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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 78

    select tg.terr_group_name territory_group,
           pterr.geo_terr_name manager_terr_name,
           g.country_code country,
           g.State_code state_province,
           g.City_code city,
           g.postal_code postal_code,
           terr.geo_terr_name geo_terr_name,
           terrv.geo_terr_value_id tv_id
    from  jtf_tty_geographies     g,
          jtf_tty_geo_terr        terr,
          jtf_tty_geo_terr        pterr,
          jtf_tty_geo_terr_values terrv,
          jtf_tty_terr_groups     tg
    where     terrv.geo_territory_id  = terr_id
          and terrv.geo_territory_id  = terr.geo_territory_id
          and terr.parent_geo_terr_id = pterr.geo_territory_id(+)
          and terrv.geo_id            = g.geo_id
          and terr.terr_group_id      = tg.terr_group_id;
Line: 101

    select grpv.comparison_operator, grpv.geo_id_from, grpv.geo_id_to,
           tg.terr_group_name territory_group,
           pterr.geo_terr_name manager_terr_name,
           terr.geo_terr_name geo_terr_name
    from   jtf_tty_geo_grp_values  grpv,
           jtf_tty_terr_groups       tg,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr        terr,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr        pterr
    where      terr.geo_territory_id =terr_id
           and terr.terr_group_id = tg.terr_group_id
           and terr.terr_group_id = grpv.terr_group_id
           and terr.parent_geo_terr_id = pterr.geo_territory_id(+);
Line: 116

