenditure_type		=> 'XXXXXX',
281  	p_vendor_id 			=> 1000,
282  	p_expenditure_organization_id	=> 1000,
283  	p_expenditure_item_date 	=> to_date('01/01/1998','MM/DD/YYYY'),
284  	p_billable_flag			=> 'Y',
285  	p_chart_of_Accounts_id		=> 101,
286         p_accounting_date               => to_date('01/01/1998','MM/DD/YYYY'),
287  	p_attribute_category		=> null,
288  	p_attribute1			=> null,
289  	p_attribute2			=> null,
290  	p_attribute3			=> null,
291  	p_attribute4			=> null,
292  	p_attribute5			=> null,
293  	p_attribute6			=> null,
294  	p_attribute7			=> null,
295  	p_attribute8			=> null,
296  	p_attribute9			=> null,
297  	p_attribute10			=> null,
298  	p_attribute11			=> null,
299  	p_attribute12			=> null,
300  	p_attribute13			=> null,
301  	p_attribute14			=> null,
302  	p_attribute15			=> null,
303  	p_dist_attribute_category	=> null,
304  	p_dist_attribute1		=> null,
305  	p_dist_attribute2		=> null,
306  	p_dist_attribute3		=> null,
307  	p_dist_attribute4		=> null,
308  	p_dist_attribute5		=> null,
309  	p_dist_attribute6		=> null,
310  	p_dist_attribute7		=> null,
311  	p_dist_attribute8		=> null,
312  	p_dist_attribute9		=> null,
313  	p_dist_attribute10		=> null,
314  	p_dist_attribute11		=> null,
315  	p_dist_attribute12		=> null,
316  	p_dist_attribute13		=> null,
317  	p_dist_attribute14		=> null,
318  	p_dist_attribute15		=> null,
319  	x_return_ccid			=> p_return_ccid,
320  	x_concat_segs 			=> p_concat_segs,
321  	x_concat_ids		 	=> p_concat_ids,
322  	x_concat_descrs	 		=> p_concat_descrs,
323  	x_error_message		 	=> p_errmsg);
325  -- Check the return value after calling
327 /*
328    In actual environment, for debugging, please put set serveroutput on
329    and uncomment the following dbms_output statements.
330  */
332  IF p_ret_value = True
333  THEN
334   	x_ret_value_s := 'True';
335 /* 	dbms_output.put_line('Function was successful'); */
336  ELSE
337   	x_ret_value_s := 'False';
338 /* 	dbms_output.put_line('Function was not successful'); */
339  END IF;
341 /*  dbms_output.put_line('Return Value	=' || x_ret_value_s);   */
342 /*  dbms_output.put_line('Dervied CCID	=' || p_return_ccid);   */
343 /*  dbms_output.put_line('Segments		=' || p_concat_segs);   */
344 /*  dbms_output.put_line('Segment ids	=' || p_concat_ids);    */
345 /*  dbms_output.put_line('Description	=' || p_concat_descrs); */
346 /*  dbms_output.put_line ('Error message   =' || p_errmsg );   */
348  END;
350 END pa_wf_fb_sample_pkg;