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2 /* $Header: IGFSP04B.pls 120.1 2006/05/15 23:51:26 svuppala noship $ */
4  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5   --Created by  : smanglm ( Oracle IDC)
6   --Date created: 2002/01/11
7   --
8   --Purpose:  Created as part of the build for DLD Sponsorship
9   --          This package has generic fucntion which can be used by the system.
10   --          They are;
11   --          i)    get_credit_points
12   --          ii)   get_program_charge
13   --          iii)  check_unit_attempt
14   --          iv)   check_min_att_type
15   --          v)    get_fee_cls_charge
16   --
17   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
18   --
19   --Change History:
20   --Who         When            What
21   --smadathi    17-May-2002     Bug 2369173. The function get_program_charge
22   --                            was modified.
23   --svuppala    16-May-2006     Bug 5194095 .Removed the functionS get_program_charge,get_fee_cls_charge.
24   --                            Created procedures get_sponsor_amts, log_to_fnd.
25   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27   -- Procedure for enabling statement level logging
28   PROCEDURE log_to_fnd (
29     p_v_module IN VARCHAR2,
30     p_v_string IN VARCHAR2
31   );
33 PROCEDURE get_sponsor_amts (
34                              p_n_person_id      IN  hz_parties.party_id%TYPE,
35                              p_v_fee_cal_type   IN  igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE,
36                              p_n_fee_seq_number IN  igs_ca_inst_all.sequence_number%TYPE,
37                              p_v_fund_code      IN  igf_aw_fund_cat_all.fund_code%TYPE,
38                              p_v_ld_cal_type    IN  igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE,
39                              p_n_ld_seq_number  IN  igs_ca_inst_all.sequence_number%TYPE,
40                              p_v_fee_class      IN  igs_fi_fee_type_all.fee_class%TYPE,
41                              p_v_course_cd      IN  igs_fi_inv_int_all.course_cd%TYPE,
42                              p_v_unit_cd        IN  igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.unit_cd%TYPE,
43                              p_n_unit_ver_num   IN  igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.version_number%TYPE,
44                              x_eligible_amount  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
45                              x_new_spnsp_amount OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
46                            ) AS
47 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
48   --Created by  : svuppala ( Oracle IDC)
49   --Date created: 28-Apr-2006
50   --
51   --Purpose:  Created as part of Bug 4658908.
52   --          To determine both the new sponsor amount and the sponsor amount that can be given to student,
53   --          Fee calendar type and fee calendar sequence number combination so
54   --          that Sponsor amount does not exceed the total charge amount of the charges.
55   --
56   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
57   --
58   --Change History:
59   --Who         When            What
60   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 -- cursor is used if Fee Class parameter has not been passed (Total Sponsor amount case)
63 CURSOR cur_get_all_charges (
64                              cp_n_person_id      IN  hz_parties.party_id%TYPE,
65                              cp_v_fee_cal_type   IN  igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE,
66                              cp_n_fee_seq_number IN  igs_ca_inst_all.sequence_number%TYPE
67                            ) IS
68 SELECT   inv.invoice_id, inv.invoice_amount
69 FROM     igs_fi_inv_int_all inv
70 WHERE    inv.person_id    = cp_n_person_id
71 AND      inv.fee_cal_type = cp_v_fee_cal_type
72 AND      inv.fee_ci_sequence_number = cp_n_fee_seq_number
73 AND      inv.transaction_type NOT IN ('RETENTION','REFUND','AID_ADJ','WAIVER_ADJ','SPONSOR','PAY_PLAN');
75 -- cursor is used if course code or unit code and version number parameters are not passed.
