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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

  INTO l_activity_status_code
  FROM wf_item_activity_statuses wias, wf_process_activities wpa
  WHERE wias.item_type = 'OEOL' AND
        wias.item_key  = to_char(p_line_id) AND
	   wias.process_activity = wpa.instance_id AND
        wpa.activity_name = 'INVENTORY_INTERFACE_ELIGIBLE' AND
	   wias.activity_status = 'NOTIFIED';
Line: 73

      SELECT H.org_id, H.header_id, L.line_id
      FROM   oe_order_headers H, oe_order_lines_all L
          H.org_id = NVL(p_org_id, H.org_id)
      AND H.header_id = L.header_id
      AND H.order_number >= NVL(p_order_number_low, H.order_number)
      AND H.order_number <= NVL(p_order_number_high, H.order_number)
      AND H.order_type_id = NVL(p_order_type, H.order_type_id)
      AND nvl(H.sold_to_org_id, -1) = NVL(p_customer, nvl(H.sold_to_org_id, -1))
      AND nvl(H.request_date, sysdate) >= NVL(p_request_date_low, nvl(H.request_date, sysdate))
      AND nvl(H.request_date, sysdate) <= NVL(p_request_date_high, nvl(H.request_date, sysdate))
      AND NVL(H.cust_po_number,-1) = NVL(p_customer_po_number, NVL(H.cust_po_number,-1))
      AND H.open_flag = 'Y'
      AND L.inventory_item_id = NVL(p_item, L.inventory_item_id)
      AND NVL(L.ship_from_org_id, -1) = NVL(p_ship_from_org_id, NVL(L.ship_from_org_id, -1))
      AND L.open_flag = 'Y'
      ORDER BY H.org_id, H.header_id ;
Line: 93

         SELECT line_id, org_id
         FROM oe_order_lines_all
         WHERE header_id = p_header_id
	    AND inventory_item_id = NVL(p_item, inventory_item_id)
	    AND NVL(ship_from_org_id, -1) = NVL(p_ship_from_org_id, NVL(ship_from_org_id, -1))
	    AND open_flag = 'Y';