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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 35

    12-Sep-2003 kaverma    115.2   3137858  Correct the layout and insertion of
                                            person_id when creating actions.
    20-Nov-2003 sdahiya    115.3   3263078  Modified cursor c_w2_magtape_run_exists
                                            to correctly identify whether state 1099R/W2 magtape
                                            processes have been run for GREs in a given
                                            business group. Removed tax_unit_id parameter
                                            and modified statement opening this cursor.
    21-Nov-2003 sdahiya    115.4   3263078  The cursor c_w2_magtape_run_exists is modified to
                                            check existence of 1099R magtape runs for 1099R GRE and
                                            W2 magtape runs for W2 GRE.
    12-Dec-2003 kaverma    115.5   3228332  Report should not pick up rehired employee
                                            if terminated employee is alreday archived in YEPP.
                                            modified c_get_latest_asg cursor.
    13-Dec-2003 sodhingr   115.6   3228332 changed the cursor c_get_latest_asg to check for
                                            assignment_type = 'E' and also added the condition
                                            to check if an assignment action is already created for the
                                            same person
    20-Aug-2004 meshah     115.7   3440806  changed the following
                                            cursor c_get_latest_asg,
                                            cursor c_get_processed_assignments,
                                            report_secondary_assignments and
                                            added CURSOR c_get_asg_id
    26-Aug-2004 meshah     115.8            fixed gscc error.
    01-Sep-2004 meshah     115.9            disabled the index on
                                            in cursor c_get_latest_asg
    04-Nov-2004 meshah     115.10  3984539  changed the sequence of
                                            get_eligible_assignments and
                                            get_processed_assignments in the
                                            Main of add_actions_to_yepp.
                                            commented the cursor
                                            changed the date join conditions
                                            for CURSOR c_get_asg_id.
    18-Apr-2006 alikhar    115.12  5120818  Performance fix for cursor c_get_latest_asg.
    				   	    Added Ordered hint.
    25-Aug-2006 saurgupt   115.13  3829668  Added the procedure create_archive to insert record into
                                            ff_archive_items while creating assignment actions.
    29-AUG-2006 sodhingr   115.14  3829668  archive A_ADD_ARCHIVE= Y when an assigment
                                            is added to archive

  ** Local Package Variables
  gv_title               VARCHAR2(100) := 'Add Assignment Actions Report';
Line: 138

  Function to display the details of the selected employee

  FUNCTION  formated_detail_string(
              p_output_file_type  in varchar2
             ,p_year                 varchar2
             ,p_gre                  varchar2
             ,p_Employee_name        varchar2
             ,p_employee_ssn        varchar2
             ,p_emplyee_number       varchar2

             ) RETURN varchar2

    lv_format1          varchar2(22000);
Line: 195

  Procedure to display message if no employees are selected for
  any of the four sections -
  - Processed Assignments
  - Eligible Assignments
  - Not Eligible Assignments
  - Secondary Assignments

  PROCEDURE  formated_zero_count(output_file_type varchar2,
                                 p_flag varchar2)
      lvc_message1 varchar2(200);
Line: 313

    select to_number(ue.creator_id)
     from  ff_user_entities  ue,
           ff_database_items di
     where di.user_name            = p_db_item_name
       and ue.user_entity_id       = di.user_entity_id
       and ue.creator_type         = 'B'
       and ue.legislation_code     = 'US';
Line: 383

     select 1 from dual
      where exists (
              select 1
                from pay_payroll_actions    ppa
               where ppa.business_group_id  = cp_business_group_id
                 and ppa.action_type        = 'X'
                 and ppa.report_type        = cp_gre_type
                 and ppa.report_category    in ('RM', 'RT')
                 and ppa.effective_date + 0 = add_months(cp_effective_date,12) - 1
                 and ppa.action_status = 'C'
                    ) ;
Line: 398

   select decode(org_information_context,'1099R Magnetic Report Rules','1099R','W2') gre_type
     from hr_organization_information
   where organization_id = cp_tax_unit_id
   and org_information_context in ('1099R Magnetic Report Rules','W2 Reporting Rules');
Line: 408

    select name,business_group_id
      from hr_organization_units
     where organization_id  = cp_tax_unit_id;
Line: 415

    select person_id
      from per_assignments_f
     where assignment_id=cp_assign_id;
Line: 422

    select employee_number,full_name,national_identifier
      from per_people_f
     where  person_id   = cp_person_id;
Line: 434

   l_assignment_inserted   number :=0;
Line: 460

      select fdi.user_entity_id
        from ff_database_items fdi,
             ff_user_entities  fue
       where fdi.user_name = cp_dbi_name
         and fue.user_entity_id = fdi.user_entity_id
          and fue.legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 472