76 CURSOR cur_get_charges_no_coursecd (
77                                     cp_n_person_id      IN  hz_parties.party_id%TYPE,
78                                     cp_v_fee_cal_type   IN  igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE,
79                                     cp_n_fee_seq_number IN  igs_ca_inst_all.sequence_number%TYPE,
80                                     cp_v_fee_class      IN  igs_fi_fee_type_all.fee_class%TYPE
81                                   ) IS
82 SELECT   inv.invoice_id, inv.invoice_amount
83 FROM     igs_fi_inv_int_all inv,
84          igs_fi_fee_type_all ft
85 WHERE    inv.person_id    = cp_n_person_id
86 AND      inv.fee_cal_type = cp_v_fee_cal_type
87 AND      inv.fee_ci_sequence_number = cp_n_fee_seq_number
88 AND      inv.transaction_type NOT IN ('RETENTION','REFUND','AID_ADJ','WAIVER_ADJ','SPONSOR','PAY_PLAN')
89 AND      ft.fee_type = inv.fee_type
90 AND      ft.fee_class = cp_v_fee_class;
92 CURSOR cur_get_charges_with_coursecd ( cp_n_person_id      IN  hz_parties.party_id%TYPE,
93                                        cp_v_fee_cal_type   IN  igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE,
94                                        cp_n_fee_seq_number IN  igs_ca_inst_all.sequence_number%TYPE,
95                                        cp_v_fee_class      IN  igs_fi_fee_type_all.fee_class%TYPE,
96                                        cp_v_course_cd      IN  igs_fi_inv_int_all.course_cd%TYPE
97                                      ) IS
98 SELECT   inv.invoice_id, inv.invoice_amount
99 FROM     igs_fi_inv_int_all inv,
100          igs_fi_fee_type_all ft
101 WHERE    inv.person_id    = cp_n_person_id
102 AND      inv.fee_cal_type = cp_v_fee_cal_type
103 AND      inv.fee_ci_sequence_number = cp_n_fee_seq_number
104 AND      inv.transaction_type <> 'RETENTION'
105 AND      inv.course_cd = cp_v_course_cd
106 AND      ft.fee_type = inv.fee_type
107 AND      ft.fee_class = cp_v_fee_class;
109 CURSOR cur_get_charges_for_unit (
110                                   cp_n_person_id      IN  hz_parties.party_id%TYPE,
111                                   cp_v_fee_cal_type   IN  igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE,
112                                   cp_n_fee_seq_number IN  igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
113                                   cp_v_fee_class      IN igs_fi_fee_type_all.fee_class%TYPE,
114                                   cp_v_unit_cd        IN igs_ps_unit_ver_all.unit_cd%TYPE,
115                                   cp_n_unit_ver_num   IN  igs_ps_unit_ver_all.version_number%TYPE
116                                 ) IS
117 SELECT   inv.invoice_id, inv.invoice_amount
118 FROM     igs_fi_inv_int_all inv,
119          igs_fi_invln_int_all invln,
120          igs_fi_fee_type_all ft,
121          igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all uoo
122 WHERE    inv.person_id    = cp_n_person_id
123 AND      inv.fee_cal_type = cp_v_fee_cal_type
124 AND      inv.fee_ci_sequence_number =cp_n_fee_seq_number
125 AND      inv.transaction_type <> 'RETENTION'
126 AND      invln.invoice_id   = inv.invoice_id
127 AND      ft.fee_type        = inv.fee_type
128 AND      ft.fee_class       = cp_v_fee_class
129 AND      uoo.uoo_id         = invln.uoo_id
130 AND      uoo.unit_cd        = cp_v_unit_cd
131 AND      uoo.version_number = cp_n_unit_ver_num;
134 CURSOR   cur_neg_chg_adj(cp_n_invoice_id  igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE)
135 IS
136 SELECT   appl.amount_applied AS amount_applied
137 FROM     igs_fi_applications appl,
138          igs_fi_credits_all crd,
139          igs_fi_cr_types_all cr
140 WHERE    appl.invoice_id         = cp_n_invoice_id
141 AND      appl.application_type   = 'APP'
142 AND      crd.credit_id           = appl.credit_id
143 AND      crd.credit_type_id      = cr.credit_type_id
144 AND      cr.credit_class         = 'CHGADJ';
146 CURSOR   cur_waiver_credit(cp_n_invoice_id     IN  igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE,
147                            cp_v_fee_cal_type   IN  igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE,
148                            cp_n_fee_seq_number IN  igs_ca_inst_all.sequence_number%TYPE)
149 IS
150 SELECT   igs_fi_gen_007.get_sum_appl_amnt (appl.application_id) amount_applied , application_id
151 FROM     igs_fi_applications appl,
152          igs_fi_credits_all crd,
153          igs_fi_cr_types_all cr
154 WHERE    appl.invoice_id            = cp_n_invoice_id
155 AND      appl.application_type      = 'APP'
156 AND      crd.credit_id              = appl.credit_id
157 AND      crd.status                 = 'CLEARED'
158 AND      crd.fee_cal_type           = cp_v_fee_cal_type
