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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 27

                        A new procedure to insert into jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs table is added.

                        India Original Invoice for TDS DFF is eliminated. So attribute1 of ap_invoices_al
                        is not populated whenever an invoice is generated. Instead the Invoice details are
                        populated into jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs. So whenever data is inserted into interface
                        tables the jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs table is also populated.

3.        11/05/2005   rchandan for bug#4323338. Version 116.2
                        India Org Info DFF is eliminated as a part of JA migration. A table by name JAI_AP_TDS_ORG_TANS is dropped
                        and a view jai_ap_tds_org_tan_v is created to retrieve the PAN NO.

4.        24/05/2005   Ramananda for bug#4388958 File Version: 116.1
                         Changed AP Lookup code from 'TDS' to 'INDIA TDS'

5.        02/06/2005   Ramananda for bug#  4407184 File Version: 116.2
                         SQL Bind variable compliance is done

6.        08-Jun-2005  File Version 116.3. Object is Modified to refer to New DB Entity names in place of Old DB Entity Names
                       as required for CASE COMPLAINCE.

7.        14-Jun-2005  rchandan for bug#4428980, Version 116.4
                         Modified the object to remove literals from DML statements and CURSORS.

8.        08-Jul-2005  Sanjikum for Bug#4482462
                        1) In the procedure - generate_tds_invoices, removed the column payment_method_lookup_code
                           from cursors - c_po_vendor_sites_all, c_po_vendors
                        2) In the procedure generate_tds_invoices, commented the if condition of payment_method_lookup_code
                        3) In the procedure generate_tds_invoices, commented the value of parameter - p_payment_method_lookup_code
                           while calling procedure - jai_ap_utils_pkg.insert_ap_inv_interface

                       Ramananda for bug#  4407184
                         Re-Done: SQL Bind variable compliance is done

9.        29-Jun-2005  ssumaith - bug#4448789 - removal of hr_operating_units.legal_entity_id from this trigger.

10.       14-Jul-2005  rchandan for bug#4487676.File version 117.2
                        Sequnece jai_ap_tds_invoice_num_s is renamed to JAI_AP_TDS_THHOLD_TRXS_S1

11.       25-Jul-2005  Bug4513458. added by Lakshmi Gopalsami version 120.2
                        TDS tax is always rounded to 2 decimal places
                         1) Changed the statement "ln_tax_amount :=
                            round(pn_tax_amount, 2);"
Line: 96

                        being considered while selecting the applicable
                        threshold. This has been modified to check
                        threshold validity date range against the GL_date of
                        invoice distributions.

                        Dependency (Functional)
                        jai_ap_tds_dflt.plb Version  120.3

14.       18-Aug-2005  Ramananda for bug#4560109 during R12 Sanity Testing. File Verion 120.5
                         In generate_tds_invoices procedure:
                         Added the WHO columns in the 'insert into JAI_AP_TDS_INVOICES' statement

15.       19-Aug-2005  Ramananda for bug#4562793. File Version 120.6
                        1) Moved the Cursor - c_ja_in_tax_codes, up from below the cursor c_po_vendor_sites_all
                        2) Changed the parameters being passed to cursor - c_po_vendors and c_po_vendor_sites_all
                        3) In the procedure maintain_thhold_grps, while updating the table - jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps,
                           changed the update for column - current_threshold_slab_id

                        Dependency Due to this Bug

16.       19-Aug-2005  Ramananda for bug#4562801. File Version 120.6
                        Following changes are done in procedure - generate_tds_invoices
                        1) While inserting into table ja_in_ap_tds_invoices, value of column - invoice_amount is changed
                        2) Calculation for the new added variable - ln_invoice_amount is done

17.       23-Aug-2005  Bug 4559756. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami Version 120.7
                       Added org_id in call to ap_utilities_pkg to get the correct gl_date and period_name.

18.       02-Sep-2005  Ramananda for Bug#4584221, File Version 120.8
                       Made the following changes -
                       1) Before submitting the request - APXIIMPT,
                          called the jai_ap_utils_pkg.get_tds_invoice_batch(p_invoice_id) to get the batch_name.
                       2) In submitting the request - APXIIMPT,
                          changed the parameter batch_name from hardcoded value to variable - lv_batch_name

                       Dependency Due to this Bug (Functional)
                        jai_ap_utils.pls   (120.2)
                        jai_ap_utils.plb   (120.2)
                        jai_ap_tds_old.plb (120.3)
                        jai_constants.pls  (120.3)
                        jaiorgdffsetup.sql (120.2)
                         jaivmlu.ldt  (120.3)

19.       02-sep-2005   Bug 4774647. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami version 120.9
                               Passed operating unit also as this parameter
             has been added by base.

20.       07-Dec-2005   Bug 4870243. Added by Harshita version 120.11
          Issue : Invoice Distribution Cursor has no filter based on the Invoice_distribution_id ,
                  line_num and tds_section.
          Fix :   Added the filter conditions in the filter.

21.       13-Jan-2006   Bug 4943949 Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami 120.13
        Wrong number of arguments while trying to validate
      the standard invoice. This is due to the parameter
      P_FUNDS_RETURN_CODE added by base in ap_approval_pkg.

        Added the parameter P_FUNDS_RETURN_CODE in call to
22.   19-Jan-2006   avallabh for bug 4926736. File version 120.14
      Removed the procedure process_tds_batch, since it is no longer used.

