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Line 548: FROM pa_transaction_interface_all xface

544: AND Paydist1.invoice_distribution_id = g_xface_rec.invoice_distribution_id
545: and Paydist2.invoice_distribution_id = g_xface_rec.invoice_distribution_id
546: AND ( paydist1.pa_addition_flag = 'Y' OR --interfaced payments
547: PayDIST1.invoice_payment_id IN ( SELECT xface.cdl_system_reference4 -- Payments marked for interface in current run
548: FROM pa_transaction_interface_all xface
549: WHERE xface.transaction_source = G_txn_source
550: and xface.cdl_system_reference2 = g_xface_rec.invoice_id
551: and xface.cdl_system_reference5 = g_xface_rec.invoice_distribution_id
552: and xface.cdl_system_reference4 is not NULL

Line 972: --Loop for all pa_transaction_interface_all records having same invoice_id,

968: l_adj_ei_populated := 'Y' ;
969: END IF;
971: --REL12 : AP lines uptake enhancement :
972: --Loop for all pa_transaction_interface_all records having same invoice_id,
973: --invoice distribution id and Invoice payment id
975: FOR i in t_txn_interface_id.FIRST..t_txn_interface_id.LAST LOOP --REL12 :Ap lines Uptake enhancement

Line 2347: from pa_transaction_interface_all txn, gms_bc_packets gbc

2343: v_cdl_line_num tab_line_num;
2345: cursor get_xface_exp is
2346: select gbc.rowid, txn.expenditure_item_id
2347: from pa_transaction_interface_all txn, gms_bc_packets gbc
2348: where gbc.request_id = p_request_id
2349: and txn.txn_interface_id = gbc.document_header_id
2350: and nvl(txn.transaction_status_code, 'Z') <> 'R'
2351: and gbc.status_code = 'P'

Line 3094: from pa_transaction_interface_all xface,

3091: cursor get_failed_txns is
3092: select distinct gbp.packet_id,
3093: xface.transaction_rejection_code
3094: from pa_transaction_interface_all xface,
3095: gms_bc_packets gbp
3096: where to_number(gbp.gl_bc_packets_rowid) = xface.txn_interface_id
3097: and gbp.request_id = p_request_id
3098: and gbp.parent_bc_packet_id is null

Line 3199: pa_transaction_interface_all trx

3195: SET adl.payment_status_flag = 'Y'
3196: WHERE (adl.invoice_id ,adl.invoice_distribution_id) IN
3197: (SELECT trx.cdl_system_reference2,trx.cdl_system_reference5
3198: FROM gms_bc_packets pkt,
3199: pa_transaction_interface_all trx
3200: WHERE pkt.request_id = p_request_id
3201: AND pkt.txn_interface_id = trx.txn_interface_id
3202: AND substr(nvl(pkt.result_code, 'P65'), 1, 1) = 'P'
3203: AND pkt.status_code = 'P'

Line 3345: from pa_transaction_interface_all txn,

3341: v_userid,
3342: v_userid,
3343: v_date,
3344: v_login
3345: from pa_transaction_interface_all txn,
3346: pa_expenditure_items_all ei,
3347: pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl,
3348: ap_invoice_distributions_all apd,
3349: gms_award_distributions adl