159 AND      crd.fee_ci_sequence_number = cp_n_fee_seq_number
160 AND      crd.credit_type_id         = cr.credit_type_id
161 AND      cr.credit_class            = 'WAIVER';
163 CURSOR   cur_sponsor_credit(cp_n_invoice_id      IN  igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE,
164                             cp_v_fee_cal_type    IN  igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE,
165                             cp_n_fee_seq_number  IN  igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
166                             cp_v_ld_cal_type     IN  igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE,
167                             cp_n_ld_seq_number   IN  igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
168                             cp_v_fund_code       IN  igf_aw_fund_cat_all.fund_code%TYPE)
169 IS
170 SELECT   appl.amount_applied AS amount_applied, appl.credit_id as credit_id
171 FROM     igs_fi_applications appl,
172          igs_fi_credits_all crd,
173          igs_fi_cr_types_all cr
174 WHERE    appl.invoice_id            = cp_n_invoice_id
175 AND      appl.application_type      = 'APP'
176 AND      crd.credit_id              = appl.credit_id
177 AND      crd.fee_cal_type           = cp_v_fee_cal_type
178 AND      crd.fee_ci_sequence_number = cp_n_fee_seq_number
179 AND      crd.status                 = 'CLEARED'
180 AND      crd.credit_type_id         = cr.credit_type_id
181 AND      cr.credit_class            = 'SPNSP'
182 AND      NOT EXISTS (
183 SELECT   '1'
184 FROM     igf_db_awd_disb_dtl_all disb_dtl
185        , igf_aw_awd_disb_all disb
186        , igf_aw_award_all awd
187        , igf_aw_fund_mast_all fmast
188 WHERE   disb_dtl.sf_credit_id   =  crd.credit_id
189 AND     disb.award_id           =  disb_dtl.award_id
190 AND     disb.disb_num           =  disb_dtl.disb_num
191 AND     disb.ld_cal_type        =  cp_v_ld_cal_type
192 AND     disb.ld_sequence_number =  cp_n_ld_seq_number
193 AND     awd.award_id            =  disb.award_id
194 AND     fmast.fund_id           =  awd.fund_id
195 AND     fmast.fund_code         =  cp_v_fund_code
196 AND     ROWNUM = 1
197 );
200 -- PL/SQL record for the Invoice Information
201   TYPE invoice_rec IS RECORD(invoice_id      igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE,
202                              invoice_amount  igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE );
203   TYPE invoice_table_type IS TABLE OF invoice_rec INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;
204   l_v_invoice_info             invoice_table_type;
205   l_n_invoice_amt              igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE;
206   l_n_invoice_id               igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE;
207   l_n_chgadj_amt               igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE;
208   l_n_net_invoice_amt          igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE;
209   l_n_wavapp_amt               igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE;
210   l_n_spnsp_amt                igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE;
211   l_n_eligible_spnsp_amt       igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE;
212   l_new_spnsp_amount           igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE;
213   l_n_cntr NUMBER;
214   l_v_found VARCHAR(1);
217   log_to_fnd(p_v_module => 'get_sponsor_amts',
218              p_v_string => ' Entered Procedure get_sponsor_amts: The input parameters are '||
219                            ' p_v_fee_cal_type     : '  || p_v_fee_cal_type      ||
220                            ' p_n_fee_seq_number   : '  || p_n_fee_seq_number    ||
221                            ' p_v_fund_code        : '  || p_v_fund_code         ||
222                            ' p_v_ld_cal_type      : '  || p_v_ld_cal_type       ||
223                            ' p_n_ld_seq_number    : '  || p_n_ld_seq_number     ||
224                            ' p_v_fee_class        : '  || p_v_fee_class         ||
225                            ' p_n_person_id        : '  || p_n_person_id         ||
226                            ' p_v_course_cd        : '  || p_v_course_cd         ||
227                            ' p_v_unit_cd          : '  || p_v_unit_cd           ||
228                            ' p_n_unit_ver_num     : '  || p_n_unit_ver_num
229              );
230    IF p_v_fee_class IS NULL THEN
231       OPEN cur_get_all_charges(p_n_person_id, p_v_fee_cal_type, p_n_fee_seq_number);
232       FETCH cur_get_all_charges BULK COLLECT INTO l_v_invoice_info;
233       CLOSE cur_get_all_charges;
234    ELSIF p_v_unit_cd IS NOT NULL AND p_n_unit_ver_num IS NOT NULL THEN