23.   27/03/2006    Hjujjuru for Bug 5096787 , File Version 120.15
                   Spec changes have been made in this file as a part og Bug 5096787.
                   Now, the r12 Procedure/Function specs is in this file are in
                   sync with their corrsponding 11i counterparts

24.   03/11/2006   Sanjikum for Bug#5131075, File Version 120.17
                   1) Changes are done for forward porting of bugs - 4722011, 4718907, 4685754, 5346558

                   Dependency Due to this Bug
                   Yes, as Package spec is changed and there are multiple files changed as part of current
25    23/02/07   bduvarag for bug#4716884,File version 120.18
                Forward porting the changes done in 11i bug 4629783
		bduvarag for bug#4667681,File version 120.18
		Forward porting the changes done in 11i bug 4576084

26. 03/05/2007   Bug 5722028. Added by csahoo 120.19
								 Forward Porting to R12
                  Added parameter p_creation_date for the follownig procedures
		  and pd_creation_date in generate_tds_invoices.
		  Added global variables
		  gd_tds_rounding_effective_date and function get_rnded_value
		  is created.

                  updated jai_ap_tdS_inv_taxes and jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps
		  withe the rounded values. This is done in procedure
		  process_tds_at_inv_validate and maintain_thhold_grps.
		  In generate_tds_invoices derived the logic for rounding.
                  Added conditions in queries for fetching the taxable
		  amount in procedure process_threshold_transition and
                  process_threshold_rollback. Added the parameters p_creation_date
		  or pd_creation_date wherever required.

			jai_ap_tds_gen.pls - 120.5
			jai_ap_tds_gen.plb - 120.19
			jai_ap_tds_ppay.pls - 120.2
			jai_ap_tds_ppay.plb - 120.5
			jai_ap_tds_can.plb - 120.6

27.  22/06/2007  Bug# 6119216, File Version 120.20
                 1.  Changed where clause of the cursor c_check_not_validate.
                 2.  Changed import_and_approve procedure, here a call to fnd_request.submit_request was passing
                     p_invoice_id instead of lv_group_id

28. 11/01/2008 Changes done by nprashar for bug # 6720018.

29.   18/11/2008  Bgowrava  for Bug#4549019,  File Version 120.16.12000000.12, 120.26.12010000.4,  120.31
                        Changes done in procedure - generate_tds_invoices
                        1) Changed the condition - if lv_invoice_to_tds_num is not null and lv_invoice_to_tds_type is not null then
                        2) Added an if condition before calling - jai_ap_interface_pkg.insert_ap_inv_interface for Supplier invoice

30.  26-Nov-2008    Bgowrava for Bug#7389849, File Version 120.16.12000000.13, 120.26.12010000.5,  120.32
                                      modified code to check the enddate of a tax with the invoice date of an invoice rather than sysdate

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  procedure status_update_chk_validate
    p_invoice_id                         in                  number,
    p_invoice_line_number                in                  number    default   null, /* AP lines uptake */
    p_invoice_distribution_id            in                  number    default   null,
    p_match_status_flag                  in                  varchar2  default   null,
    p_is_invoice_validated               out       nocopy    varchar2,
    p_process_flag                       out       nocopy    varchar2,
    p_process_message                    out       nocopy    varchar2,
    p_codepath                           in out    nocopy    varchar2

   lv_section_type VARCHAR2(15) ;
Line: 248

      select count(tds_inv_tax_id) total_count, sum(decode(match_status_flag, 'A', 1, 0)) validated_count
      from   jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      -- Harshita for Bug 4870243
      and    nvl(invoice_line_number, -9999) = nvl(p_invoice_line_number, invoice_line_number)
      and    invoice_distribution_id =  nvl(p_invoice_distribution_id, invoice_distribution_id)  -- Bug 6119216
      and    section_type = p_section_type ;
Line: 257

      /*select  tds_inv_tax_id
            from    jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
            where   invoice_id =  p_invoice_id
            and     nvl(invoice_line_number, -9999) = nvl(p_invoice_line_number, -9999)
            and     nvl(invoice_distribution_id, -9999) =  nvl(p_invoice_distribution_id, -9999)
      and     section_type = p_section_type; */
Line: 267

      select count(invoice_id)
      from   ap_holds_all
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and    release_reason is null;
Line: 279

    p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(1, p_codepath, 'jai_ap_tds_generation_pkg.status_update_chk_validate', 'START'); /* 1 */
Line: 282

      update jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      set    match_status_flag = p_match_status_flag
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and    invoice_distribution_id = p_invoice_distribution_id;
Line: 325

    fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,  'Status_update_chk_validate - Status of  parent invoice '|| p_is_invoice_validated);
Line: 334

        P_process_message := 'jai_ap_tds_generation_pkg.status_update_chk_validate :' ||  sqlerrm;
Line: 336

  end status_update_chk_validate;
Line: 363

      select count(tds_inv_tax_id)
      from   jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and    (actual_tax_id is not null or default_tax_id is not null);
Line: 369

      select count(tds_inv_tax_id)
      from   jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and    process_status = p_process_status;
Line: 375

      select tds_inv_tax_id, actual_tax_id, amount
      from   jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and    actual_tax_id is not null;
Line: 381

      select tax_rate,
             'Tax : ' || tax_name || ' is end dated as on ' || to_char(end_date, 'dd-mon-yyyy') ||
             '. Setup needs modification.' tax_end_dated_message
      from   JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL
      where  tax_id = p_tax_id;
Line: 391

      select actual_section_code, sum(amount*p_exchange_rate) invoice_amount, sum(tax_amount) section_amount
      from   jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and    section_type = p_section_type         --rchandan for bug#4428980
      and    actual_section_code is not null
      group by  actual_section_code
      having sum(tax_amount) <> 0;
Line: 400

      select tds_vendor_type_lookup_code
      from   JAI_AP_TDS_VNDR_TYPE_V
      where  vendor_id = p_vendor_id;
Line: 406

