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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 105

      SELECT 'Y'
      INTO   l_exists
      FROM   pa_role_profiles
      WHERE  resource_id IS NULL
             AND NVL(business_group_id, -1) = NVL(l_business_group_id, -1)
             AND NVL(organization_id, -1) = NVL(l_organization_id, -1)
             AND NVL(job_id, -1) = NVL(l_job_id, -1)
             AND NVL(position_id, -1) = NVL(l_position_id, -1)
             AND TRUNC(effective_start_date) BETWEEN TRUNC(p_effective_start_date)
                 AND NVL(TRUNC(p_effective_end_date), TRUNC(effective_start_date))
             AND rownum = 1;
Line: 127

      SELECT 'Y'
      INTO   l_exists
      FROM   pa_role_profiles
      WHERE  resource_id IS NULL
             AND NVL(business_group_id, -1) = NVL(l_business_group_id, -1)
             AND NVL(organization_id, -1) = NVL(l_organization_id, -1)
             AND NVL(job_id, -1) = NVL(l_job_id, -1)
             AND NVL(position_id, -1) = NVL(l_position_id, -1)
             AND TRUNC(p_effective_start_date) BETWEEN TRUNC(effective_start_date)
                 AND NVL(TRUNC(effective_end_date), TRUNC(effective_start_date));
Line: 153

      SELECT profile_id,
      INTO   l_prev_profile_id,
      FROM   pa_role_profiles
      WHERE  effective_start_date = (SELECT max(effective_start_date)
                                     FROM   pa_role_profiles
                                     WHERE  resource_id IS NULL
                                            AND NVL(business_group_id, -1) = NVL(l_business_group_id, -1)
                                            AND NVL(organization_id, -1) = NVL(l_organization_id, -1)
                                            AND NVL(job_id, -1) = NVL(l_job_id, -1)
                                            AND NVL(position_id, -1) = NVL(l_position_id, -1)
                                            AND TRUNC(effective_start_date) < TRUNC(p_effective_start_date)
                                            AND effective_end_date IS NULL)
             AND resource_id IS NULL
             AND NVL(business_group_id, -1) = NVL(l_business_group_id, -1)
             AND NVL(organization_id, -1) = NVL(l_organization_id, -1)
             AND NVL(job_id, -1) = NVL(l_job_id, -1)
             AND NVL(position_id, -1) = NVL(l_position_id, -1);
Line: 175

      UPDATE pa_role_profiles
      SET    effective_end_date = p_effective_start_date - 1
      WHERE  profile_id = l_prev_profile_id;
Line: 186

         ( p_profile_name            =>  p_profile_name,
           p_description             =>  p_description,
           p_effective_start_date    =>  p_effective_start_date,
           p_effective_end_date      =>  p_effective_end_date,
           p_profile_type_code       =>  'ACTUAL',
           p_business_group_id       =>  l_business_group_id,
           p_organization_id         =>  l_organization_id,
           p_job_id                  =>  l_job_id,
           p_position_id             =>  l_position_id,
           x_profile_id              =>  l_profile_id,
           x_return_status           =>  l_return_status);
Line: 200

         ( p_profile_id              =>  l_profile_id,
           p_project_role_id         =>  l_role_id_tbl(i),
           p_role_weighting          =>  p_weighting_tbl(i),
           x_return_status           =>  l_return_status);
Line: 230

PROCEDURE Update_Default_Profile
( p_profile_id             IN  NUMBER,
  p_business_group_id      IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
  p_business_group_name    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
  p_organization_id        IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
  p_organization_name      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
  p_job_id                 IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
  p_job_name               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
  p_position_id            IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
  p_position_name          IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
  p_profile_name           IN  VARCHAR2,
  p_description            IN  VARCHAR2,
  p_effective_start_date   IN  DATE,
  p_effective_end_date     IN  DATE DEFAULT NULL,
  p_role_id_tbl            IN  SYSTEM.PA_NUM_TBL_TYPE,
  p_role_name_tbl          IN  SYSTEM.PA_VARCHAR2_80_TBL_TYPE,
  p_weighting_tbl          IN  SYSTEM.PA_NUM_TBL_TYPE,
  x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
  x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
  x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895

  l_business_group_id      NUMBER;
Line: 266

Line: 326

      SELECT 'Y'
      INTO   l_exists
      FROM   pa_role_profiles
      WHERE  resource_id IS NULL
             AND NVL(business_group_id, -1) = NVL(l_business_group_id, -1)
             AND NVL(organization_id, -1) = NVL(l_organization_id, -1)
             AND NVL(job_id, -1) = NVL(l_job_id, -1)
             AND NVL(position_id, -1) = NVL(l_position_id, -1)
             AND TRUNC(effective_start_date) BETWEEN TRUNC(p_effective_start_date)
                 AND NVL(TRUNC(p_effective_end_date), TRUNC(effective_start_date))
             AND profile_id <> p_profile_id
             AND rownum = 1;
Line: 349