235       OPEN cur_get_charges_for_unit(p_n_person_id, p_v_fee_cal_type, p_n_fee_seq_number, p_v_fee_class, p_v_unit_cd, p_n_unit_ver_num);
236       FETCH cur_get_charges_for_unit BULK COLLECT INTO l_v_invoice_info;
237       CLOSE cur_get_charges_for_unit;
238    ELSIF p_v_course_cd IS NOT NULL THEN
239       OPEN cur_get_charges_with_coursecd( p_n_person_id, p_v_fee_cal_type, p_n_fee_seq_number, p_v_fee_class , p_v_course_cd );
240       FETCH cur_get_charges_with_coursecd BULK COLLECT INTO l_v_invoice_info;
241       CLOSE cur_get_charges_with_coursecd;
242    ELSE
243       OPEN cur_get_charges_no_coursecd( p_n_person_id, p_v_fee_cal_type, p_n_fee_seq_number, p_v_fee_class );
244       FETCH cur_get_charges_no_coursecd BULK COLLECT INTO l_v_invoice_info;
245       CLOSE cur_get_charges_no_coursecd;
246    END IF;
248   IF l_v_invoice_info.COUNT = 0 THEN
250     log_to_fnd(p_v_module => 'get_sponsor_amts',
251                p_v_string => 'Both x_new_spnsp_amount, x_eligible_amount  are  0'
252             );
254       x_eligible_amount  := 0;
255       x_new_spnsp_amount := 0;
256       RETURN;
257   END IF;
258   l_n_eligible_spnsp_amt := 0;
259   l_new_spnsp_amount     := 0;
260   FOR l_n_cntr in l_v_invoice_info.FIRST..l_v_invoice_info.LAST
261   LOOP
262      l_n_invoice_amt := l_v_invoice_info(l_n_cntr).invoice_amount;
263      l_n_invoice_id  := l_v_invoice_info(l_n_cntr).invoice_id;
265      log_to_fnd(p_v_module => 'get_sponsor_amts',
266                 p_v_string => 'Context Charge id     : '||l_n_invoice_id ||
267                               'Context Charge Amount : '||l_n_invoice_amt
268                               );
270      l_n_chgadj_amt := 0;
272      FOR  rec_neg_chg_adj IN cur_neg_chg_adj( l_n_invoice_id )
273      LOOP
274          l_n_chgadj_amt := l_n_chgadj_amt + rec_neg_chg_adj.amount_applied;
275      END LOOP;
276      log_to_fnd(p_v_module => 'get_sponsor_amts',
277                 p_v_string => 'Sum of -ve Charge Adj. Credits : ' || l_n_chgadj_amt );
279      l_n_net_invoice_amt :=  l_n_invoice_amt - l_n_chgadj_amt;
280      l_n_wavapp_amt := 0;
282      FOR  rec_waiver_credit IN cur_waiver_credit( l_n_invoice_id , p_v_fee_cal_type, p_n_fee_seq_number)
283      LOOP
284          l_n_wavapp_amt := l_n_wavapp_amt + rec_waiver_credit.amount_applied;
285      END LOOP;
286      log_to_fnd(p_v_module => 'get_sponsor_amts',
287                 p_v_string => 'Sum of Waiver Credits : ' || l_n_wavapp_amt );
288      l_n_spnsp_amt := 0;
290      FOR  rec_sponsor_credit IN cur_sponsor_credit( l_n_invoice_id , p_v_fee_cal_type, p_n_fee_seq_number, p_v_ld_cal_type, p_n_ld_seq_number, p_v_fund_code)
291      LOOP
292            l_n_spnsp_amt := l_n_spnsp_amt + rec_sponsor_credit.amount_applied;
293      END LOOP;
294      log_to_fnd(p_v_module => 'get_sponsor_amts',
295                 p_v_string => 'Sum of Sponsorship Credits : ' || l_n_wavapp_amt );
298    l_new_spnsp_amount     := l_new_spnsp_amount + ( l_n_net_invoice_amt - l_n_wavapp_amt );
300    l_n_eligible_spnsp_amt := l_n_eligible_spnsp_amt + (l_n_net_invoice_amt - l_n_wavapp_amt - l_n_spnsp_amt);
303    END LOOP;
304    log_to_fnd(p_v_module => 'get_sponsor_amts',
305               p_v_string => 'New Sponsorship amount : ' || l_new_spnsp_amount );
307    log_to_fnd(p_v_module => 'get_sponsor_amts',
308               p_v_string => 'Eligible Sponsorship amount : ' || l_n_eligible_spnsp_amt );
310    x_new_spnsp_amount := l_new_spnsp_amount;
311    x_eligible_amount  := l_n_eligible_spnsp_amt;
313 END get_sponsor_amts;
316   FUNCTION check_unit_attempt
317               (p_person_id                IN  igs_pe_person.person_id%TYPE,
318                p_ld_cal_type              IN  igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
319                p_ld_ci_sequence_number    IN  igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
320                p_course_cd                IN  igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,
321                p_course_version_number    IN  igs_ps_ver.version_number%TYPE,
322                p_unit_cd                  IN  igs_ps_unit_ver.unit_cd%TYPE,
323                p_unit_version_number      IN  igs_ps_unit_ver.version_number%TYPE,
324                p_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
325                p_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
327   AS
328   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
329   --Created by  : smanglm ( Oracle IDC)
330   --Date created: 2002/01/11
331   --
332   --Purpose:  Created as part of the build for DLD Sponsorship
333   --          check_unit_attempt: checks whether the student is actively enrolled in
334   --          the given unit or not.
