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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 12

 |              Commented out UpdateStatus, UpdateUrgency,              |
 |              CreateTask, and GetContract.                            |
 |  03/01/2002  klou, added error code                                  |
 |  13/03/2002  klou, add logic to handle employee logging SRs          |
 |              NOTE: This version is based on 115.81. 115.82 inlcudes  |
 |              multiple notes and has been leapfrogged.                |
 |  18/03/2002  klou,                                                   |
 |              1. add p_serial_number to create_service_request.       |
 |              2. add logic to fetch serial number and tag number      |
 |                 from install base table.                             |
 |  25-MAR-2002 allau                                                   |
 |              Remove assignment manager logic to leverage TeleService |
 |              auto-assignment feature                                 |
 |  29-MAR-2002 ALLAU                                                   |
 |              Pass LAST_UPDATE_CHANNEL := 'WEB' when calling          |
 |              TeleService CreateServiceRequest and                    |
 |              UpdateServiceRequest APIs.                              |
 |  31-MAR-2002 KLOU (UCONTACT)                                         |
 |              Add new parameters to UpdateServiceRequest to hanlde    |
 |              update contacts in SR detail.                           |
 |  11-APR-2002 KLOU (ASSG)                                             |
 |              SR creation: add logic to check whether CS              |
 |              Auto-Assignment is ON. If not, check whether IBU profile|
 |              of "use default resource owner" is ON. If yes, fecth    |
 |              owner group, owner id, group type from profile.         |
 |              Otherwise, do noting.                                   |
 |  15-APR-2002 KLOU (PLANG)                                            |
 |              Set perferred language to appropriate column, i.e. not  |
 |              use attribute6.                                         |
 |  25-MAY-2002 WMA                                                     |
 |              Add the SR location address information to the create   |
 |              API.                                                    |
 |  31-MAY-2002 KLOU                                                    |
 |              Set category id to null if it is -1 during SR creation. |
 |  20-AUG-2002 WMA                                                     |
 |              Get the default SR owner type for the SR creation       |
 |  17-OCT-2002 WMA                                                     |
 |              1. modified the create API according to CS change       |
 |              2. add five more parameters for bill to and ship to     |
 |  01-NOV-2002 WMA                                                     |
 |              1. add the attachment category ID                       |
 |  06-NOV-2002 SPOLAMRE                                                |
 |              Add DFF attributes                                      |
 |  13-NOV-2002 WMA                                                     |
 |              Check the DEF parameters null case                      |
 |  115.100 06-DEC-2002 WZLI changed OUT and IN OUT calls to use NOCOPY |
 |                           hint to enable pass by reference.          |
 |                           changed the api version from 2.0 to 3.0.   |
 |                           added two parameters: p_bill_to_party_id   |
 |                           and p_ship_to_party_id in the create       |
 |                           service request procedure.                 |
 |  02-Jan-2002  WMA  add one more API get_default_status API           |
 |                    add the responsibility id to pass in              |
 |  31-Jan-2003 SPOLAMRE                                                |
 |              Changed the PROCEDURE AddAttachment to take file name as|
 |              parameter and pass it to the API                        |