      select threshold_hdr_id
      from   JAI_AP_TDS_TH_VSITE_V
      where  vendor_id = p_vendor_id
      and    vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id
      and    section_type = p_section_type    --rchandan for bug#4428980
      and    section_code = p_tds_section_code;
Line: 415

      select  threshold_grp_id
      from    jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps
      where   vendor_id         =  p_vendor_id
      and     section_type      =  p_section_type --rchandan for bug#4428980
      and     section_code      =  p_tds_section_code
      and     org_tan_num       =  p_tan_no
      and     vendor_pan_num    =  p_pan_no
      and     fin_year          =  p_fin_year;
Line: 425

      select (
              nvl(total_invoice_amount, 0) -
              nvl(total_invoice_cancel_amount, 0) -
              nvl(total_invoice_apply_amount, 0)  +
              nvl(total_invoice_unapply_amount, 0)
      from    jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps
      where   threshold_grp_id = p_threshold_grp_id;
Line: 441

      select  threshold_slab_id, threshold_type_id, from_amount, to_amount
      from    jai_ap_tds_thhold_slabs
      where   threshold_hdr_id = p_threshold_hdr_id
      and     threshold_type_id in
            ( select threshold_type_id
              from   jai_ap_tds_thhold_types
              where   threshold_hdr_id = p_threshold_hdr_id
              and     threshold_type = p_threshold_type
        /* Bug 4522540. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
           Added the following date condition */
              and    trunc(p_accounting_Date) between from_date
        and nvl(to_date, p_accounting_date + 1)
      and     p_amount between from_amount and nvl(to_amount, p_amount)
      order by from_amount asc;
Line: 460

        select 1
        from jai_ap_tds_thhold_types
        where threshold_hdr_id = p_threshold_hdr_id
        and   trunc(p_accounting_Date) between from_date and nvl(to_date, p_accounting_date + 1);
Line: 470

      select actual_tax_id,
             sum(amount*p_exchange_rate) taxable_amount,
             sum(tax_amount) tax_amount
      from   jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and    section_type      =  p_section_type   --rchandan for bug#4428980
      and    actual_section_code = p_tds_section_code
      and    (
               (p_generate_all_invoices = 'Y' )
               (p_threshold_slab_id_single > 0 )
      group by actual_tax_id;
Line: 485

      select    c.pan_no pan_no,
                d.org_tan_num tan_no
        from    po_vendors a,
                po_vendor_sites_all b,
                JAI_AP_TDS_VENDOR_HDRS c,
                jai_ap_tds_org_tan_v d  --rchandan for bug#4323338
      where     a.vendor_id = b.vendor_id
        and     b.vendor_id = c.vendor_id
        and     b.vendor_site_id = c.vendor_site_id
        and     b.org_id = d.organization_id
        and     a.vendor_id = p_vendor_id
        and     b.vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id;
Line: 505

      select fin_year
      from   JAI_AP_TDS_YEARS
      where  tan_no in  /* where clause and subquery added by ssumaith - bug# 4448789*/
              SELECT  attribute_value
              FROM    JAI_RGM_ORG_REGNS_V
              WHERE   regime_code = lv_tds_regime
              AND     registration_type = lv_regn_type_others
              AND     attribute_type_code = lv_attr_type_Code
              AND     attribute_code = lv_attr_code
              AND     organization_id = p_org_id
      and    p_accounting_date between start_date and end_date;
Line: 520

    select currency_code
    from   gl_sets_of_books
    where  set_of_books_id = cp_set_of_books_id;
Line: 525

    select section_type,
           sum(amount*p_exchange_rate) taxable_amount,
           sum(tax_amount) tax_amount
    from   jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
    where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
    and    section_type      <>  p_section_type        --rchandan for bug#4428980
    and    actual_tax_id is not null
    group by section_type, actual_tax_id;
Line: 607

      /* Update actual value from default value if actual is null for TDS section taxes only*/
      p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(5, p_codepath); /* 5 */
Line: 609

      update jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      set    actual_tax_id = default_tax_id
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and    actual_tax_id is null
      and    user_deleted_tax_flag IS NOT NULL AND user_deleted_tax_flag <> 'Y' -- nvl(user_deleted_tax_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
      and    section_type = lv_tds_section_type;  --rchandan for bug#4428980
Line: 617

      /* Update processed for those cases where NO TDS has to be deducted for TDS section taxes only */
      update  jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
      set     process_status = 'P'
      where   invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and     section_type = lv_tds_section_type  --rchandan for bug#4428980
      and     nvl(user_deleted_tax_flag, 'N') = 'Y';
Line: 682

	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Bug 7280925  value of tax_amount before update'||ln_tax_amount);
Line: 688

        update jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
        set    tax_amount = ln_tax_amount, -- ln_tmp_tds_amt, -- Bug 5722028
               actual_section_code = r_ja_in_tax_codes.section_code
        where  tds_inv_tax_id = cur_rec.tds_inv_tax_id;
Line: 972

