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Line 711: , wip_entities we -- Added for Bug#4516067

707: , per_people_f ppf
708: , rcv_routing_headers rrh
709: -- Bug 4516067, to improve performance, query the base table directly
710: --, wip_osp_jobs_val_v wojv
711: , wip_entities we -- Added for Bug#4516067
712: , wip_discrete_jobs wdj -- Added for Bug#4516067
713: , wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn -- Bug 3836623
714: , (SELECT cost_group_id, rcv_transaction_id
715: FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt1

Line 897: , wip_entities we

893: , per_people_f ppf
894: , rcv_routing_headers rrh
895: -- Bug 4516067, to improve performance, query the base table directly
896: --, wip_osp_jobs_val_v wojv
897: , wip_entities we
898: , wip_discrete_jobs wdj
899: , wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn -- Bug 3836623
900: , (SELECT cost_group_id, rcv_transaction_id
901: FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt1

Line 1068: , wip_entities we

1064: , per_people_f ppf
1065: , rcv_routing_headers rrh
1066: -- Bug 4516067, to improve performance, query the base table directly
1067: --, wip_osp_jobs_val_v wojv
1068: , wip_entities we
1069: , wip_discrete_jobs wdj
1070: , wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn -- Bug 3836623
1071: WHERE mtln.product_transaction_id(+) = rt.transaction_id
1072: AND mtln.product_code(+) = 'RCV'

Line 1274: ,wip_entities we -- Fix For Bug: 4907062

1270: , mtlt.expiration_action_code
1271: , mtlt.supplier_lot_number -- invconv end
1272: FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
1273: ,mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
1274: ,wip_entities we -- Fix For Bug: 4907062
1275: WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
1276: AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id
1277: AND we.wip_entity_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_source_id; -- Fix For Bug: 4907062
1278: /* Outer join has been added to fetch the data while performing the Misc. Alias/Receipt