 |              FND_WEBATTCH.ADD_ATTACHMENT                             |
 |  115.106 11-SEP-2003  wzli   Made changes for create SR for 11.5.10  |
 |  115.107 15-SEP-2003  WZLI   Change the location type to             |
 |                              HZ_PARTY_SITE                           |
 |  115.108  09-OCT-2003 WZLI   added procedure decodeErrorMsg          |
 |  115.109  10-OCT-2003 WZLI   Remove debug message from decodeErrorMsg|
 |  115.110  12-OCT-2003 WMA change the update API for 11510 requirement|
 |  115.111  20-OCT-2003 wzli added two parameterss: p_street_number and|
 |                            p_timezone_id in the create SR procedure. |
 |  115.112  19-NOV-2003 wzli Fixed problem(bug#3063305): 'No entries   |
 |                            found for List of Values error when trying|
 |                            to query the Item field only for SR's     |
 |                            created via iSupport.                     |
 |  115.113  03-DEC-2003 WZLI add logic to decode message               |
 |                            FORM_RECORD_CHANGED                       |
 |  115.114  15-DEC-2003 WZLI Because the error messages in the error   |
 |                            stack are separated by chr(0), they need  |
 |                            to be parsed befor we decode them.        |
 |  115.115  29-DEC-2003 WZLI Made change to code logic: If installed   |
 |                            base product is selected, don't save the  |
 |                            serial number.                            |
 |  115.116  09-DEC-2003 WMA  modify the Email logic, increase the size |
 |                            of Email body.                            |
 |  115.117  19-Jan-2003 WMA  fixed bug 3377241.                        |
 |                            AUTO ASSIGNMENT ON UPDATE THRU I-SUPPORT  |
 |                            NOT FUNCTIONING                           |
 |  115.118  27-JAN-2004 mkcyee In AddAttachment, the function name     |
 |                              parameter should be obtained from the   |
 |                              profile and not hard-coded to CSXSRISR  |
 |  115.119  10-MAR-2004 WZLI added parameter: p_note_status.           |
 |  115.120  16-APR-2004 WZLI When creating sr, pass sysdate to         |
 |                            parameter incident_occurred_date.         |
 |  115.121  09-JUN-2004 WZLI Fixed problem(bug#3676419):In procedure   |
 |                           get_default_status(),select status_group_id|
 |                            from cs_incident_types_b instead of from  |
 |                            cs_incident_types_vl                      |
 |  115.122  29-JUL-2004 WZLI Fixed problem(bug#3796975):Saving Service |
 |                            request gives invalid date error.         |
 |  115.123  15-OCT-2004 WMA  for sendEmail function, use  userID       |
 |                            fullname as role display name.            |
 |  115.124  28-NOV-2004 WMA  add the srID in the Send Email API.       |
 |                            change the way to start work flow.        |
 |                            add new API startEmailWorkFlow().         |
 |  115.125 29-NOV-2004  WMA  change the way to create role for Email.  |
 |  115.126 30-NOV-2004  WMA  change the rolename.                      |
 |  120.1   04-AUG-2005  WMA  added pending approval flag checking for  |
 |                            default statuses.                         |
 |  120.2  09-SEP-2005   WMA  add the logic to handle the multi bytes   |
 |  120.3  28-NOV-2005   WZLI made change for link object enhancement.  |
 |  120.4  28-NOV-2005   WZLI Fixed GSCC error.                         |
 |  120.5  10-DEC-2005   WMA  add validate_http_service_ticket()        |
 |                       change the logic for workflow APIs.            |
 |  120.6  19-JAN-2006   WMA change the sequence name for the WF role   |
 |  120.7  30-JAN-2006   WMA modify the logic for creating emp role.    |
 |  120.9  14-Nov-2007   MPATHANI Profile 'Service : Default Group Owner|
 |                       Type for Service Request' is obsoleted,        |
 |		         	     added 'RS_GROUP'.                              |