          /* Update the total tax amount for which invoice was raised */

          /* bug 7280925. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
         * changed from ln_tmp_tds_amt to ln_tax_amount
          p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(23, p_codepath); /* 23 */
Line: 1004

          update  jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
          set     threshold_trx_id =  ln_threshold_trx_id,
                  threshold_slab_id_single = ln_threshold_slab_id_single
          where   invoice_id = p_invoice_id
          and     section_type      =  lv_tds_section_type   --rchandan for bug#4428980
          and     actual_section_code = cur_rec_section.actual_section_code
          and     actual_tax_id = cur_rec.actual_tax_id
          and     (
                    (lv_generate_all_invoices = 'Y' )
                    (ln_threshold_slab_id_single > 0)
Line: 1025

        update  jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
        set     threshold_grp_id   =  ln_threshold_grp_id,
                threshold_hdr_id   =  ln_threshold_hdr_id,
                threshold_slab_id  =  ln_threshold_slab_id_after,
                process_status = 'P'
        where   invoice_id = p_invoice_id
        and     section_type = lv_tds_section_type --rchandan for bug#4428980
        and     actual_section_code = cur_rec_section.actual_section_code;
Line: 1128

        update  jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
        set     threshold_trx_id =  ln_threshold_trx_id,
				process_status   = 'P' /*Bug 4667681*/
        where   invoice_id       =  p_invoice_id
        and     section_type     =  cur_non_tds_rec.section_type
        and     actual_tax_id    =  cur_non_tds_rec.actual_tax_id;
Line: 1217

    select  invoice_num,
            nvl(exchange_rate, 1) exchange_rate,
            payment_method_code -- Bug 7109056
    from    ap_invoices_all
    where   invoice_id = cp_invoice_id;
Line: 1237

    select  terms_id,
            --payment_method_lookup_code, --commented by Sanjikum for Bug#4482462
    from    po_vendor_sites_all
    where   vendor_id = cp_vendor_id
    and     vendor_site_id = cp_vendor_site_id;
Line: 1245

    select  terms_id,
            --payment_method_lookup_code, --commented by Sanjikum for Bug#4482462
    from    po_vendors
    where   vendor_id = cp_vendor_id;
Line: 1253

    select  section_code,
    from    JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL
    where   tax_id = pn_tax_id;
Line: 1265

    select currency_code
    from   gl_sets_of_books
    where  set_of_books_id = cp_set_of_books_id;
Line: 1270

    select to_char(JAI_AP_TDS_THHOLD_TRXS_S1.nextval)--to_char(JAI_AP_TDS_INVOICE_NUM_S.nextval)commented by  rchandan for bug#4487676
    from  dual;
Line: 1274

    select payment_priority
    from   ap_payment_schedules_all
    where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 1573

        p_jai_source                        => lv_this_procedure,
        p_invoice_id                        => ln_invoice_to_tds_id,
        p_invoice_num                       => lv_invoice_to_tds_num,
        p_invoice_type_lookup_code          => lv_invoice_to_tds_type,
        p_invoice_date                      => ld_accounting_date,
        p_vendor_id                         => r_ja_in_tax_codes.vendor_id,
        p_vendor_site_id                    => r_ja_in_tax_codes.vendor_site_id,
        p_invoice_amount                    => ln_invoice_to_tds_amount,
        p_invoice_currency_code             => r_gl_sets_of_books.currency_code,
        p_exchange_rate                     => null,
        p_exchange_rate_type                => null,
        p_exchange_date                     => null,
        p_terms_id                          => ln_terms_id,
        p_description                       => lv_invoice_to_tds_num,
        p_last_update_date                  => sysdate,
        p_last_updated_by                   => fnd_global.user_id,
        p_last_update_login                 => fnd_global.login_id,
        p_creation_date                     => sysdate,
        p_created_by                        => fnd_global.user_id,
        p_source                            => lv_source,
        p_voucher_num                       => lv_invoice_to_tds_num,
        --p_payment_method_lookup_code        => lv_payment_method_lookup_code,
        --commented by Sanjikum for Bug#4482462
        p_pay_group_lookup_code             => lv_pay_group_lookup_code,
        p_org_id                            => r_ap_invoices_all.org_id,
        p_attribute_category                => 'India Original Invoice for TDS',
        p_attribute1                        => pn_invoice_id,
	--added the below by Sanjikum for Bug#5131075(4722011)
        p_group_id                          => lv_group_id -- Bug# 6119216, changed to lv_group_id instead of to_char(p_invoice_id)
Line: 1607

        p_jai_source                        => lv_this_procedure,
        p_invoice_id                        => ln_invoice_to_tds_id,
        p_invoice_line_id                   => ln_invoice_to_tds_line_id,
        p_line_number                       => 1,
        p_line_type_lookup_code             => lv_invoice_to_tds_line_type,
        p_amount                            => ln_invoice_to_tds_amount,
        p_accounting_date                   => ld_accounting_date,
        p_description                       => lv_invoice_to_tds_num,
        p_dist_code_combination_id          => r_ja_in_tax_codes.tax_account_id,
        p_last_update_date                  => sysdate,
        p_last_updated_by                   => fnd_global.user_id,
        p_last_update_login                 => fnd_global.login_id,
        p_creation_date                     => sysdate,
        p_created_by                        => fnd_global.user_id
Line: 1666

      fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, ' CALL utils for inserting interface lines');
Line: 1670