      SELECT 'Y'
      INTO   l_exists
      FROM   pa_role_profiles
      WHERE  resource_id IS NULL
             AND NVL(business_group_id, -1) = NVL(l_business_group_id, -1)
             AND NVL(organization_id, -1) = NVL(l_organization_id, -1)
             AND NVL(job_id, -1) = NVL(l_job_id, -1)
             AND NVL(position_id, -1) = NVL(l_position_id, -1)
             AND TRUNC(p_effective_start_date) BETWEEN TRUNC(effective_start_date)
                 AND NVL(TRUNC(effective_end_date), TRUNC(effective_start_date))
             AND profile_id <> p_profile_id;
Line: 375

      SELECT profile_id,
      INTO   l_prev_profile_id,
      FROM   pa_role_profiles
      WHERE  effective_start_date = (SELECT max(effective_start_date)
                                     FROM   pa_role_profiles
                                     WHERE  resource_id IS NULL
                                            AND NVL(business_group_id, -1) = NVL(l_business_group_id, -1)
                                            AND NVL(organization_id, -1) = NVL(l_organization_id, -1)
                                            AND NVL(job_id, -1) = NVL(l_job_id, -1)
                                            AND NVL(position_id, -1) = NVL(l_position_id, -1)
                                            AND TRUNC(effective_start_date) < TRUNC(p_effective_start_date)
                                            AND effective_end_date IS NULL
                                            AND profile_id <> p_profile_id)
             AND resource_id IS NULL
             AND NVL(business_group_id, -1) = NVL(l_business_group_id, -1)
             AND NVL(organization_id, -1) = NVL(l_organization_id, -1)
             AND NVL(job_id, -1) = NVL(l_job_id, -1)
             AND NVL(position_id, -1) = NVL(l_position_id, -1)
             AND profile_id <> p_profile_id;
Line: 399

      UPDATE pa_role_profiles
      SET    effective_end_date = p_effective_start_date - 1
      WHERE  profile_id = l_prev_profile_id;
Line: 411

     ( p_profile_id              =>  p_profile_id,
       p_profile_name            =>  p_profile_name,
       p_description             =>  p_description,
       p_effective_start_date    =>  p_effective_start_date,
       p_effective_end_date      =>  p_effective_end_date,
       p_business_group_id       =>  l_business_group_id,
       p_organization_id         =>  l_organization_id,
       p_job_id                  =>  l_job_id,
       p_position_id             =>  l_position_id,
       x_return_status           =>  l_return_status);
Line: 424

   DELETE FROM pa_role_profile_lines
   WHERE profile_id = p_profile_id;
Line: 429

         ( p_profile_id              =>  p_profile_id,
           p_project_role_id         =>  l_role_id_tbl(i),
           p_role_weighting          =>  p_weighting_tbl(i),
           x_return_status           =>  l_return_status);
Line: 451

END Update_Default_Profile;
Line: 453

PROCEDURE Delete_Profile
( p_profile_id             IN  NUMBER,
  x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
  x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
  x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS  --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895

  l_enable_log varchar2(1) := NVL(FND_PROFILE.value('PA_DEBUG_MODE'), 'N');
Line: 466

  DELETE FROM pa_role_profiles
  WHERE profile_id = p_profile_id;
Line: 469

  DELETE FROM pa_role_profile_lines
  WHERE profile_id = p_profile_id;
Line: 475

End Delete_Profile;
Line: 512

      SELECT (decode(position_id, null, 0, 4)
             + decode(job_id, null, 0, 3)
             + decode(organization_id, null, 0, 2)
             + decode(business_group_id, null, 0, 1)) AS weight,
      FROM   pa_role_profiles
      WHERE  resource_id IS NULL
      AND    NVL(position_id,l_position_id)             = l_position_id
      AND    NVL(job_id, l_job_id)                      = l_job_id
      AND    NVL(organization_id,l_organization_id)     = l_organization_id
      AND    NVL(business_group_id,l_business_group_id) = l_business_group_id
      AND    TRUNC(p_resource_start_date) BETWEEN TRUNC(effective_start_date)
             AND NVL(TRUNC(effective_end_date), TRUNC(p_resource_start_date));
Line: 544

     SELECT profile_name,
     INTO   l_profile_name,
     FROM   pa_role_profiles
     WHERE  profile_id = l_profile_id;
Line: 568

           ( p_profile_name            =>  l_profile_name,
             p_description             =>  l_description,
             p_effective_start_date    =>  p_resource_start_date,
             p_effective_end_date      =>  l_end_date,
             p_profile_type_code       =>  'ACTUAL',
             p_approval_status_code    =>  PA_ASSIGNMENT_APPROVAL_PUB.g_approved,
             p_resource_id             =>  p_resource_id,
             x_profile_id              =>  l_res_profile_id,
             x_return_status           =>  l_return_status);
Line: 579

     SELECT project_role_id,
     BULK COLLECT INTO l_role_id_tbl,
     FROM   pa_role_profile_lines
     WHERE  profile_id = l_profile_id;
Line: 587

           ( p_profile_id              =>  l_res_profile_id,
             p_project_role_id         =>  l_role_id_tbl(i),
             p_role_weighting          =>  l_weighting_tbl(i),
             x_return_status           =>  l_return_status);