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Line 163: ,hr_lookups cpe_lkp

159: FROM ota_certifications_b crt
160: ,ota_certifications_tl ctl
161: ,ota_cert_enrollments cre
162: ,ota_cert_prd_enrollments cpe
163: ,hr_lookups cpe_lkp
164: WHERE cre.person_id BETWEEN nvl(p_start_person_id, cre.person_id)
165: AND nvl(p_end_person_id, cre.person_id)
166: AND crt.certification_id = cre.certification_id
167: AND cre.cert_enrollment_id = cpe.cert_enrollment_id(+)

Line 247: ,hr_lookups cpe_lkp

243: FROM ota_certifications_b crt
244: ,ota_certifications_tl ctl
245: ,ota_cert_enrollments cre
246: ,ota_cert_prd_enrollments cpe
247: ,hr_lookups cpe_lkp
248: WHERE
249: nvl(p_person_id, cre.person_id) = cre.person_id
250: AND cre.person_id BETWEEN nvl(p_start_person_id, cre.person_id)
251: AND nvl(p_end_person_id, cre.person_id)

Line 346: ,hr_lookups cpe_lkp

342: FROM ota_certifications_b crt
343: ,ota_certifications_tl ctl
344: ,ota_cert_enrollments cre
345: ,ota_cert_prd_enrollments cpe
346: ,hr_lookups cpe_lkp
347: WHERE ((p_person_id IS NULL) OR (p_person_id IS NOT NULL AND cre.person_id = p_person_id))
348: AND ((p_certification_id IS NULL) OR (cre.certification_id = p_certification_id))
349: AND crt.certification_id = cre.certification_id
350: AND cre.cert_enrollment_id = cpe.cert_enrollment_id(+)

Line 449: , hr_lookups crt_lkp

445: , cpe.cert_prd_enrollment_id cert_prd_enrollment_id
446: , cre.completion_date cre_completion_date
447: FROM ota_cert_enrollments cre
448: , ota_cert_prd_enrollments cpe
449: , hr_lookups crt_lkp
450: , hr_lookups cpe_lkp
451: WHERE cre.cert_enrollment_id = cpe.cert_enrollment_id (+)
452: AND crt_lkp.lookup_code = cre.certification_status_code
453: AND crt_lkp.lookup_type = 'OTA_CERT_ENROLL_STATUS'

Line 450: , hr_lookups cpe_lkp

446: , cre.completion_date cre_completion_date
447: FROM ota_cert_enrollments cre
448: , ota_cert_prd_enrollments cpe
449: , hr_lookups crt_lkp
450: , hr_lookups cpe_lkp
451: WHERE cre.cert_enrollment_id = cpe.cert_enrollment_id (+)
452: AND crt_lkp.lookup_code = cre.certification_status_code
453: AND crt_lkp.lookup_type = 'OTA_CERT_ENROLL_STATUS'
454: AND cpe_lkp.lookup_code (+) = cpe.period_status_code

Line 592: hr_lookups lkp

588: ota_cert_prd_enrollments cpe,
589: ota_cert_mbr_enrollments cme,
590: ota_certification_members cmb,
591: ota_activity_versions_vl tav,
592: hr_lookups lkp
593: where tav.activity_version_id = cmb.object_id
594: and cmb.object_type = 'H'
595: and cmb.certification_member_id = cme.cert_member_id
596: and lkp.lookup_code = cme.member_status_code