        p_jai_source                        => lv_this_procedure,
        p_invoice_id                        => ln_invoice_to_vendor_id,
        p_invoice_num                       => lv_invoice_to_vendor_num,
        p_invoice_type_lookup_code          => lv_invoice_to_vendor_type,
        p_invoice_date                      => r_ap_invoices_all.invoice_date,
        p_gl_date                           => ld_accounting_date,
        p_vendor_id                         => r_ap_invoices_all.vendor_id,
        p_vendor_site_id                    => r_ap_invoices_all.vendor_site_id,
        p_invoice_amount                    => ln_invoice_to_vendor_amount,
        p_invoice_currency_code             => r_ap_invoices_all.invoice_currency_code,
        p_exchange_rate                     => ln_exchange_rate,
        p_exchange_rate_type                => r_ap_invoices_all.exchange_rate_type,
        p_exchange_date                     => r_ap_invoices_all.exchange_date,
        p_terms_id                          => r_ap_invoices_all.terms_id,
        p_description                       => lv_invoice_to_vendor_num,
        p_last_update_date                  => sysdate,
        p_last_updated_by                   => fnd_global.user_id,
        p_last_update_login                 => fnd_global.login_id,
        p_creation_date                     => sysdate,
        p_created_by                        => fnd_global.user_id,
        p_source                            => lv_source,
        p_voucher_num                       => lv_invoice_to_vendor_num,
        -- Bug 7109056. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
        p_payment_method_code        => r_ap_invoices_all.payment_method_code,
        --commented by Sanjikum for Bug#4482462
        p_pay_group_lookup_code             => r_ap_invoices_all.pay_group_lookup_code,
        p_goods_received_date               => r_ap_invoices_all.goods_received_date,
        p_invoice_received_date             => r_ap_invoices_all.invoice_received_date,
        p_org_id                            => r_ap_invoices_all.org_id,
        p_attribute_category                => 'India Original Invoice for TDS',
        p_attribute1                        => pn_invoice_id,
	--commented the above and added the below by Sanjikum for Bug#5131075(4722011)
        p_group_id                          => lv_group_id
Line: 1708

        p_jai_source                        => lv_this_procedure,
        p_invoice_id                        => ln_invoice_to_vendor_id,
        p_invoice_line_id                   => ln_invoice_to_vendor_line_id,
        p_line_number                       => 1,
        p_line_type_lookup_code             => lv_invoice_to_vendor_line_type,
        p_amount                            => ln_invoice_to_vendor_amount,
        p_accounting_date                   => ld_accounting_date,
        p_description                       => lv_invoice_to_vendor_num,
        p_dist_code_combination_id          => r_ja_in_tax_codes.tax_account_id,
        p_last_update_date                  => sysdate,
        p_last_updated_by                   => fnd_global.user_id,
        p_last_update_login                 => fnd_global.login_id,
        p_creation_date                     => sysdate,
        p_created_by                        => fnd_global.user_id
Line: 1768

      insert into JAI_AP_TDS_INVOICES
        /* Ramananda for bug#4560109 during R12 Sanity Testing. Added the WHO columns */
        created_by        ,
        creation_date     ,
        last_updated_by   ,
        last_update_date  ,
      ( JAI_AP_TDS_INVOICES_S.nextval,
        --round(ln_invoice_to_tds_amount * ( 100 / r_ja_in_tax_codes.tax_rate), 2),
        --commented the above and added the below by Ramananda for Bug#4562801
        lv_source_attribute,  --rchandan for bug#4428980
        /* Ramananda for bug#4560109 during R12 Sanity Testing. Added the WHO columns */
        fnd_global.user_id                             ,
        sysdate                                        ,
        fnd_global.user_id                             ,
        sysdate                                        ,
Line: 1837

          fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Bug 7280925 - value after round before insert into trxs'||ln_tds_rnded_amt);
Line: 1843

    insert into jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs
      threshold_trx_id                               ,
      invoice_id                                     ,
      invoice_line_number                            ,
      invoice_distribution_id                        ,
      threshold_grp_id                               ,
      threshold_hdr_id                               ,
      tds_event                                      ,
      tax_id                                         ,
      tax_rate                                       ,
      taxable_amount                                 ,
      tax_amount                                     ,
      tds_authority_vendor_id                        ,
      tds_authority_vendor_site_id                   ,
      invoice_to_tds_authority_num                   ,
      invoice_to_tds_authority_type                  ,
      invoice_to_tds_authority_curr                  ,
      invoice_to_tds_authority_amt                   ,
      vendor_id                                      ,
      vendor_site_id                                 ,
      invoice_to_vendor_num                          ,
      invoice_to_vendor_type                         ,
      invoice_to_vendor_curr                         ,
      invoice_to_vendor_amt                          ,
      parent_inv_payment_priority                    ,
      parent_inv_exchange_rate                       ,
      created_by                                     ,
      creation_date                                  ,
      last_updated_by                                ,
      last_update_date                               ,
      last_update_login															 ,
      tds_rounding_factor -- Bug 5722028. Added by csahoo
      jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs_s.nextval               ,
      pn_invoice_id                                  ,
      pn_invoice_line_number                         ,
      pn_invoice_distribution_id                     ,
      pn_threshold_grp_id                            ,
      pn_threshold_hdr_id                            ,
      pv_tds_event                                   ,
      pn_tax_id                                      ,
      r_ja_in_tax_codes.tax_rate                     ,
      pn_taxable_amount                              ,
      ln_tds_rnded_amt,  --Bug 5722028. Added by csahoo
      r_ja_in_tax_codes.vendor_id                    ,
      r_ja_in_tax_codes.vendor_site_id               ,
      lv_invoice_to_tds_num                          ,
      lv_invoice_to_tds_type                         ,
      r_gl_sets_of_books.currency_code               ,
      ln_invoice_to_tds_amount                       ,
      r_ap_invoices_all.vendor_id                    ,
      r_ap_invoices_all.vendor_site_id               ,
      lv_invoice_to_vendor_num                       ,
      lv_invoice_to_vendor_type                      ,
      r_ap_invoices_all.invoice_currency_code        ,
      ln_invoice_to_vendor_amount                    ,
      r_ap_payment_schedules_all.payment_priority    ,
      r_ap_invoices_all.exchange_rate                ,
      fnd_global.user_id                             ,
      sysdate                                        ,
      fnd_global.user_id                             ,
      sysdate                                        ,
      fnd_global.login_id														 ,
      ln_tds_rnding_factor -- Bug 5722028. Added by csahoo
    returning threshold_trx_id into pn_threshold_trx_id;
Line: 1943

      select tax_id
      from   jai_ap_tds_thhold_taxes
      where  threshold_slab_id = p_threshold_slab_id
      and    operating_unit_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1950

      select (
                nvl(total_invoice_amount, 0) -
                nvl(total_invoice_cancel_amount, 0) -
                nvl(total_invoice_apply_amount, 0)  +
                nvl(total_invoice_unapply_amount, 0)
      from    jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps
      where   threshold_grp_id = cp_threshold_grp_id;
Line: 1962

      select tax_rate
      from   JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL
      where  tax_id = cp_tax_id;
Line: 1968