select  *
    /* postal code = */
    select tg.terr_group_name  territory_group,
           terr.geo_terr_name  manager_terr_name, /* the parent terr name */
           g.country_code      country,
           g.State_code        state_province,
           g.City_code         city,
           g.postal_code       postal_code,
           null                terr_name,
           g.geo_id            geo_id
    from   jtf_tty_geo_grp_values  grpv,
           jtf_tty_terr_groups     tg,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr        terr,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr_rsc    rsc,
           jtf_tty_geographies     g   --postal_code level
               rsc.resource_id         = l_rsc_id -- user works in this geo terr
           and rsc.geo_territory_id    = terr.geo_territory_id
           and terr.terr_group_id      = tg.terr_group_id
           and terr.terr_group_id      = grpv.terr_group_id
           and terr.owner_resource_id  < 0
           and terr.parent_geo_terr_id < 0 -- default terr
           and SYSDATE BETWEEN tg.active_from_date AND NVL(tg.active_to_date, SYSDATE+1)
           and grpv.geo_type = 'POSTAL_CODE'
           and grpv.comparison_operator = '='
           and g.geo_id = grpv.geo_id_from
           and g.geo_type = 'POSTAL_CODE'
    /* postal code range*/
    select tg.terr_group_name  territory_group,
           terr.geo_terr_name  manager_terr_name, /* the parent terr name */
           g.country_code      country,
           g.State_code        state_province,
           g.City_code         city,
           g.postal_code       postal_code,
           null                terr_name,
           g.geo_id            geo_id
    from   jtf_tty_geo_grp_values  grpv,
           jtf_tty_terr_groups     tg,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr        terr,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr_rsc    rsc,
           jtf_tty_geographies     g,   --postal_code level
           jtf_tty_geographies g1,
           jtf_tty_geographies g2
               rsc.resource_id         = l_rsc_id -- user works in this geo terr
           and rsc.geo_territory_id    = terr.geo_territory_id
           and terr.terr_group_id      = tg.terr_group_id
           and terr.terr_group_id      = grpv.terr_group_id
           and terr.owner_resource_id  < 0
           and terr.parent_geo_terr_id < 0 -- default terr
           and SYSDATE BETWEEN tg.active_from_date AND NVL(tg.active_to_date, SYSDATE+1)
           and      grpv.geo_type = 'POSTAL_CODE'
           and grpv.comparison_operator = 'BETWEEN'
           and g.geo_type = 'POSTAL_CODE'
           AND    g1.geo_id = grpv.geo_id_from
           AND    g2.geo_id =  grpv.geo_id_to
           AND    g.geo_name BETWEEN g1.geo_name and g2.geo_name
    select tg.terr_group_name  territory_group,
           terr.geo_terr_name  manager_terr_name, /* the parent terr name */
           g.country_code      country,
           g.State_code        state_province,
           g.City_code         city,
           g.postal_code       postal_code,
           null                terr_name,
           g.geo_id            geo_id
    from   jtf_tty_geo_grp_values  grpv,
           jtf_tty_terr_groups     tg,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr        terr,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr_rsc    rsc,
           jtf_tty_geographies     g,
           jtf_tty_geographies     g1
               rsc.resource_id         = l_rsc_id -- user works in this geo terr
           and rsc.geo_territory_id    = terr.geo_territory_id
           and terr.terr_group_id      = tg.terr_group_id
           and terr.terr_group_id      = grpv.terr_group_id
           and terr.owner_resource_id  < 0
           and terr.parent_geo_terr_id < 0 -- default terr
           and SYSDATE BETWEEN tg.active_from_date AND NVL(tg.active_to_date, SYSDATE+1)
           and (
                    grpv.geo_type = 'STATE'
                    and g1.geo_id = grpv.geo_id_from
                    and g.STATE_CODE = g1.state_Code
                    and g.country_code = g1.country_Code
                    and g.geo_type = 'POSTAL_CODE'
                  ( grpv.geo_type = 'CITY'
                    AND  g.geo_type = 'POSTAL_CODE'
                    AND  g.country_code = g1.country_code
                    AND (
                           (g.state_code = g1.state_code AND g1.province_code is null)
                           (g1.province_code = g.province_code AND g1.state_code is null)
                    AND    (g1.county_code is null or g.county_code = g1.county_code)
                    AND    g.city_code = g1.city_code
                    AND    grpv.geo_id_from = g1.geo_id
                           grpv.geo_type = 'COUNTRY'
                    AND    grpv.geo_id_from = g1.geo_id
                    AND    g.geo_type = 'POSTAL_CODE'
                    AND    g.country_code = g1.country_code
                           grpv.geo_type = 'PROVINCE'
                    AND    grpv.geo_id_from = g1.geo_id
                    AND    g.geo_type = 'POSTAL_CODE'
                    AND    g.country_code = g1.country_code
                    AND    g.province_code = g1.province_code
    select tg.terr_group_name  territory_group,
           terr.geo_terr_name  manager_terr_name, /* the parent terr name */
           g.country_code   country,
           g.State_code     state_province,
           g.City_code      city,
           g.postal_code    postal_code,
           null                terr_name,
           g.geo_id         geo_id
    from   jtf_tty_terr_groups     tg,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr        terr,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr_rsc    rsc,
           jtf_tty_geographies     g,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr_values tv
               rsc.resource_id         = l_rsc_id
           and rsc.geo_territory_id    = terr.geo_territory_id
           and terr.terr_group_id      = tg.terr_group_id
           and terr.owner_resource_id  >= 0
           and terr.parent_geo_terr_id >= 0 -- not default terr
           and tv.geo_territory_id     = terr.geo_territory_id
           and g.geo_id                = tv.geo_id
           and SYSDATE BETWEEN tg.active_from_date AND NVL(tg.active_to_date, SYSDATE+1)
 where  geo_id not in -- the terr the user owners
    select tv.geo_id geo_id
    from   jtf_tty_geo_terr        terr,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr_values tv
           terr.owner_resource_id  = l_rsc_id
           and tv.geo_territory_id = terr.geo_territory_id
Line: 273

    where user_id = p_userid
    and sysdate - creation_date >2;
Line: 277

    select jtf_tty_geo_int_s.nextval into SEQ from dual;
Line: 279

    select count(*) into id from JTF_TTY_GEO_WEBADI_INTERFACE;
Line: 281

    else select max(id)+1 into id from JTF_TTY_GEO_WEBADI_INTERFACE;
Line: 287

      select resource_id into l_rsc_id from jtf_rs_resource_extns
      where user_id = p_userid;
Line: 321

                            INSERT INTO JTF_TTY_GEO_WEBADI_INTERFACE(jtf_tty_webadi_int_id, object_version_number,
                                                                     user_id, user_sequence, territory_group,
                                                                     manager_terr_name, country, state_province,
                                                                     city, postal_code, geo_terr_name,geo_terr_value_id,
                                                                     created_by,creation_date, last_updated_by,
                                                                     last_update_date, last_update_login )
                                   VALUES(id, 1, user_id, SEQ, pc.territory_group,
                                          pc.manager_terr_name, pc.country, pc.state_province,
                                          pc.city, pc.postal_code, null, null,
                                          user_id, sysdate,user_id, sysdate,user_id);
Line: 342

