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APPS.AME_ITC_INS dependencies on AME_ITC_SHD

Line 80: (p_rec in out nocopy ame_itc_shd.g_rec_type

76: --
77: -- {End Of Comments}
78: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
79: Procedure dt_insert_dml
80: (p_rec in out nocopy ame_itc_shd.g_rec_type
81: ,p_effective_date in date
82: ,p_datetrack_mode in varchar2
83: ,p_validation_start_date in date
84: ,p_validation_end_date in date

Line 92: and t.start_date = ame_itc_shd.g_old_rec.start_date

88: Cursor C_Sel1 Is
89: select t.creation_date
90: from ame_item_classes t
91: where t.item_class_id = p_rec.item_class_id
92: and t.start_date = ame_itc_shd.g_old_rec.start_date
93: and t.end_date = p_validation_start_date;
94: --
95: Cursor C_Sel2 Is
96: select created_by

Line 130: ame_itc_shd.get_object_version_number

126: --
127: -- Get the object version number for the insert
128: --
129: p_rec.object_version_number :=
130: ame_itc_shd.get_object_version_number
131: (p_item_class_id => p_rec.item_class_id
132: );
133: --
134: -- Select the 'old' created values

Line 216: ame_itc_shd.constraint_error

212: Exception
213: When hr_api.check_integrity_violated Then
214: -- A check constraint has been violated
215: --
216: ame_itc_shd.constraint_error
217: (p_constraint_name => hr_api.strip_constraint_name(SQLERRM));
218: When hr_api.unique_integrity_violated Then
219: -- Unique integrity has been violated
220: --

Line 221: ame_itc_shd.constraint_error

217: (p_constraint_name => hr_api.strip_constraint_name(SQLERRM));
218: When hr_api.unique_integrity_violated Then
219: -- Unique integrity has been violated
220: --
221: ame_itc_shd.constraint_error
222: (p_constraint_name => hr_api.strip_constraint_name(SQLERRM));
223: When Others Then
224: --
225: Raise;

Line 232: (p_rec in out nocopy ame_itc_shd.g_rec_type

228: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
229: -- |------------------------------< insert_dml >------------------------------|
230: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
231: Procedure insert_dml
232: (p_rec in out nocopy ame_itc_shd.g_rec_type
233: ,p_effective_date in date
234: ,p_datetrack_mode in varchar2
235: ,p_validation_start_date in date
236: ,p_validation_end_date in date

Line 295: (p_rec in out nocopy ame_itc_shd.g_rec_type

291: --
292: -- {End Of Comments}
293: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
294: Procedure pre_insert
295: (p_rec in out nocopy ame_itc_shd.g_rec_type
296: ,p_effective_date in date
297: ,p_datetrack_mode in varchar2
298: ,p_validation_start_date in date
299: ,p_validation_end_date in date

Line 391: (p_rec in ame_itc_shd.g_rec_type

387: --
388: -- {End Of Comments}
389: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
390: Procedure post_insert
391: (p_rec in ame_itc_shd.g_rec_type
392: ,p_effective_date in date
393: ,p_datetrack_mode in varchar2
394: ,p_validation_start_date in date
395: ,p_validation_end_date in date

Line 467: ,p_rec in ame_itc_shd.g_rec_type

463: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
464: Procedure ins_lck
465: (p_effective_date in date
466: ,p_datetrack_mode in varchar2
467: ,p_rec in ame_itc_shd.g_rec_type
468: ,p_validation_start_date out nocopy date
469: ,p_validation_end_date out nocopy date
470: ) is
471: --

Line 497: ,p_rec in out nocopy ame_itc_shd.g_rec_type

493: -- |---------------------------------< ins >----------------------------------|
494: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
495: Procedure ins
496: (p_effective_date in date
497: ,p_rec in out nocopy ame_itc_shd.g_rec_type
498: ) is
499: --
500: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'ins';
501: l_datetrack_mode varchar2(30) := hr_api.g_insert;

Line 579: l_rec ame_itc_shd.g_rec_type;

575: ,p_start_date out nocopy date
576: ,p_end_date out nocopy date
577: ) is
578: --
579: l_rec ame_itc_shd.g_rec_type;
580: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'ins';
581: --
582: Begin
583: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);

Line 589: ame_itc_shd.convert_args

585: -- Call conversion function to turn arguments into the
586: -- p_rec structure.
587: --
588: l_rec :=
589: ame_itc_shd.convert_args
590: (null
591: ,p_name
592: ,null
593: ,null