			 SELECT SUM(NVL(jattt.taxable_amount,0))
				 FROM jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs jattt
				WHERE jattt.threshold_grp_id = cp_threshold_grp_id
					AND (jattt.tds_event like 'THRESHOLD ROLLBACK%' OR
				-- Bug 5722028. Added by csahoo
				-- added the following condition
	    jattt.tds_event like 'THRESHOLD TRANSITION%' );
Line: 2044

      /* Update the total tax amount for which invoice was raised */
      ln_threshold_grp_id:= p_threshold_grp_id;
Line: 2092

      select  vendor_id,
      from    ap_invoices_all
      where   invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 2098

      select  nvl( approved_invoice_flag, 'N' ) approved_invoice_flag
      from    JAI_CMN_VENDOR_SITES
      where   vendor_id       =   p_vendor_id
      and     vendor_site_id  =   p_vendor_site_id;
Line: 2233

      select invoice_to_tds_authority_id,
      from   jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs
      where  threshold_trx_id >= p_start_thhold_trx_id
      and    invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and    vendor_id =  p_vendor_id
      and    vendor_site_id =  p_vendor_site_id;
Line: 2244

    SELECT invoice_id, org_id,
           set_of_books_id -- bug 6819855. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
       FROM ap_invoices_all
      WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 2507

      select  threshold_trx_id,
      from    jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs
      where   invoice_to_tds_authority_num = p_invoice_num
      and     tds_authority_vendor_id = p_vendor_id
      and     tds_authority_vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id
      and     invoice_to_tds_authority_id is null;
Line: 2517

      select  threshold_trx_id
      from    jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs
      where   invoice_to_vendor_num = p_invoice_num
      and     vendor_id = p_vendor_id
      and     vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id
      and     invoice_to_vendor_id is null;
Line: 2537

      update jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs
      set    invoice_to_tds_authority_id = p_invoice_id
      where  threshold_trx_id = ln_threshold_trx_id;
Line: 2552

        update jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs
        set    invoice_to_vendor_id = p_invoice_id
        where  threshold_trx_id = ln_threshold_trx_id;
Line: 2607

      select total_invoice_amount          ,
             total_invoice_cancel_amount   ,
             total_invoice_apply_amount    ,
             total_invoice_unapply_amount  ,
             total_tax_paid                ,
             total_thhold_change_tax_paid  ,
      from   jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps
      where  threshold_grp_id = p_threshold_grp_id;
Line: 2620

      select threshold_grp_id
      from   jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps
      where  vendor_id        =      p_vendor_id        and
             org_tan_num      =      p_org_tan_num      and
             vendor_pan_num   =      p_vendor_pan_num   and
             section_type     =      p_section_type     and
             section_code     =      p_section_code     and
             fin_year         =      p_fin_year;
Line: 2721

          insert into jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps
            threshold_grp_id                  ,
            vendor_id                         ,
            org_tan_num                       ,
            vendor_pan_num                    ,
            section_type                      ,
            section_code                      ,
            fin_year                          ,
            created_by                        ,
            creation_date                     ,
            last_updated_by                   ,
            last_update_date                  ,
            jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps_s.nextval  ,
            p_vendor_id                       ,
            p_org_tan_num                     ,
            p_vendor_pan_num                  ,
            p_section_type                    ,
            p_section_code                    ,
            p_fin_year                        ,
            fnd_global.user_id                ,
            sysdate                           ,
            fnd_global.user_id                ,
            sysdate                           ,
          returning threshold_grp_id into ln_threshold_grp_id;
Line: 2811

    update  jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps
      total_invoice_amount          =    nvl(total_invoice_amount, 0)         + nvl(p_trx_invoice_amount, 0),
      total_invoice_cancel_amount   =    nvl(total_invoice_cancel_amount, 0)  + nvl(p_trx_invoice_cancel_amount, 0),
      total_invoice_apply_amount    =    nvl(total_invoice_apply_amount, 0)   + nvl(p_trx_invoice_apply_amount, 0),
      total_invoice_unapply_amount  =    nvl(total_invoice_unapply_amount, 0) + nvl(p_trx_invoice_unapply_amount, 0),
      total_tax_paid                =    nvl(total_tax_paid, 0)               + nvl(p_trx_tax_paid, 0),
      total_thhold_change_tax_paid  =    nvl(total_thhold_change_tax_paid, 0) + nvl(p_trx_thhold_change_tax_paid, 0),
      --current_threshold_slab_id     =    nvl( p_trx_threshold_slab_id, current_threshold_slab_id)
      --commented the above and added the below by Ramananda for Bug#4562793
      current_threshold_slab_id     =    nvl( p_trx_threshold_slab_id, 0)
    where threshold_grp_id = ln_threshold_grp_id;
Line: 2838