                  INSERT INTO JTF_TTY_GEO_WEBADI_INTERFACE(jtf_tty_webadi_int_id, object_version_number,
                                                           user_id, user_sequence, territory_group,
                                                           manager_terr_name, country, state_province,
                                                           city, postal_code, geo_terr_name, geo_terr_value_id,
                                                           created_by, creation_date, last_updated_by,
                                                           last_update_date, last_update_login )
                               VALUES(id, 1, user_id, SEQ, pc.territory_group,
                                      pc.manager_terr_name, pc.country, pc.state_province,
                                      pc.city, pc.postal_code, pc.geo_terr_name,pc.tv_id,user_id,
                                      sysdate,user_id, sysdate,user_id);
Line: 373

   select count(*) into l_num
   from jtf_tty_geo_terr
   where geo_territory_id = terr_id
         and owner_resource_id<0
         and parent_geo_terr_id<0;
Line: 388

procedure UPDATE_GEO_TERR   (      --p_user_sequence      in varchar2,
                                   p_terrgroup          in varchar2,
                                   p_manager_terr_name  in varchar2,
                                   p_country            in varchar2,
                                   p_state_province     in varchar2,
                                   p_city               in varchar2,
                                   p_postal_code        in varchar2,
                                   p_geo_terr_name      in varchar2,
                                   p_geo_terr_value_id  in varchar2,
                                   p_userid             in varchar2
                            ) IS

  -- Check if the PC is in default terr the user works in
  CURSOR CheckPCInDefTerr(rsc_id IN NUMBER, p_pc varchar2) IS
  select   count(g.postal_code) exist --, terr.geo_territory_id terr_id
  --grpv.comparison_operator, grpv.geo_type, grpv.geo_id_from, geo_id_to, terr.geo_territory_id terr_id
  from     jtf_tty_geo_terr       terr,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr_rsc   rsc,
           jtf_tty_geo_grp_values grpv,
           jtf_tty_geographies    g
  where        rsc_id = rsc.resource_id
           and rsc.geo_territory_id = terr.geo_territory_id
           and terr.owner_resource_id <0
           and terr.parent_geo_terr_id<0
           and terr.terr_group_id = grpv.terr_group_id
           and      grpv.geo_type = 'POSTAL_CODE'
                    and grpv.comparison_operator = '='
                    and g.geo_id = grpv.geo_id_from
                    and g.geo_type = 'POSTAL_CODE'
                    and g.postal_code = p_pc

    select count(g.postal_code) exist         /* postal code range*/
    from   jtf_tty_geo_grp_values  grpv,
           jtf_tty_terr_groups     tg,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr        terr,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr_rsc    rsc,
           jtf_tty_geographies     g,   --postal_code level
           jtf_tty_geographies g1,
           jtf_tty_geographies g2
               rsc.resource_id         = rsc_id -- user works in this geo terr
           and rsc.geo_territory_id    = terr.geo_territory_id
           and terr.terr_group_id      = tg.terr_group_id
           and terr.terr_group_id      = grpv.terr_group_id
           and terr.owner_resource_id  < 0
           and terr.parent_geo_terr_id < 0 -- default terr
           and SYSDATE BETWEEN tg.active_from_date AND NVL(tg.active_to_date, SYSDATE+1)
           and      grpv.geo_type = 'POSTAL_CODE'
           and grpv.comparison_operator = 'BETWEEN'
           and g.geo_type = 'POSTAL_CODE'
           and g.postal_code = p_pc
           AND    g1.geo_id = grpv.geo_id_from
           AND    g2.geo_id =  grpv.geo_id_to
           AND    g.geo_name BETWEEN g1.geo_name and g2.geo_name
  select   count(g.postal_code) exist
  from     jtf_tty_geo_terr       terr,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr_rsc   rsc,
           jtf_tty_geo_grp_values grpv,
           jtf_tty_geographies    g,
           jtf_tty_geographies    g1
  where        rsc_id = rsc.resource_id
           and rsc.geo_territory_id = terr.geo_territory_id
           and terr.owner_resource_id <0
           and terr.parent_geo_terr_id<0
           and terr.terr_group_id = grpv.terr_group_id
           and (
                        grpv.geo_type  = 'STATE'
                    and g1.geo_id      = grpv.geo_id_from
                    and g.STATE_CODE   = g1.state_Code
                    and g.country_code = g1.country_Code
                    and g.geo_type     = 'POSTAL_CODE'
                    and g.postal_code  = p_pc
                  (      grpv.geo_type      = 'CITY'
                    AND  g.geo_type         = 'POSTAL_CODE'
                    AND  g.country_code     = g1.country_code
                    AND (
                           (g.state_code = g1.state_code AND g1.province_code is null)
                           (g1.province_code = g.province_code AND g1.state_code is null)
                    AND    (g1.county_code is null or g.county_code = g1.county_code)
                    AND    g.city_code      = g1.city_code
                    AND    grpv.geo_id_from = g1.geo_id
                    and    g.postal_code    = p_pc
                           grpv.geo_type    = 'COUNTRY'
                    AND    grpv.geo_id_from = g1.geo_id
                    AND    g.geo_type       = 'POSTAL_CODE'
                    AND    g.country_code   = g1.country_code
                    and    g.postal_code    = p_pc
                           grpv.geo_type    = 'PROVINCE'
                    AND    grpv.geo_id_from = g1.geo_id
                    AND    g.geo_type       = 'POSTAL_CODE'
                    AND    g.country_code   = g1.country_code
                    AND    g.province_code  = g1.province_code
                    and    g.postal_code    = p_pc
Line: 538

