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Line 147: bal_typid pay_balance_types.balance_type_id%type,

143: -- Defined Balance --
144: ---------------------
145: type DefBal is record
146: (
147: bal_typid pay_balance_types.balance_type_id%type,
148: juris_lvl pay_balance_types.jurisdiction_level%type,
149: dbi_suffix pay_balance_dimensions.database_item_suffix%type,
150: dim_type pay_balance_dimensions.dimension_type%type,
151: dim_name pay_balance_dimensions.dimension_name%type

Line 148: juris_lvl pay_balance_types.jurisdiction_level%type,

144: ---------------------
145: type DefBal is record
146: (
147: bal_typid pay_balance_types.balance_type_id%type,
148: juris_lvl pay_balance_types.jurisdiction_level%type,
149: dbi_suffix pay_balance_dimensions.database_item_suffix%type,
150: dim_type pay_balance_dimensions.dimension_type%type,
151: dim_name pay_balance_dimensions.dimension_name%type
152: );

Line 161: pay_balance_types.balance_type_id%type

157: -- BHOMAN - can't PLSQL tables of records, so replace DefBalList
158: -- with individual tables for each element
159: -- type DefBalList is table of DefBal index by binary_integer;
160: type ListBalTypeId is table of
161: pay_balance_types.balance_type_id%type
162: index by binary_integer;
163: type ListJurisLvl is table of
164: pay_balance_types.jurisdiction_level%type
165: index by binary_integer;

Line 164: pay_balance_types.jurisdiction_level%type

160: type ListBalTypeId is table of
161: pay_balance_types.balance_type_id%type
162: index by binary_integer;
163: type ListJurisLvl is table of
164: pay_balance_types.jurisdiction_level%type
165: index by binary_integer;
166: type ListDbiSuffix is table of
167: pay_balance_dimensions.database_item_suffix%type
168: index by binary_integer;