    /* Insert into the audite table */
    p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(9, p_codepath); /* 9 */
Line: 2840

    insert into jai_ap_tds_thgrp_audits
      threshold_grp_audit_id               ,
      threshold_grp_id                     ,
      old_invoice_amount                   ,
      old_invoice_cancel_amount            ,
      old_invoice_apply_amount             ,
      old_invoice_unapply_amount           ,
      old_tax_paid                         ,
      old_thhold_change_tax_paid           ,
      old_threshold_slab_id                ,
      trx_invoice_amount                   ,
      trx_invoice_cancel_amount            ,
      trx_invoice_apply_amount             ,
      trx_invoice_unapply_amount           ,
      trx_tax_paid                         ,
      trx_thhold_change_tax_paid           ,
      trx_threshold_slab_id                ,
      new_invoice_amount                   ,
      new_invoice_cancel_amount            ,
      new_invoice_apply_amount             ,
      new_invoice_unapply_amount           ,
      new_tax_paid                         ,
      new_thhold_change_tax_paid           ,
      new_threshold_slab_id                ,
      tds_event                            ,
      invoice_id                           ,
      invoice_line_number                  ,
      invoice_distribution_id              ,
      remarks                              ,
      created_by                           ,
      creation_date                        ,
      last_updated_by                      ,
      last_update_date                     ,
      jai_ap_tds_thgrp_audits_s.nextval    ,
      ln_threshold_grp_id                  ,
      ln_old_invoice_amount                ,
      ln_old_invoice_cancel_amount         ,
      ln_old_invoice_apply_amount          ,
      ln_old_invoice_unapply_amount        ,
      ln_old_tax_paid                      ,
      ln_old_thhold_change_tax_paid        ,
      ln_old_threshold_slab_id             ,
      p_trx_invoice_amount                 ,
      p_trx_invoice_cancel_amount          ,
      p_trx_invoice_apply_amount           ,
      p_trx_invoice_unapply_amount         ,
      ln_tmp_tds_amt,  --added for bug#5722028 csahoo
      p_trx_thhold_change_tax_paid         ,
      p_trx_threshold_slab_id              ,
      ln_new_invoice_amount                ,
      ln_new_invoice_cancel_amount         ,
      ln_new_invoice_apply_amount          ,
      ln_new_invoice_unapply_amount        ,
      ln_new_tax_paid                      ,
      ln_new_thhold_change_tax_paid        ,
      ln_new_threshold_slab_id             ,
      p_tds_event                          ,
      p_invoice_id                         ,
      p_invoice_line_number                ,
      p_invoice_distribution_id            ,
      p_remarks                            ,
      fnd_global.user_id                   ,
      sysdate                              ,
      fnd_global.user_id                   ,
      sysdate                              ,
    returning  threshold_grp_audit_id into p_threshold_grp_audit_id;
Line: 2927

/* ********************************  insert_tds_thhold_trxs *******************************************  */
	--for bug#4333449
  procedure insert_tds_thhold_trxs
    p_invoice_id                        in                  number,
    p_tds_event                         in                  varchar2,
    p_tax_id                            in                  number     default null,
    p_tax_rate                          in                  number     default null,
    p_taxable_amount                    in                  number     default null,
    p_tax_amount                        in                  number     default null,
    p_tds_authority_vendor_id           in                  number     default null,
    p_tds_authority_vendor_site_id      in                  number     default null,
    p_invoice_tds_authority_num         in                  varchar2   default null,
    p_invoice_tds_authority_type        in                  varchar2   default null,
    p_invoice_tds_authority_curr        in                  varchar2   default null,
    p_invoice_tds_authority_amt         in                  number     default null,
    p_invoice_tds_authority_id          in                  number     default null,
    p_vendor_id                         in                  number     default null,
    p_vendor_site_id                    in                  number     default null,
    p_invoice_vendor_num                in                  varchar2   default null,
    p_invoice_vendor_type               in                  varchar2   default null,
    p_invoice_vendor_curr               in                  varchar2   default null,
    p_invoice_vendor_amt                in                  number     default null,
    p_invoice_vendor_id                 in                  number     default null,
    p_parent_inv_payment_priority       in                  number     default null,
    p_parent_inv_exchange_rate          in                  number     default null

   fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Insert -> insert_tds_thhold_trxs ');
Line: 2959

   insert into jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs
     threshold_trx_id                         ,
     invoice_id                               ,
     tds_event                                ,
     tax_id                                   ,
     tax_rate                                 ,
     taxable_amount                           ,
     tax_amount                               ,
     tds_authority_vendor_id                  ,
     tds_authority_vendor_site_id             ,
     invoice_to_tds_authority_num             ,
     invoice_to_tds_authority_type            ,
     invoice_to_tds_authority_curr            ,
     invoice_to_tds_authority_amt             ,
     invoice_to_tds_authority_id              ,
     vendor_id                                ,
     vendor_site_id                           ,
     invoice_to_vendor_num                    ,
     invoice_to_vendor_type                   ,
     invoice_to_vendor_curr                   ,
     invoice_to_vendor_amt                    ,
     invoice_to_vendor_id                     ,
     parent_inv_payment_priority              ,
     parent_inv_exchange_rate                 ,
     created_by                               ,
     creation_date                            ,
     last_updated_by                          ,
     last_update_date                         ,
     jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs_s.nextval         ,
     p_invoice_id                             ,
     p_tds_event                              ,
     p_tax_id                                 ,
     p_tax_rate                               ,
     p_taxable_amount                         ,
     p_tax_amount                             ,
     p_tds_authority_vendor_id                ,
     p_tds_authority_vendor_site_id           ,
     p_invoice_tds_authority_num              ,
     p_invoice_tds_authority_type             ,
     p_invoice_tds_authority_curr             ,
     p_invoice_tds_authority_amt              ,
     p_invoice_tds_authority_id               ,
     p_vendor_id                              ,
     p_vendor_site_id                         ,
     p_invoice_vendor_num                     ,
     p_invoice_vendor_type                    ,
     p_invoice_vendor_curr                    ,
     p_invoice_vendor_amt                     ,
     p_invoice_vendor_id                      ,
     p_parent_inv_payment_priority            ,
     p_parent_inv_exchange_rate               ,
     fnd_global.user_id                       ,
     sysdate                                  ,
     fnd_global.user_id                       ,
     sysdate                                  ,
Line: 3022

    fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Done Insert -> insert_tds_thhold_trxs ');
Line: 3023

	end insert_tds_thhold_trxs;
Line: 3074

		SELECT  '1'
		FROM    jai_ap_tds_prepayments
		WHERE   invoice_distribution_id_prepay = p_invoice_distribution_id;
Line: 3080