     select context_id
       into l_context_id
       from ff_contexts
      where context_name = 'TAX_UNIT_ID';
Line: 489

	insert into ff_archive_items
Line: 502

	insert into ff_archive_item_contexts
Line: 533

      select /*+ ORDERED */max(paa.assignment_action_id),
        from hr_assignment_set_amendments has,
	     per_assignments_f            paf,
	     per_assignments_f            paf1,
	     pay_assignment_actions       paa,
             pay_payroll_actions          ppa,
             pay_action_classifications   pac
       where has.assignment_set_id      = cp_assign_set_id
         and has.include_or_exclude     = 'I'
         and paf.assignment_id          = has.assignment_id
         and paf.assignment_type        = 'E'
         and paf.person_id              = paf1.person_id
/* we cannot check for primary assignment. Bug 3440806 */
--         and paf.primary_flag           = 'Y'
--         and paa.assignment_id          = has.assignment_id
         and paa.assignment_id          = paf1.assignment_id
         and paa.tax_unit_id            = cp_gre_id
         and paa.payroll_action_id      = ppa.payroll_action_id
         and ppa.action_type            = pac.action_type
         and pac.classification_name||''    = 'SEQUENCED'
         and ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
                                    and paf.effective_end_date
         and ppa.effective_date between paf1.effective_start_date
                                    and paf1.effective_end_date
         and ppa.effective_date between cp_effective_date
                                    and add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
         and ((nvl(paa.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is null
         and  paa.source_action_id is null)
              or (nvl(paa.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is not null
         and paa.source_action_id is not null )
             or (ppa.action_type = 'V' and ppa.run_type_id is null
                 and paa.run_type_id is not null
                 and paa.source_action_id is null))
         and not exists( SELECT 1
                        FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa1,  -- Year End
                             pay_assignment_actions paa1  -- Year End
                       WHERE ppa1.report_type = 'YREND'
                         AND ppa1.action_status = 'C'
                         AND ppa1.effective_date = add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
                         AND to_number(substr(legislative_parameters,
                                       instr(legislative_parameters,'TRANSFER_GRE=') +
                                       length('TRANSFER_GRE='))) = cp_gre_id   -- Bug 3228332
                         AND ppa1.payroll_action_id = paa1.payroll_action_id
/* we should be checking for existance, irrespective of the action type. If we check for
   action status of C and M then the ones marked for retry will be selected and duplicate
   actions will be created */
--                         AND (paa1.action_status = 'C' or paa1.action_status = 'M')
                         AND paa1.serial_number = to_char(paf.person_id))   -- Bug 3228332
         group by paf1.assignment_id,paf.person_id
         order by paf1.assignment_id desc;
Line: 591

      select payroll_action_id
        from pay_payroll_actions
       where action_type = 'X'
         and action_status = 'C'
         and report_type = 'YREND'
         and pay_core_utils.get_parameter('TRANSFER_GRE',legislative_parameters) = cp_gre_id
         and effective_date = add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1;
Line: 605

      select paa.assignment_id,
        from pay_assignment_actions paa,
	     hr_assignment_set_amendments has
       where paa.payroll_action_id = cp_payroll_action_id
         and paa.action_status     = 'M'
	 and paa.tax_unit_id       = cp_gre_id
	 and has.assignment_set_id = cp_assignment_set_id
	 and paa.assignment_id     = has.assignment_id
	 and nvl(has.include_or_exclude,'I') = 'I';
Line: 625

      assignment selected in the assignment set is secondary */

   /* Get the primary assignment for the given person_id */

   CURSOR c_get_asg_id (p_person_id number) IS
     SELECT assignment_id
     from per_all_assignments_f paf
     where person_id = p_person_id
       and primary_flag = 'Y'
       and assignment_type = 'E'
       and paf.effective_start_date  <= add_months(p_effective_date, 12) - 1
       and paf.effective_end_date    >= p_effective_date
     ORDER BY assignment_id desc;
Line: 727

           select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
             into  lockingactid
              from  dual;
Line: 740

           /* Insert into pay_assignment_actions. */
           hr_utility.trace('creating asg action');
Line: 752

	   /* insert into ff_archive_items */
	   -- Bug 3829668
           hr_utility.trace('creating ff_archive_items entry');
Line: 760

