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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

  Select *
  from csd_bulk_receive_items_b
  where transaction_number = p_transaction_number
  and incident_id is null
  and repair_line_id is null
  and internal_sr_flag = 'N'
  and change_owner_flag = 'N'
  and status  = 'NEW';
Line: 32

  select *
  from csd_bulk_receive_items_b
  where transaction_number = p_transaction_number
  and  status in ('NEW','ERRORED')
  and  change_owner_flag = 'Y'
  and  party_id is null
  and  internal_sr_flag = 'N';
Line: 42

  select *
  from csd_bulk_receive_items_b
  where transaction_number = p_transaction_number
  and  status in ('NEW','ERRORED')
  and  incident_id is null
  and  internal_sr_flag = 'Y';
Line: 51

  select csi.internal_party_id,
  from csi_install_parameters csi,
       hz_cust_accounts hca
  where csi.internal_party_id = hca.party_id(+)
  and   hca.status(+) = 'A';
Line: 60

  select distinct party_id,cust_account_id
  from csd_bulk_receive_items_b
  where transaction_number = p_transaction_number
  and   status in ('NEW','ERRORED')
  and  incident_id is null
  and  party_id is not null
  and  internal_sr_flag = 'N';
Line: 70

  select *
  from  csd_bulk_receive_items_b
  where transaction_number = p_transaction_number
  and   incident_id = p_incident_id
  and   repair_line_id is null
  and   internal_sr_flag = 'N';
Line: 79

  select *
  from  csd_bulk_receive_items_b
  where transaction_number = p_transaction_number
  and   status = 'ERRORED'
  and   incident_id is not null
  and   repair_line_id is null
  and   internal_sr_flag = 'N';
Line: 89

  select *
  from csd_bulk_receive_items_b
  where transaction_number = p_transaction_number
  and status in ('NEW','ERRORED')
  and repair_line_id is not null
  and internal_sr_flag = 'N';
Line: 98

  select  dpt.prod_txn_status,
  from    csd_product_transactions dpt,
 		cs_estimate_details edt
  where   dpt.repair_line_id = p_repair_line_id
  and     dpt.action_type = 'RMA'
  and     dpt.prod_txn_status = 'BOOKED'
  and     dpt.estimate_detail_id = edt.estimate_detail_id
  and     edt.source_code = 'DR';
Line: 121

  Select comms_nl_trackable_flag,
  from mtl_system_items_kfv
  where inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
  and organization_id = cs_std.get_item_valdn_orgzn_id;
Line: 130

  Select owner_party_id,
  from csi_item_instances
  where inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
  and serial_number = p_serial_number;
Line: 138

  Select description
  from fnd_lookup_values_vl
  where lookup_type = 'CSD_BULK_RECEIVE_WARNINGS'
  and lookup_code = p_warning_code
  and enabled_flag = 'Y'
  and trunc(sysdate) between trunc(nvl(start_date_active,sysdate))
      and trunc(nvl(end_date_active,sysdate));
Line: 280

	                    'Update: bulk_receive_id[' || c_set_party_rec.bulk_receive_id ||
	                    '] with IB owner party id - '||l_ib_owner_id);
Line: 284

            Update csd_bulk_receive_items_b
            set party_id = l_ib_owner_id,
                cust_account_id = l_ib_owner_acct_id
            where bulk_receive_id = c_set_party_rec.bulk_receive_id;
Line: 327

	              'Change IB owner,Update : bulk_receive_id['
	               || c_change_owner_rec.bulk_receive_id ||
	              '] party id with orig party id');
Line: 332

      Update csd_bulk_receive_items_b
      set party_id = orig_party_id
         ,cust_account_id = orig_cust_account_id
         ,status = 'NEW'
      where bulk_receive_id = c_change_owner_rec.bulk_receive_id;
Line: 446

      Update csd_bulk_receive_items_b
      set incident_id = l_incident_id,
          status = 'PROCESSED',
          party_id = l_intr_party_id,
          cust_account_id = l_intr_cust_acct_id
      where transaction_number = p_transaction_number
      and incident_id is null
      and internal_sr_flag = 'Y';
Line: 459

      Update csd_bulk_receive_items_b
      set status = 'ERRORED'
      where transaction_number = p_transaction_number
      and incident_id is null
      and internal_sr_flag = 'Y';
Line: 524

        Update csd_bulk_receive_items_b
        set repair_line_id = l_repair_line_id,
            status = 'PROCESSED'
        where bulk_receive_id = c_reprocess_ro_rec.bulk_receive_id;
Line: 532

        Update csd_bulk_receive_items_b
        set repair_line_id = l_repair_line_id,
            status = 'NEW'
        where bulk_receive_id = c_reprocess_ro_rec.bulk_receive_id;
Line: 558

	  Update csd_bulk_receive_items_b
	  set status = 'ERRORED'
	  where bulk_receive_id = c_reprocess_ro_rec.bulk_receive_id;
Line: 602

      Update csd_bulk_receive_items_b
      set status = 'ERRORED'
      where bulk_receive_id = c_reprocess_ro_rec.bulk_receive_id;
Line: 665

      Update csd_bulk_receive_items_b
      set incident_id = l_incident_id,
          status = 'NEW'
      where transaction_number = p_transaction_number
      and party_id = c_create_sr_rec.party_id
      and cust_account_id = c_create_sr_rec.cust_account_id
      and incident_id is null
      and internal_sr_flag = 'N';
Line: 680

      Update csd_bulk_receive_items_b
      set status = 'ERRORED'
      where party_id = c_create_sr_rec.party_id
      and cust_account_id = c_create_sr_rec.cust_account_id
      and incident_id is null
      and internal_sr_flag = 'N';
Line: 742

            Update csd_bulk_receive_items_b
	    	  set repair_line_id = l_repair_line_id,
	    	  status = 'PROCESSED'
	    where bulk_receive_id = c_create_ro_rec.bulk_receive_id;
Line: 750

            Update csd_bulk_receive_items_b
            set repair_line_id = l_repair_line_id,
                status = 'NEW'
            where bulk_receive_id = c_create_ro_rec.bulk_receive_id;
Line: 778

	      Update csd_bulk_receive_items_b
	      set status = 'ERRORED'
	      where bulk_receive_id = c_create_ro_rec.bulk_receive_id;
Line: 824

	  Update csd_bulk_receive_items_b
          set status = 'ERRORED'
	  where bulk_receive_id = c_create_ro_rec.bulk_receive_id;