 *  UpdateServiceRequest
PROCEDURE UpdateServiceRequest(
  p_request_id                  IN NUMBER,
  p_status_id                   IN NUMBER,
  p_urgency_id                  IN NUMBER,
  p_problem_description         IN VARCHAR2,
  p_problem_detail              IN VARCHAR2,
  p_note_type                   IN VARCHAR2,
  p_last_updated_by             IN NUMBER,
  p_language                    IN VARCHAR2,
  p_contact_party_id            IN JTF_NUMBER_TABLE       := null,
  p_contact_type                IN JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100 := null,
  p_contact_point_id            IN JTF_NUMBER_TABLE       := null,
  p_contact_point_type          IN JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100 := null,
  p_contact_primary             IN JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100 := null,
  p_sr_contact_point_id         IN JTF_NUMBER_TABLE       := null,
  -- DONE
  x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  x_msg_count                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
  x_msg_data                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  l_msg_count                   NUMBER;
Line: 154

  l_last_update_date            DATE := SYSDATE;
Line: 172

    select party_type
    from   hz_parties
    where  party_id = p_party_id;
Line: 176

  l_sr_update_out_rec      CS_ServiceRequest_PVT.sr_update_out_rec_type;
Line: 180

  into   l_object_version_number
  where  INCIDENT_ID = p_request_id;
Line: 245

  l_sr_rec.last_update_channel := 'WEB';
Line: 249

  l_sr_rec.last_update_program_code := 'ISUPPORTSRUI';
Line: 252

  select fnd_global.resp_id into l_responsibility_id from dual;
Line: 268

  Select nvl(fnd_profile.value('CS_AUTO_ASSIGN_OWNER_HTML'), 'N')
  Into l_cs_auto_assignment From dual;
Line: 271

    p_api_version => 4.0,
    p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true,
    p_resp_id => l_responsibility_id,
    p_commit => fnd_api.g_true,
    p_request_id => p_request_id,
    p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number,
    p_last_updated_by => p_last_updated_by,
    p_last_update_date => l_last_update_date,
    p_service_request_rec => l_sr_rec,
    p_notes => l_notes_table,
    p_contacts => l_contacts_table,
    p_validate_sr_closure => l_validate_sr_closure,
    p_auto_close_child_entities => l_auto_close_child_entities,
    x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
    p_auto_assign =>l_cs_auto_assignment,
    x_return_status => x_return_status,
    x_msg_data => x_msg_data,
    x_sr_update_out_rec => l_sr_update_out_rec);
Line: 295

    p_api_version => 4.0,
    p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true,
    p_resp_id => l_responsibility_id,
    p_commit => fnd_api.g_true,
    p_request_id => p_request_id,
    p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number,
    p_last_updated_by => p_last_updated_by,
    p_last_update_date => l_last_update_date,
    p_service_request_rec => l_sr_rec,
    p_notes => l_notes_table,
    p_contacts => l_contacts_table,
--    p_validate_sr_closure => l_validate_sr_closure,
--    p_auto_close_child_entities => l_auto_close_child_entities,
    x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
    x_workflow_process_id => l_workflow_process_id,
    x_return_status => x_return_status,
    x_msg_data => x_msg_data,
    x_interaction_id => x_interaction_id); */
Line: 315

END UpdateServiceRequest;
Line: 334

  select NVL(max(seq_num),0) + 10
  into   seq_num
  from   fnd_attached_documents
  where  entity_name = 'CS_INCIDENTS'
  and    pk1_value   = p_request_id;
Line: 485

    select party_type
    from   hz_parties
    where  party_id = p_party_id;
Line: 490

    select serial_number, external_reference
    from csi_item_instances
    where instance_id = p_instance_id;
Line: 496

  l_last_update_date       DATE := SYSDATE;
Line: 534

  l_select_id varchar2(200);
Line: 553

l_sr_rec.request_date   := l_last_update_date;
Line: 554

l_sr_rec.incident_occurred_date := l_last_update_date;
Line: 827

 Select nvl(fnd_profile.value('CS_AUTO_ASSIGN_OWNER_HTML'), 'N')
 Into l_cs_atuo_assignment From dual;
Line: 831

    Select nvl(fnd_profile.value('IBU_R_ASSIGNMENT_USED_OWNERS'), 'Y')
    Into l_ibu_assignment From dual;
Line: 839

/*	   Select fnd_profile.value('CS_SR_DEFAULT_GROUP_TYPE')
 *	   Into l_sr_rec.group_type From dual;
Line: 847

        Select fnd_profile.value('CS_SR_DEFAULT_GROUP_OWNER')
        Into l_sr_rec.owner_group_id From dual;
Line: 850

        Select fnd_profile.value('INC_DEFAULT_INCIDENT_OWNER')
        Into l_sr_rec.owner_id From dual;
Line: 853

