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Line 782: from ams_party_market_segments mseg

778: procedure update_market_segment is
779: begin
780: update bic_party_summ summ
781: set market_segment_id = (select market_segment_id
782: from ams_party_market_segments mseg
783: where market_segment_flag = 'Y'
784: and mseg.party_id = summ.party_id
785: and rownum = 1);
786: update bic_party_status_summ summ

Line 788: from ams_party_market_segments mseg

784: and mseg.party_id = summ.party_id
785: and rownum = 1);
786: update bic_party_status_summ summ
787: set market_segment_id = (select market_segment_id
788: from ams_party_market_segments mseg
789: where market_segment_flag = 'Y'
790: and mseg.party_id = summ.party_id
791: and rownum = 1);
792: commit;