335   --
336   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
337   --
338   --Change History:
339   --Who         When            What
340   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
341     /*
342       cursor to see whether the student is actively enrolled in the unit or not
343     */
344     CURSOR c_enroll (cp_person_id igs_pe_person.person_id%TYPE,
345                      cp_course_cd igs_en_su_attempt.course_cd%TYPE,
346                      cp_unit_cd igs_en_su_attempt.unit_cd%TYPE,
347                      cp_unit_version_number igs_en_su_attempt.version_number%TYPE,
348                      cp_ld_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
349                      cp_ld_ci_sequence_number igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE) IS
350            SELECT 'x'
351            FROM igs_en_su_attempt
352            WHERE person_id = cp_person_id
353            AND   course_cd = cp_course_cd
354            AND   unit_attempt_status IN ('ENROLLED', 'COMPLETED')
355            AND   unit_cd  = cp_unit_cd
356            AND   version_number = cp_unit_version_number
357            AND  (cal_type, ci_sequence_number) IN (SELECT teach_cal_type, teach_ci_sequence_number
358                                                    FROM igs_ca_load_to_teach_v
359                                                    WHERE load_cal_type = cp_ld_cal_type
360                                                    AND   load_ci_sequence_number = cp_ld_ci_sequence_number);
361     l_enroll c_enroll%ROWTYPE;
362   BEGIN
363     /*
364       Check whether the student is actively enrolled in the unit or not.
365       Always unit is attached to a teaching period.
366       So check whether is teaching period falls under the given load calendar.
367     */
368     OPEN c_enroll (p_person_id,
369                    p_course_cd,
370                    p_unit_cd,
371                    p_unit_version_number,
372                    p_ld_cal_type,
373                    p_ld_ci_sequence_number);
374     FETCH c_enroll INTO l_enroll;
375     IF c_enroll%NOTFOUND THEN
376        p_msg_count := NVL(p_msg_count,0) + 1;
377        p_msg_data  := 'IGF_SP_SUA_NOT_ELGB';
378        CLOSE c_enroll;
379        RETURN FALSE;
380     ELSE
381        CLOSE c_enroll;
382        RETURN TRUE;
383     END IF;
385   END check_unit_attempt;
387 PROCEDURE log_to_fnd (
388   p_v_module IN VARCHAR2,
389   p_v_string IN VARCHAR2
390 ) AS
391 ------------------------------------------------------------------
392 --Created by  : svuppala, Oracle IDC
393 --Date created: 16-May-2006
394 --
395 -- Purpose:
396 -- Invoked     : from within API
397 -- Function    : Private procedure for logging all the statement level
398 --               messages
399 -- Parameters  : p_v_module   : IN parameter. Required.
400 --               p_v_string   : IN parameter. Required.
401 --
402 --
403 --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
404 --
405 --Change History:
406 --Who         When            What
407 ------------------------------------------------------------------
410   IF (fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
411     fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_statement, 'igf.plsql.igf_sp_gen_001.'||p_v_module, p_v_string);
412   END IF;
413 END log_to_fnd;
416 END igf_sp_gen_001;