  select resource_id into rsc_id from jtf_rs_resource_extns
  where user_id = l_user_id;
Line: 549

              select terr.geo_territory_id into terr_id
              from   jtf_tty_geo_terr terr,
                     jtf_tty_geo_terr_values terrv,
                     jtf_tty_geo_terr_rsc rsc,
                     jtf_tty_geographies  geog
              where      terr.geo_territory_id = terrv.geo_territory_id
                     and terrv.geo_id = geog.geo_id
                     and geog.postal_code = p_postal_code  /* the PC is in the terr she works in */
                     and rsc.geo_territory_id = terr.geo_territory_id /* the terr she works in */
                     and rsc_id = rsc.resource_id /* who logged in*/
                     and rownum<2;
Line: 589

         select    count(terr.geo_territory_id) into i
         from      jtf_tty_geo_terr terr
         where     terr.owner_resource_id = rsc_id
               and upper(terr.geo_terr_name) = upper(p_geo_terr_name);
Line: 608

         select    count(terr1.geo_territory_id) into i
         from      jtf_tty_geo_terr terr1, jtf_tty_geo_terr terr2
         where     terr1.geo_territory_id = terr2.parent_geo_terr_id
         and       upper(terr1.geo_terr_name) = upper(p_manager_terr_name)
         and       terr2.geo_terr_name = p_geo_terr_name;
Line: 626

      select count(geog.postal_code) into found --geog.postal_code, terr.geo_terr_name
      from jtf_tty_geo_terr terr,
           jtf_tty_geo_terr_values terrv,
           jtf_tty_geographies geog
      where     terr.owner_resource_id   = rsc_id
           and terr.geo_territory_id     = terrv.geo_territory_id
           and terrv.geo_id              = geog.geo_id
           and geog.postal_code          = p_postal_code
           and upper(terr.geo_terr_name) = upper(p_geo_terr_name);
Line: 640

           /* delete from jtf_tty_geo_terr_values
             where geo_terr_value_id = p_geo_terr_value_id;
Line: 647

            select geo_id,geo_territory_id
                   into l_geo_id,l_terr_id
            from jtf_tty_geo_terr_values
            where geo_terr_value_id = p_geo_terr_value_id;
Line: 658

            delete from jtf_tty_geo_terr_values gtv
            where     geo_id = l_geo_id
                  and geo_territory_id in (
                            select     geo_territory_id
                            from   jtf_tty_geo_terr
                            start with geo_territory_id = l_terr_id
                            connect by prior geo_territory_id=parent_geo_terr_id
Line: 667

          if (trim(p_geo_terr_name) is not null) then -- insert
          --insert into tmp values('enter',p_geo_terr_name); commit;
Line: 672

                   select jtf_tty_geo_terr_values_s.nextval into n from dual;
Line: 679

                if trim(p_postal_code) is null then return; -- no need inserting new postal code
Line: 683

                select geo_id into m  -- geo_id
                from jtf_tty_geographies
                where postal_code=p_postal_code;
Line: 691