		SELECT  '1'
		FROM    jai_ap_tds_prepayments
		WHERE   invoice_distribution_id_prepay = p_invoice_distribution_id_pp
		AND     unapply_flag = 'Y';
Line: 3090

		  select creation_date
		    from ap_invoices_all
		   where invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 3172

			FOR i IN(SELECT a.invoice_id,
								FROM    ap_invoice_distributions_all a,
												ap_invoices_all b
								WHERE   a.invoice_id = b.invoice_id
								AND     b.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
								AND     a.line_type_lookup_code = 'PREPAY'
								AND     b.source <> 'TDS'
								AND     b.cancelled_date is null
								AND     invoice_type_lookup_code NOT IN ('CREDIT', 'DEBIT'))

				lv_prepay_flag := NULL;
Line: 3270

							p_last_updated_by                =>     i.last_updated_by,
							p_last_update_date               =>     i.last_update_date,
							p_created_by                     =>     i.created_by,
							p_creation_date                  =>     i.creation_date,
							p_org_id                         =>     i.org_id,
							p_process_flag                   =>     lv_process_flag,
							p_process_message                =>     lv_process_message
Line: 3319

    SELECT  threshold_grp_id
    FROM    jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes
    WHERE   invoice_distribution_id = p_prepay_distribution_id
    AND     section_type = 'TDS_SECTION';
Line: 3326

    SELECT  *
    FROM    jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps
    WHERE   threshold_grp_id = p_threshold_grp_id;
Line: 3336

    SELECT  threshold_hdr_id
    FROM    jai_ap_tds_th_vsite_v
    WHERE   vendor_id     = p_vendor_id
    AND     tan_no        = p_org_tan_num
    AND     pan_no        = p_pan_num
    AND     section_type  = p_section_type
    AND     section_code  = p_section_code;
Line: 3348

    SELECT  threshold_slab_id, threshold_type_id, from_amount, to_amount, tax_rate
    FROM    jai_ap_tds_thhold_slabs
    WHERE   threshold_hdr_id = p_threshold_hdr_id
    AND     threshold_type_id in
                ( SELECT  threshold_type_id
                  FROM    jai_ap_tds_thhold_types
                  WHERE   threshold_hdr_id = p_threshold_hdr_id
                  AND     threshold_type = p_threshold_type
                  AND     trunc(sysdate) between from_date and nvl(to_date, sysdate + 1)
    AND     from_amount <= p_amount
    AND     NVL(to_amount, p_amount) >= p_amount
    ORDER BY from_amount asc;
Line: 3445

    SELECT  b.tax_rate,
    FROM    jai_ap_tds_thhold_taxes a,
            jai_ap_tds_thhold_slabs b
    WHERE   a.threshold_slab_id = b.threshold_slab_id
    AND     a.operating_unit_id = p_org_id
    AND     b.threshold_slab_id = p_threshold_slab_id;
Line: 3456

    SELECT  *
    FROM    jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps
    WHERE   threshold_grp_id = p_threshold_grp_id;
Line: 3463

    SELECT  NVL(SUM(a.taxable_amount),0) taxable_amount
    FROM    jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs a
    WHERE   a.threshold_grp_id = c_threshold_grp_id
    AND     a.tds_event = 'INVOICE VALIDATE'
    AND     a.taxable_amount >= c_single_threshold_amt
                        FROM    jai_ap_tds_inv_cancels b
                        WHERE   a.invoice_id = b.invoice_id);
Line: 3474

    SELECT  *
    FROM    jai_ap_tds_prepayments
    WHERE   tds_threshold_grp_id = c_threshold_grp_id
    AND     NVL(unapply_flag,'N') <> 'Y';
Line: 3482

    SELECT  'Y'
    FROM    jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs a,
            jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes b
    WHERE   a.invoice_id = b.invoice_id
    AND     b.invoice_distribution_id = p_invoice_distribution_id
    AND     a.tds_event = 'INVOICE VALIDATE'
    AND     a.taxable_amount >= p_single_threshold_amt;
Line: 3507

	 SELECT SUM(NVL(jattt.taxable_amount,0))
		 FROM jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs jattt
		WHERE jattt.threshold_grp_id = cp_threshold_grp_id
			AND ( jattt.tds_event like 'THRESHOLD TRANSITION%' OR
		-- Bug 5722028. Added by csahoo
		-- added the following condition
				 jattt.tds_event like 'THRESHOLD ROLLBACK%'
Line: 3526

      SELECT  'Y'
      FROM    jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs a
      WHERE   a.tds_event = 'INVOICE VALIDATE'
      AND     a.taxable_amount >= p_single_threshold_amt
      AND     a.invoice_id IN (SELECT invoice_id
                              FROM    ap_invoice_distributions_all
                              WHERE   invoice_distribution_id  = (SELECT  prepay_distribution_id
                                                                  FROM    ap_invoice_distributions_all
                                                                  WHERE   invoice_distribution_id = p_invoice_distribution_id));