	   /* Bug No : 3137858 Update the serial number column with the person id
              So that retry us payroll process archives balance values*/
           hr_utility.trace('updating asg action');
Line: 764

           update pay_assignment_actions aa
           set    aa.serial_number = to_char(l_person_id)
           where  aa.assignment_action_id = lockingactid;
Line: 831

      select distinct has.assignment_id
       from  hr_assignment_set_amendments has,
             per_assignments_f            paf
       where has.assignment_set_id  = cp_assignment_set_id
         and paf.assignment_id      = has.assignment_id
         and paf.primary_flag       = 'Y'
         and exists
            ( select '1'
               FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa,  -- Year End
	            pay_assignment_actions paa  -- Year End
	      WHERE ppa.report_type    = 'YREND'
	        AND ppa.action_status  = 'C'
	        AND ppa.effective_date = add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
	        AND instr(ppa.legislative_parameters, cp_gre_id)>0
	        AND ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
	        AND paa.action_status = 'C'
            AND paa.assignment_id = has.assignment_id);
Line: 854

      select distinct has.assignment_id
       from  hr_assignment_set_amendments has,
             per_assignments_f            paf
       where has.assignment_set_id  = cp_assignment_set_id
         and paf.assignment_id      = has.assignment_id
         and exists( SELECT 1
                     FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa1,  -- Year End
                          pay_assignment_actions paa1  -- Year End
                     WHERE ppa1.report_type = 'YREND'
                       AND ppa1.action_status = 'C'
                       AND ppa1.effective_date = add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
                       AND to_number(substr(legislative_parameters,
                                       instr(legislative_parameters,'TRANSFER_GRE=') +
                                       length('TRANSFER_GRE='))) = cp_gre_id   -- Bug 3228332
                       AND ppa1.payroll_action_id = paa1.payroll_action_id
                       AND paa1.serial_number = to_char(paf.person_id));   -- Bug 3228332
Line: 919

      select distinct has.assignment_id
        from hr_assignment_set_amendments has,
             per_assignments_f            paf,
	     pay_us_asg_reporting         puar
       where has.assignment_set_id           = cp_assignment_set_id
         and paf.assignment_id               = has.assignment_id
	 and nvl(has.include_or_exclude,'I') = 'I'
	 and paf.effective_start_date        <= add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
         and paf.effective_end_date          >= cp_effective_date
	 and puar.assignment_id              = paf.assignment_id
	 and puar.tax_unit_id                = cp_gre_id
         and paf.primary_flag                = 'Y';
Line: 1000

     l_assignment_inserted  := l_assignment_inserted  + 1;
Line: 1034

      select distinct has.assignment_id
        from hr_assignment_set_amendments has,
             per_assignments_f            paf,
	     pay_us_asg_reporting         puar
       where assignment_set_id               = cp_assignment_set_id
         and paf.assignment_id               = has.assignment_id
	 and nvl(has.include_or_exclude,'I') = 'I'
	 and paf.effective_start_date        <= add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
         and paf.effective_end_date          >= cp_effective_date
	 and puar.assignment_id              = paf.assignment_id
	 and puar.tax_unit_id                = cp_gre_id
         and paf.primary_flag                <> 'Y';
Line: 1133

      select distinct has.assignment_id, puar.tax_unit_id
        from hr_assignment_set_amendments has,
             per_assignments_f            paf,
	     pay_us_asg_reporting         puar
       where assignment_set_id               = cp_assignment_set_id
         and paf.assignment_id               = has.assignment_id
	 and nvl(has.include_or_exclude,'I') = 'I'
	 and paf.effective_start_date        <= add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
         and paf.effective_end_date          >= cp_effective_date
	 and puar.assignment_id              = paf.assignment_id
	 and puar.tax_unit_id                <> cp_gre_id;
Line: 1148

         select name
           from hr_organization_units
          where organization_id  = cp_gre_id;
Line: 1304

     looks for assignments for whom YEPP is not run and inserts a action with
     M and get_processed_assignments looks for assignment in YEPP. If we have
     get_eligible_assignments before get_processed_assignments we will always
     have an action in YEPP.

    -- Call get_processed_assignments
    hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.add_actions_to_yepp', 30);
Line: 1360

    if l_assignment_inserted=0 then
       hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.add_actions_to_yepp', 110);
Line: 1370

    l_assignment_inserted  := 0;
Line: 1398

    if l_assignment_inserted=0 then
       hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.add_actions_to_yepp', 260);
Line: 1408

    l_assignment_inserted  := 0;
Line: 1439

    if l_assignment_inserted=0 then

       hr_utility.set_location(gv_package_name || '.add_actions_to_yepp', 230);
Line: 1476

      UPDATE fnd_concurrent_requests
      SET output_file_type = 'HTML'