                select geo_territory_id into terr_id --terr_id
                from jtf_tty_geo_terr
                where upper(geo_terr_name) = upper(p_geo_terr_name);
Line: 711

                insert into jtf_tty_geo_terr_values (geo_terr_value_id,object_version_number,
                                                     geo_territory_id,geo_id, created_by,
                       values(n,1,terr_id, m, rsc_id, sysdate, rsc_id, sysdate, rsc_id);
Line: 734

			terr_id ,
		      INTO l_terr_id_new
		      , l_org_id
		      FROM jtf_terr_all
		      WHERE geo_territory_id = l_g_terr_id ; --its geo_terr_id
Line: 742

		      --dbms_output.put_line(' after selecting terr_id is'||terr_id);
Line: 753

		    BEGIN   --get the terr_qual_id if null then insert
			        jtf_terr_all        a
				, jtf_tty_geo_terr  b
				, jtf_terr_qual_all c
			        b.geo_territory_id         = a.geo_Territory_id
				AND b.geo_territory_id     = l_g_terr_id --its geo_terr_id
				AND c.terr_id              = a.terr_id
				AND c.qual_usg_id          = -1007;
Line: 777

                    END; -- end checking create or update
Line: 781

		       /* insert in terr_qual_all table using sequence*/
			  INTO l_terr_qual_id
Line: 785

			   --dbms_output.put_line(' AFter select ing from seq qual id');
Line: 787

                       INSERT INTO jtf_terr_qual_all
			   , CREATED_BY
			   , TERR_ID
			   , QUAL_USG_ID
			   , ORG_ID )
			   , SYSDATE
			   , SYSDATE
			   , CREATED_BY
			   , l_terr_id_new
			   , -1007
			   , 'Y'
			   , l_org_id -- ORgId
			 FROM jtf_tty_geo_terr
			 WHERE geo_territory_id = terr_id;
Line: 812

			  --dbms_output.put_line(' AFterinserting  qual id');
Line: 822

		      table otherwise its a updated

                   IF p_geo_terr_value_id IS NULL  THEN
		      --dbms_output.put_line(' terr_value id is null ');
Line: 830

			/* Insert a new row in terr_values_all table , using the geo_terr_value_id "n"*/
                        INSERT INTO jtf_terr_values_all
			 ,LOW_VALUE_CHAR -- TODO need to check
			    , l_org_id
			    , p_postal_code
			    , n   -- geo_terr_value_id
			 FROM jtf_tty_geo_terr
			 WHERE geo_territory_id = terr_id;
Line: 865

		        delete it and then insert it
                           --dbms_output.put_line(' before deletin terr_value_id ');
Line: 869

                           DELETE FROM jtf_terr_values_all
			   WHERE SELF_SERVICE_TERR_VALUE_ID = to_number(p_geo_terr_value_id);
Line: 871

				--dbms_output.put_line(' After deletin terr_value_id  and before insertin');
Line: 872

			    --dbms_output.put_line(' After inserting  terr_value_id ');
Line: 881

                     INSERT INTO jtf_terr_values_all
			 ,LOW_VALUE_CHAR -- TODO need to check
			    , l_org_id
			    , p_postal_code
			    , to_number(p_geo_terr_value_id)  -- geo_terr_value_id
			 FROM jtf_tty_geo_terr
			 WHERE geo_territory_id = terr_id;
Line: 919

                        /* ACHANDA: Inserting values to jtf_tty_named_acct_changes table for GTP
                           to do an incremental and Total Mode */

                        select jtf_tty_named_acct_changes_s.nextval
                          into l_change_id
                          from sys.dual;
Line: 926

                        insert into jtf_tty_named_acct_changes
                        (   NAMED_ACCT_CHANGE_ID
                          , OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER
                          , OBJECT_TYPE
                          , OBJECT_ID
                          , CHANGE_TYPE
                          , FROM_WHERE
                          , CREATED_BY
                          , CREATION_DATE
                          , LAST_UPDATED_BY
                          , LAST_UPDATE_DATE
                          , LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
                        VALUES (
                          , 1
                          , 'GT'
                          , terr_id
                          , 'UPDATE'
                          , 'Update Mapping'
                          , rsc_id
                          , sysdate
                          , rsc_id
                          , sysdate
                          , rsc_id
Line: 963