        Select fnd_profile.value('CS_SR_DEFAULT_OWNER_TYPE')
        into l_sr_rec.resource_type from dual;
Line: 862

l_sr_rec.last_update_channel := 'WEB';
Line: 865

l_sr_rec.last_update_program_code := 'ISUPPORTSRUI';
Line: 1087

select fnd_global.resp_id, fnd_global.resp_appl_id, fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.login_id
into l_responsibility_id, l_resp_appl_id, l_user_id, l_login_id
from dual;
Line: 1137

                  x_select_id => l_select_id,
                  x_from_table => l_from_table,
                  x_where_clause => l_where_clause,
                  x_object_count => l_ref_object_count);
Line: 1151

                    p_select_id => l_select_id,
                    p_from_table => l_from_table,
                    p_where_clause => l_where_clause,
                    x_object_count => l_ref_object_count);
Line: 1253

     select name from wf_roles
       where orig_system = 'HZ_PARTY'
       and orig_system_id = p_contact_id
       and email_address = p_email_address;
Line: 1259

     select notification_preference, name from wf_roles
       where orig_system = 'PER'
       and orig_system_id = p_contact_id
       and email_address = p_email_address;
Line: 1366

     cs_sr_type_mapping TypeMapping
     incident_type_id = p_type_id AND
     responsibility_id = p_resp_id AND
     TRUNC(NVL(TypeMapping.end_date, SYSDATE));
Line: 1377

     SELECT  status_group_id
     FROM  cs_incident_types_b
     WHERE incident_type_id = p_type_id AND
     TRUNC(NVL(end_date_active, SYSDATE));
Line: 1384

     select default_incident_status_id
     from cs_sr_status_groups_b
     where status_group_id = p_status_group_id
     TRUNC(NVL(end_date, SYSDATE));
Line: 1391

     select csIncidentStatus.incident_status_id
     from CS_SR_ALLOWED_STATUSES       allowedStatus,
          CS_INCIDENT_STATUSES_B    csIncidentStatus
          allowedStatus.status_group_id =  p_status_group_id and
          allowedStatus.incident_status_id =
            csIncidentStatus.incident_status_id and
          csIncidentStatus.valid_in_create_flag = 'Y' and
          csIncidentStatus.incident_subtype = 'INC' and
          (csIncidentStatus.pending_approval_flag is null or
           csIncidentStatus.pending_approval_flag = 'N') and
          TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(NVL(allowedStatus.start_date, SYSDATE))
          TRUNC(NVL(allowedStatus.end_date, SYSDATE)) AND
          TRUNC(NVL(csIncidentStatus.start_date_active, SYSDATE)) AND
          TRUNC(NVL(csIncidentStatus.end_date_active, SYSDATE)) and
          rownum <=1 ;
Line: 1411

  select fnd_global.resp_id into l_responsibility_id from dual;
Line: 1496

Line: 1501

Line: 1502

Line: 1538

get_seq varchar2(50) := 'select ' || 'IBU_WF_ITEM_KEY_S' || '.nextval from dual';
Line: 1542

  select user into l_user from dual;
Line: 1545

  /* select count(*) into cnt from all_objects
  where object_name like 'IBU_SR_NOTIFICATION_S'
  and object_type = 'SEQUENCE'
  and owner = l_user; */
Line: 1680

   x_select_id out NOCOPY varchar2,
   x_from_table out NOCOPY varchar2,
   x_where_clause out NOCOPY varchar2,
   x_object_count out NOCOPY number
   ) as

   l_ref_object_code varchar2(30) := p_ref_object_code;
Line: 1690

   select object_code, select_id, from_table, where_clause
   into l_ref_object_value, x_select_id, x_from_table, x_where_clause
   from jtf_objects_b
   where sysdate between nvl(start_date_active, sysdate) and nvl(end_date_active, sysdate)
     and object_code = l_ref_object_code;
Line: 1706

   p_select_id in varchar2,
   p_from_table in varchar2,
   p_where_clause in varchar2,
   x_object_count out NOCOPY number
   ) as
   l_ref_object_id number := p_ref_object_id;
Line: 1712

   l_select_statement varchar2(3500);
Line: 1716

     l_select_statement := 'select count(*) from ' || p_from_table || ' where ' || p_where_clause || ' and ' || p_select_id || ' = :p1 and rownum < 2 ';
Line: 1718

     l_select_statement := 'select count(*) from ' || p_from_table || ' where ' || p_select_id || ' = ' || l_ref_object_id;
Line: 1721

   execute immediate l_select_statement into x_object_count;